The best safety barriers to protect children at home

The best safety barriers to protect children at home


We select five fences for doors and stairs with safety closures

Paula Pérez Miranda

La seguridad del hogar es una parte fundamental para todas las personas que lo habitan, pero sin duda es imprescindible para los más pequeños. Son muchos los rincones que pueden resultar peligrosos en una casa para los bebés, como las escaleras o la cocina. ¿La solución? Una barrera de seguridad. Se instalan muy fácilmente y llevan incorporados cierres con bloqueo, para que los niños no tengan posibilidad de abrirla. Las mejores barreras de seguridad para proteger a los niños en el hogar Las mejores barreras de seguridad para proteger a los niños en el hogar

There are many models and different sizes, for all needs.In the country showcase we have prepared this selection, where you can discover several designs of some of the best barriers for the greatest protection, at very affordable prices.

Metal Safety Barrier for Children, various colors

This safety barrier is installed very quickly, you just need to fix its four pressure screws.In addition, its use is very simple, since only one hand is needed to open it.Offers a lot of space to pass, when it is open.Its height is 91 centimeters, perfect to provide security to both big children.

This fence can be adjusted as the measure needed, since it allows to expand it up to 94 centimeters with extensions of seven centimeters (they are sold separately).

Closing indicator

Se trata de una barrera que proporciona un extra de seguridad, ya que lleva incorporado un indicador de cierre y tiene una opción de doble cierre, que se abre en ambas direcciones.
Compra desde 35,00€ en Amazon

Safety barrier for haucky children, black and white

This security barrier is mounted very easily, guaranteeing a complete fixation to the walls.It is installed with four pressure screws, without the need to make holes anywhere in home.It is recommended to use this product in holes ranging from 84 to 89 centimeters, for an effective adjustment.It is possible to expand its width to 110 centimeters, with extensions that are sold separately.It has a double security closure, which prevents children from opening the door, to ensure optimal security.

Very versatile

Esta barrera incluye un accesorio que permite acoplarla a barandillas redondeadas, para una mayor versatilidad.
Compra desde 35,82€ en Amazon

Safety Safety Valla

Las mejores barreras de seguridad para proteger a los niños en el hogar

This child barrier only requires four screws for installation, which is done quickly and easily.It is fixed safely to doors or stairs that have an opening of 73 centimeters to 80 centimeters;No need to make holes.

It offers extra security, since thanks to the double closing option children cannot open the door, while adults can open it with one hand in both directions.It highlights its visual security indicator, which confirms whether the barrier is well closed or not.In addition, it is multifunctional since it can also be used as pet safety.

Extensible width

Se puede combinar con extensiones de 7 centímetros, 14 centímetros o 28 centímetros (se venden por separado) para cubrir huecos más largos. Así, su anchura se puede ajustar y extender en función de las necesidades.
Compra desde 32,00€ en Amazon

Momcozy Children's Security Barrier, different colors

Security barrier for extra broad children, with measures that extend to 140 centimeters wide and 86 centimeters high.You can open and close with one hand, performing a simple two -step operation: press and turn.Thus, other tasks can be performed or hold the baby in arms while handling the barrier.

It highlights its functionality, since it is useful both to use and a baby security door (between 6 and 24 months of age) and for pets.It is available in white, black and gray colors.

With installation tools

Incluye componentes para una fácil instalación: tornillos, soportes de sujeción, calzos separadores de pared extra para los zócalos, guías de instalación.
Compra desde 59,99€ en Amazon

Safety door for wooden children

Secure the stairs and corridors with steps thanks to this quality barrier, protecting the smallest of the house (effective until two years of age) of dangerous areas.It is easily installed and adjusted to different spaces, to provide greater versatility.It is especially recommended to use at the top of the stairs.The door opens and closes manually, for greater security.

The most resistant

Gracias a su composición de madera natural, es una barrera de seguridad muy resistente y que garantiza una gran durabilidad.
Compra por 51,59€ en Amazon

About the firm

Paula Pérez Miranda

Editor in the showcase section.Before, he worked by managing social networks in the tourist and cultural field in places such as the Cervantes Institute of Utrecht (Netherlands).Graduated in journalism by the University of Zaragoza, she specializes in the audiovisual area and has collaborated in numerous social projects.


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