How to achieve an exercise routine (and not die trying)

How to achieve an exercise routine (and not die trying)

Doing exercises and being happy with them is a talent that not all of us have, not all of us can acquire it and it doesn't always work out for us. I am an example of excessive sedentary lifestyle: since time immemorial, I have avoided physical exertion at all costs. I would rather get a 1.0 than run twelve hundred laps around the field; I made up that I had my period whenever I could. The result, obviously, is not healthy: I can't buy clothes from the retailer (although no one knows if those sizes are healthy, but that's another matter), and I get tired from everything, in addition to the dreaded health problems associated with a sedentary life. .How to get into a workout (and not die trying) How to get into a workout (and not die trying)

The pandemic and motherhood increased my sedentary lifestyle to alarming levels, so I decided to take action on the matter. But, as I already told you, exercise is not my thing and it has been very difficult for me to get started. Because starting is the most difficult, maintaining it... too. Following several influencers, I realized that what ails me is something that happens to everyone and, with great stupidity, I believe that my experience can help others to achieve the long-awaited exercise routine. I proceed to enumerate:

  1. “Do it from love”

A cliché that many must have seen on social networks, but it is true; When you think “aaaahhh, I have to work out to burn off the chocolate I ate” or “I have to work out to be beautiful”, it's hard to start, because it's very frustrating how slow it is to see results, especially when you're starting out. I managed to start my routine when I began to love my fat body and assume that, whatever I do, I will never be a size S sylph (maybe not even L).

  1. Make it entertaining
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Finding your favorite exercise, the one that makes you want to do, is also a matter. There are millions of videos on YouTube of people doing Zumba, if dancing is your thing, go for it (those videos made me cry). Going for a bike ride or doing it at home, yoga, Pilates and a great many other possibilities. You know what stresses you out the least or, there's no rush, you can try what you feel most comfortable with. I chose to walk; I have a playlist of songs that I lip-sync and lousy choreography to distract myself from the pain in my legs and how hard it is for me to breathe. If music isn't your thing, Netflix has all 16 seasons of "Grey's Anatomy"; more than 400 chapters of 45 minutes each (great for an exercise routine), waiting to be seen while you move your body.

  1. What you can afford.

How to achieve an exercise routine (and not die trying)

Finding the machine that helps you is also important: treadmill, treadmill, stationary bike, weights and so many things that exist now. Zoom classes if you can afford or, as I mentioned, search for videos on YouTube. Buying a machine is a matter, for space and for money; I bought a treadmill, the cheapest I could find, that could fold (because a small apartment) and that won't cost a million dollars (because poor). I found it on a page that sells things on TV. My partner, who is a gamer, bought the Nintendo Switch, which has a game called “Ring fit Adventure”, which turned out to be great and, well, it gave it other uses as well.

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  1. The Workout Clothes

I recommend investing in this item: as a person who worked out in old clothes, pajamas and sportswear, I can say with knowledge of the facts, name-brand workout clothes are by far the most comfortable way to work out. Not for nothing do they invest so much in SCIENCE to make your experience a better one. The right shoes can prevent injuries for amateurs like one, leggings that don't break when my huge thighs rub, t-shirts that keep me cool despite the sweat… no, it really is a pleasure. Also, passing the information, sportswear is one of the few that have really large and comfortable sizes. The brand that with three stripes has a pretty good outlet.

  1. Give yourself rewards or small goals.

I'm sure many won't share this technique of mine, but if I don't exercise, I DON'T SHOWER. That wave. With that, I partly force myself to exercise every day, because if not… well, you know. So also I can not spend more than a day without moving. And now, for those who cannot live without bathing, prizes can be given: if there is delicious food in your house on Friday, you can think "I can eat what I want if I exercise at least 3 times this week" and so on those pieces of pizza They will be a reward for the effort. Well I always think about food, you can see what works best for you.

  1. The most important thing, especially for those of us who are mothers: TIME

The second most difficult thing, by far and because even if we don't want to, it doesn't depend much on us . Between work, home and parenting, it's hard to find a time slot where you CAN dedicate time to exercise... especially since when we're idle, what we want most is to rest. In my case, the moment my day ends is when the puppy falls asleep; when he's awake, it's impossible, especially since the two of us are alone for much of the day. The best time is then when he is asleep. I tried to get up BEFORE him, but between dying of sleep and him also waking up, it never happened. So, I put the cherub to sleep in my exercise suit and he barely falls asleep, poof! To my treadmill. Then I bathe, go to bed, watch TV and sleep great. You can also invite your children to exercise with you; everything depends on the reality of each one.

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Ending my stupidity, my last advice: do what you can and when you can. Nothing happens if time passes and you stop exercising; modern life is demanding enough that, in addition, you demand more from yourself than you can give. Unfortunately, it's hard to make exercise a priority, because it usually means giving up doing something else. So, if suddenly a lot of time has passed, start over and you're done. Slow down again, start slowly, 3 times a week, then 5, then 7, go back to 0 and bye, all is well. The important thing is that you manage to come back and, hopefully sometime, you manage to sustain it over time.

Gabriela Carreno Z.

Screenwriter and mom

*Illustrations are from

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