Where to buy second -hand clothes: clean, cheap and even the door of your house

Where to buy second -hand clothes: clean, cheap and even the door of your house

Por:: Liliana Gutiérrez,
Publicado 8 Abr 2021 – 05:22 PM EDT | Actualizado 8 Abr 2021 – 05:22 PM EDT

Acquiring second -hand clothes and products is not new, it is an activity that has been practiced for many years, but strangely was not very well seen by some people and there were enough myths about it.Fortunately the times change and now the environmental situation has prayed to see more pros than to the purchase of second -hand clothes.

Why buy second -hand clothes?

If you still have your doubts about why it is good to buy second -hands clothes here we leave you the benefits:

Ayudas al medio ambiente: la industria textil es una de las más contaminantes debido a la gran cantidad de energía y recursos naturales que utiliza para la fabricación de prendas.The Fast Fashion phenomenon implies mass production at low cost but with serious consequences for our health, the planet and the well -being of those who intervene in its manufacture.

When you use a second -hand garment you will avoid the use of clothing that will have a negative impact of several years on the environment and that you are discarding in a short time for its low quality or because the trend has already changed.

Apoyas el comercio y la economía local: en vez de darle tu dinero a corporaciones multimillonarias, tu compra estará ayudando a un emprendedor y a los pequeños comercios.Many occasions those who put second -hand clothes for sale only perceive that income and depends on it at 100%

Dónde comprar ropa de segunda mano: limpia, barata y hasta la puerta de tu casa

Adquieres prendas únicas: ¿Te ha pasado que compras una blusa en una tienda y al ir por la calle encuentras a mínimo 5 personas que también la tienen? Definitivamente esto no te pasará si adquieres una prenda usada ya que te encontrarás con prendas que puedes adaptar a tu estilo y se diferenciarán de las demás.In addition, the purchase experience is more personalized and cozy, because it is not just choosing the garment and paying in cash.

Ahorras dinero: siempre crear una prenda desde cero será más costoso que pagar por una que ya existe.It is not necessary that you spend hundreds or thousands of pesos in a garment that is in a trend, when for less than half of that cost you can find one that gives you comfort, quality and style.

Where to buy Second Hand clothes safely?

Before, it was very normal to sell used things in premises, tianguis or markets, but thanks to the new normality digital trade rebounded, especially the sale of second -hand clothing, products and accessories.And although there are still physical places or stores where you can find things Second Hand, now most are promoted through social networks like Instagram.

In these accounts you can find clothes in very good condition, at a super price and the people who put the garments for sale have all the quality and safety measures, guaranteeing the delivery of clean, sanitized garments and accessories, in their case ironed and ironed andperfectly packaged.Another plus is that you will not have to leave your home because they have shipments throughout Mexico, so in a matter of days that garment that you liked so much will come to the door of your house.

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And if you worry about your money, calm, the majority does not handle the cash (unless it is personal delivery, in that case it is paid when receiving the product) the majority are handled through interbank transfer, PayPal or paymentsIn Oxxo.So on that side you don't have to worry.

Now, we will leave you some super reliable instagram accounts to buy your second garments.Each of them makes updates (weekly, biweekly etc.) where they publish the new garments that are for sale;The dynamics of section, purchase and payment already depends on each account.

Second chance

The MX tendard

Juki Bazar

The Fresh Closet

Yellow lemon

Baúl mx flash

Treasures in the closet

The bazaar tendard

There are no pretexts to not give a second chance to beautiful garments and in perfect condition


Don't go, this interests you!

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