Why is it vomited when it is drunk and what effects it has on the organism why it is vomited when it is drunk and what effects it has on the body

Why is it vomited when it is drunk and what effects it has on the organism why it is vomited when it is drunk and what effects it has on the body

Drinking excess alcohol causes a drunkenness that, in many cases, is usually accompanied by a sensation of nausea, discomfort and vomiting.Why does the body react to ethyl poisoning?Several studies have the answer.

Vomiting can be caused with the aim of being better, but if not, the body tries to expel that excessive alcohol amount.According to a study by the University of Dallas, alcohol in large quantities acts irritating the stomach and causing alterations in this.It can cause gastritis, which is when it irritates, inflame and erodes the stomach walls.For this reason, our body tries to 'protect' somehow the organism against that 'poison'.

It is precisely the term 'poison' the employee by the Mayo Clinic to refer to alcohol when it is consumed excessively, which translates into five alcoholic beverages in two hours for men and four for women.

Por qué se vomita cuando se está borracho y qué efectos tiene en el organismo Por qué se vomita cuando se está borracho y qué efectos tiene en el organismo

The alcohol ingested can stay in the body days.It is quickly absorbed and, although the body tries to eliminate much in the shortest possible time, there is a percentage that remains several days.For this reason, vomit is a way to minimize that excessive alcohol ingestion.

The vomit itself is the last of a series of effects that a drunkenness causes in the body, as explained from the Colorado State University.The first stage is nausea, which is linked to a decrease in our gastric motility or gastric muscles contractions in the stomach and an increase in muscle wall tone in the small intestine.It is also common in this phase that a reverse peristalsis occurs in the small intestine.

After the nausea comes a phase of dry eruptions, which are essentially respiratory spasms.Most of the stomach contracts and two other areas, Fundus and Cardia, relax.That is when the body tries to expel the contents of the small intestine towards the mouth.The diaphragm contracts, what opens the esophagus and distal esophageal sphincter.As the diaphragm makes a movement down, the muscles contract and squeeze the stomach, which creates pressure to vomit.
