Baby clothes are no longer inherited for rent |Zen |THE WORLD

Baby clothes are no longer inherited for rent |Zen |THE WORLD

La danesa Vigga Svensson conciencia sobre el ahorro familiar y también de recursos del modelo. Una prenda puede tener entre cinco y siete vidasLa ropa de bebé ya no se hereda se alquila | Zen | EL MUNDO La ropa de bebé ya no se hereda se alquila | Zen | EL MUNDO

Can you imagine that your baby's clothes grew with him?Not only would it be considerable savings, it would also help the planet.That is the idea of the Danish Start-up, launched in 2015. The procedure is simple: paying a month between 259 and 449 crowns (approximately 35 and 60 euros), receive 10 to 24 garments for their baby.When they are small, it returns them and sends a larger size.The withdrawal garments go to the dry cleaners;and from there they are subjected to quality control to be sent to the next client.

Vigga Svensson launched this project with her husband Peter, realizing that "we had understood everything wrong," he acknowledges.In 2003 Vigga left her career as a television presenter to create an ecological children's fashion firm, Katvig."I had no idea about the industry where I had just put me. But I soon discovered that the glamorous fashion industry had a dark face, where the lack of workers' rights, tons of harmful chemicals and the exploitation of scarce resources wereThe rules rather than exceptions, "he collects in a post.

He tried to remedy it with Katvig and his sustainable garments.Until she had an "epiphany on Facebook," she continues.When asking their clients how many clothes their children had and how many times they used it, in the case of the answers, that as ecological that their garments were contributing to a disastrous consumption model, the same one that largely supports itThat industry that criticized.

Circular economy

And so, in January 2015 they launched the solution that allows family savings but also avoids the mass expenditure of resources.Vigga offers quality organic garments - and impeccable Scandinavian design - through the circular economy model.This, explains the Swedish expert Anna Brismar of the consultant The Green Strategy, "implies designing products that last as possible and, from a business point of view, also offer services that encourage prolonged consumption."

La ropa de bebé ya no se hereda se alquila | Zen | EL MUNDO

The objective is to promote "a recycling society in order to reduce waste production and use them as resources," adds the circular economy foundation.Since, it continues, "the linear system of our economy (extraction, manufacturing, use and elimination) has reached its limits. It begins to glimpse, in effect, the exhaustion of a series of natural resources and fossil fuels. ThereforeSo much, the circular economy proposes a new model of society that uses and optimizes the stocks and flows of materials, energy and waste and its objective is the efficiency of the use of resources. "

New consumption habit

Until not long ago it was common for children's clothes to be inherited, the future is however to rent it, as Vigga and Peter Svensson propose.If this point has been reached, it is because the so -called Fast Fashion has not only democratized fashion, it has also modified our consumption habits: when buying a garment almost for the same price as a gum, we mislead that we could give off from it in the same way.Its business model is promoted in an atmosphere of fierce competition, rapid production, consumption and waste cycles, in addition to low costs.According to climate change, this situation is unsustainable.

Hence the relevance of projects such as Vigga.US, which has received several awards.With 3,000 clients, to date more than 100,000 garments have circulated, and the results show that a garment can have five to seven lives.With this alternative consumption model, 7.5 million liters of water have been saved and their CO2 emissions have reduced in seven tons, since according to environmental analysts consulted by the company, the rental of garments instead of its purchase represents 90% lessWater consumption, 72% cotton consumption and 53% less carbon emissions.

Vigga also offers the same service with pre-mama clothes, because "the bellies grow and clothing," they explain with a sense of humor.At the moment it is only available in Denmark, but there are other countries with similar businesses.In the United States, Plum was launched and in Belgium there is tale with the same philosophy.

In Spain ... Bugaboo grows with her baby

Bugabuggy is the first company specialized in renting babies carts in our country.Based in Cádiz, it is perfect for those who veraneIt implies a baby.In the rest of Spain, they offer a stroller rental service that also grows with the newborn.Thus, the capture can be changed to the chair while the rental contract lasts.It is delivered at home, the rent is paid monthly and when the stroller is returned without damage the bond is recovered.
