Ten signs warning of a toxic friendship tips for safe sunbathing insect repellents: how to use them correctly how to dry clothes inside home without worrying about moisture

Ten signs warning of a toxic friendship tips for safe sunbathing insect repellents: how to use them correctly how to dry clothes inside home without worrying about moisture

La toxicidad en una relación no solo se observa en las parejas románticas, sino en otros ámbitos, entre ellos la amistad. Estas son diez señales que te advierten de ello:Diez signos que advierten de una amistad tóxica Consejos para tomar sol sin riesgos Repelentes de insectos: cómo usarlos correctamente Cómo secar la ropa dentro de casa sin preocuparte por la humedad Diez signos que advierten de una amistad tóxica Consejos para tomar sol sin riesgos Repelentes de insectos: cómo usarlos correctamente Cómo secar la ropa dentro de casa sin preocuparte por la humedad

1. Does not show interest in you

You talk to him and he just listens to you or something important happens in your life and he completely forgot. He only talks about himself, and when you talk about yourself he seems bored and quickly seeks to change the subject.

2. Judges you constantly

He always finds flaws in your decisions, criticizes your life choices, doesn't understand your actions and lets you know. He constantly begins his sentences with "if I were you, I..." With a moralizing side, because it doesn't respect your decisions, your opinions or your values.

3. Seems jealous of your achievements

When something good happens to you, you hesitate to tell him because you fear his reaction. He will not be happy for you, but will seek to see the negative side, find easy criticism, etc. A real friend rejoices with the good news and supports the bad news.

4. Exercise power over you to influence you to do negative things

Diez signos que advierten de una amistad tóxica Consejos para tomar sol sin riesgos Repelentes de insectos: cómo usarlos correctamente Cómo secar la ropa dentro de casa sin preocuparte por la humedad

A true friend should not exercise any power, at best he can be a good influence, but by no means a bad one. If he's pushing you to act irresponsibly or dangerously. If he does not seek your happiness but his happiness in the actions he pushes you to do, it is better to cut off contact.

5. Failure to respect commitments

It disappoints you regularly, you feel that you always have better things to do than to be with you and you Don't feel like an important person. Forget your appointments regularly.

6. Does not communicate with you

Friendships in adulthood are not the same as in adolescence where we could spend hours chatting on the phone. Family and work obligations leave little room for friendship. However, a true friend will always find the time to ask for news from you.

7. Does not seek solutions on its own

Asking you for your opinion is normal and flattering, but when it becomes systematic, it can give the feeling that it can't manage without you. When reproaches arise because you do not offer them solutions, it is that there is an emotional dependence, which can quickly become unhealthy.

8. He constantly needs you to do things for him

He needs you for anything. If reciprocity in favors is on the order of the day, everything is fine, but if there is an imbalance, it is time to set limits.

9. You Don't feel like seeing him

You Don't know why, but you Don't answer his calls and delay his exits. You have a feeling of discomfort when you talk to him and / or when you see him. And seeing a friend should normally be a source of pleasure... There are already many obligations in life, you Don't need to add any more.

10. Makes you feel guilty

He's always right, makes you doubt your choices, asks you questions full of insinuations, and he always blames you for everything. This bond allows him to reinforce his bad self-esteem, but destroys yours in the process.

Source: amazing mind
