How should a baby sleep?Position and tips to keep it safe

How should a baby sleep?Position and tips to keep it safe


This is how babies should sleep: Bocarriba, on a firm surface, without clothing too much and alone, without stuffed animals or large blankets.

Luz Carmen Meraz/ Baby Creysi | 23 septiembre, 2021 | Tiempo de lectura: 6 min
Foto: Alicia/ Pexels

This is how babies should sleep: Bocarriba, on a firm surface, without clothing too much and alone, without stuffed animals or large blankets.

Luz Carmen Meraz/ Baby Creysi | 23 septiembre, 2021 | Tiempo de lectura: 6 min

Many moms make the mistake of placing things in our baby's cradle when he goes to sleep: blankets, pillows, crib protectors, comforting, teddy dolls ... but doctors' recommendations are contrary to a cradle full of items, it is notGood idea to bed them gap, as our grandmother did.How should our children be sleeping, what is the safest position for them?

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The safest position to sleep a baby

The writer and Mom, Emily Oster, with whom we talked about her book to raise without myths, explains that when we were children it was commonso small and cribs are not comfortable.The idea of a tiny baby lying on a giant cradle scares a little ”.Until the beginning of the 1990s, the most common position for sleeping babies was gap, the most likely reason is that "they don't wake up so much".However, since the 1970s there were indications that sleeping gap is related to the most risk of the baby's premature death syndrome, also called the cradle death.

With the passage of time and very forceful investigations that endorsed the danger of sleeping gap, the academies of pediatrics worldwide, issued different recommendations.In the guide, safe sleep for the baby, of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Nichd), it is explained that babies sleep more safe Bocarriba.

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“The Bocarriba position is the safest position for all babies until they are one year old and must be placed in that position as soon as possible after their birth.Babies that sleep Bocarriba are much less likely to die because of the baby's sudden death syndrome than those who sleep button or side.It is recommended that they sleep like this during the naps and at night, ”says the document.It is even pointed out that babies who are accustomed to sleeping if they are then placed with a siesta, run a very high risk.Should the baby rearrange if it changes position?According to the guide, “if the baby while sleep.Putting it to sleep Bocarriba when bedtime is the most important thing to reduce the risk of the baby's sudden death syndrome ”.

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The best place to sleep it

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The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) agrees that newborns should sleep alone, in a crib or Moses, and Bocarriba.“The AAP guides say that within the crib with the baby there must be nothing.No protectors should be used, that is, pads around the crib to prevent their hands or feet from getting stuck, ”explains Emily Oster.Oster recommends that newborns sleep in the parents' bedroom, but in their own cradle or Moses, not in bed with them."These recommendations are designed to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome".For its part, the Nichd guide also refers not to put things where the baby sleeps: “By putting your baby to sleep, use a firm and flat surface, like a mattress in a crib, Moses, portable cradle orCorralito, covered with an adjustable sheet.Do not include other type of bedding or padded objects in the place of sleeping ”.

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Lugares que NO son recomendables

The Nichd also indicates certain places that we should never use our baby to sleep.For example:

  1. Nunca coloques al bebé para que duerma sobre superficies blandas o acolchonadas, como en un sillón, un sofá, un colchón de agua, una almohada, un edredón, una piel de borrego o una cobija. Estas superficies pueden ser muy peligrosas para los bebés.
  2. No pongas a tu bebé a dormir regularmente en un asiento para automóvil, una carriola o silla de paseo, un columpio, un porta bebé, un cargador de tela, como un fular o rebozo, ni productos similares.
  3. El bebé no debe dormir en una cama para adultos, en un sillón o en una silla solo, contigo o con cualquier otra persona, incluidos hermanos o mascotas. Compartir la habitación reduce el riesgo del síndrome de muerte súbita del bebé.
  4. Si llevas al bebé a una cama para adultos para alimentarlo o calmarlo, quita todos los artículos blandos o acolchonados y cobijas o cobertores. Cuando haya terminado, regresa al bebé al lugar donde duerme solo, como una cuna, un corralito o un moisés, y cerca de tu cama.
  5. Los sillones y sofás son muy peligrosos para los bebés, si los adultos se duermen mientras alimentan, calman o cargan al bebé en ellos. Los padres y otros cuidadores deben ser conscientes de lo cansados que están durante estos momentos. No hay evidencia a favor o en contra de los dispositivos o productos que afirman que compartir la cama es “más seguro”.
  6. No pongas objetos acolchonados, juguetes, protectores para cunas ni cobijas o cobertores de cama sueltos o debajo del bebé, sobre el bebé o en cualquier lugar donde duerme el bebé.
  7. Ponle a tu bebé ropa de dormir, como un saco de dormir, diseñado para mantenerlo calientito sin necesidad de arroparlo con cobijas sueltas. Vístelo adecuadamente para la temperatura ambiente y no demasiado abrigado. Los padres y cuidadores deben vigilar los signos de sobrecalentamiento, como sudoración o sensación caliente del pecho del bebé al tacto. Mantén la cara y la cabeza del bebé descubiertas mientras duerme.
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No caigas en la tentación

For Emily Oster, although the recommendations of the AAP and other institutions are very easy to understand, it may be difficult to follow them, particularly in the exhausting confusion experienced by the new parents.“Many newborns sleep better gap and it is too tempting to let them sleep so as long as nothing else works.It can also be tempting to let him sleep in bed or armchair, especially while breastfeeding it, but you have to carefully think about risks, ”concludes the author.

This article was originally published in Baby Creysi.Consult it here.

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