Are you looking for a baby gift?We have the answer

Are you looking for a baby gift?We have the answer

Estilo de vida
Elu es la marca de ropa de bebés que nos tiene enamoradas a muchas tías, mamás y abuelas. ¿La razón? La calidad del algodón con la que cada pieza está hecha. ¡Conócelas!
martes 09 marzo 2021
Paulina Kohn

Hay algo muy especial en regalar ropa de bebé. La mayoría conocemos ese sentimiento…tu hermana, amiga o prima te anuncia la feliz noticia: está embaraza y a partir de ese momento no hay vuelta atrás. Cada vez que vemos unos zapatitos, un mameluco o un conjunto de ropa miniatura sabemos que parte de nuestros ahorros estarán destinados a ese bebé. La emoción crece cuando recibimos una foto de ese ser especial vestido con el regalo que le dimos a su mamá tiempo atrás. Eso sí, algo hemos aprendido (y lo decimos por experiencia): encontrar ropa de bebé bonita y de buena calidad no es tan sencillo como parece. En nuestra búsqueda de marcas descubrimos una que nos encantó, ¿su nombre? Elu. Te contamos sobre la marca de ropa debebésque ha enamorado a decenas de mamás.¿Buscas un regalo para bebé? Tenemos la respuesta


It all started when, a few years ago, looking for baby clothes for newborn for their nephews, Margarita Revesz and María Luisa Tagle realized that there was no quality clothes in Mexico as in other countries. Volaron a Portugal, un lugar conocido por tener los mejores algodones del mundo y por lo tanto, lo mejor en confección en prendas de algodón, no por nada a los portugueses se les conoce como “los artesanos del algodón”.It was at that time that they decided to bring baby clothes from Portugal.Over time, they visited fairs in Spain and added to their "menu" Spanish baby clothes, after all, by tradition, the Spaniards are recognized for having the best designs in child clothes.The slats, lace, fabric quality and details are distinguished in each piece of elu.

¿Buscas un regalo para bebé? Tenemos la respuesta

¿Buscas un regalo para bebé? Tenemos la respuesta

¿Qué puedes encontrar en Elu?

¿Buscas un regalo para bebé? Tenemos la respuesta

Elu specializes in clothing from 0 months to 2 years old for two reasons.The first because at that time is when grandmothers and moms choose babies' clothes, then it is the children who choose how to dress.Another reason is because it is the time when babies receive more gifts and it is elu where they can turn to find the best options.Bodies, Mamlucos, sets, dresses, sweaters, jackets, winter pajamas or summer, underwear, knitted costumes, both in internet supagina as in its social networks, you will find a wide variety of models.The best?They also have point blankets in design, colors and sizes to wrap the baby, towels that guarantee their drying and sheets with soft textures for skin contact.


¿Por qué "Elu"?

Elu means elephant in Portuguese and the figure of this animal represents a maternal figure and quality, something that Margarita (the brand's social networks) and Luisa (in charge of imports and administrative part of the business) seeks to transmit.In Elu, the care of the baby is of the utmost importance, that is the attention that they put to the quality of cotton of their clothes: “cotton is a natural fiber, generation after generation, is the material that is recommended for babies,Our clothes are made 100 percent cotton, something that makes the baby's skin not irritate and the garment lasts much more, ”Margarita tells us.

If you are interested in giving a very special gift, we recommend you visit your social networks@elu.MXY MAKE YOUR ORDER, THERE YOU WILL FIND THE MODELS OF YOUR WINTER AND SUMMER COLLECTION.You can also buy through your website giving click visit your showroom.






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