Witch spells: 28 documented witch spells (real practices)

Witch spells: 28 documented witch spells (real practices)

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To perform any spell or magical ritual it is necessary to clean the first aura.The mind and body must also be prepared, since in this way spiritual channels open so that spells have a maximum success.Therefore, this purification ritual is one of the most important, because it is a preparation to perform any other.Royal spells to have powers must always be preceded by this ritual.



A container with water must be filled (preferably rain).Then put on the fire adding a handful of salt and all the plants.Is boiled for 10 min.After that time goes out and is left at rest until it cool and then strain the infusion.In the bathroom a white candle is turned on and the infusion is poured into the bath water.If there is no bathtub, a shower is taken that includes hair washing and ends up (from the head) slowly the infusion.

Relax and repeat: “Water and fire - Your help I beg you.Water removes all impurity.My house will remain as a fortress.Against the forces of evil this ritual protects me.With this cleaning I am protected from foot to head ".It is necessary for the body to dry in the air.

Turn on a sandalwood, rosemary or sage and that the smoke reaches the corners in the room where the rituals will take place.Wear white loose clothes and you will be ready to start with the spells and magical rituals.

Witch spells for love

Witches, spells, potions and rituals are used to transform love life and enhance cosmic force.To perform this type of white magic and easy spells that work quickly, simple preparation potions are used.Among the white magic spells we can find homemade spells, spell to be popular, how to disembark a person, spells to have a good body, spell to have water powers, among others.

Witch spells for Valentine's Day with crystals



The stones are placed together, together with the loop and they are several laps.Then the photo of the loved person is placed next to the red candle and the incense.Valentine is asked that this person never moves away from you and to bless your love.When the candle is consumed, it hides somewhere next to the ashes of the incense and all the other things.

Rituals for Valentine's Day with Flower Must



It is very important that the pot has flowers.Cut your photograph and yours in the form of a heart.Subsequently write your desire in the back of the patent leather paper.Take the needle with the red thread in double strand.After sewing, guádalo in the red saquito.

In the pot you will open a hole to introduce the little bag.The pot must be watered from Monday to Friday and should only be touched by you.Ask Valentine's Day to fulfill your wishes and bless your love.When the pot is withered, take the dried flowers and the guards in the bag next to the photos somewhere hidden.

Witch spells to madly fall in love with a person



Cut the butter paper into two strips and then each strip in half.Write your full name and yours with the red pen on each half strip.The apple is cut into two halves and in each half a small hole must another person.

Then the two halves are binding with the red tape.It is given three turns while these words of real spells are pronounced: “(The name of the loved person), I will be inside your heart.On this night of love, full moon, that our souls are filled with light ”, which is a powerful spell to get desired love.The apple should be placed under our bed and repeat the words of the ritual for three nights.Then it will bury in a humid place at sunset of a Friday.

Spell to unite two people



This spell should preferably take a full moon night.The photographs sprayed with the water.Then the candle is placed in the container and the excess water is thrown.The candle must be turned on in such a way that the light that projects (both the candle and the water) is reflected in the photos.Pronounce these words: “With the blessed water, my beloved, approach me, like the river that reaches the sea.Here I will be waiting for you, and I will give you all the love you deserve ”.Visualize when loved arriving and being with you.The candle must be consumed.

Witch spells to conquer an impossible love



Short candles are placed in a flat container so that they form a triangle.The red and white candle are placed in the center repeating: "I ask you, to be superior, to listen to me and eastern my heart towards the light of love".Then the candles with water from left to right are turned off.The roses should be taken to a garden, we bury them and hide the candles without using them for nothing more.

Witch spells for money

In these rituals, witch spells are made that teach in a simple way the way to invoke and achieve prosperity, work, money, etc..

Ritual to attract money



Dip the glass in water with salt for ten minutes, then rinse and fill with water.Subsequently it is placed on a plate full of coins and puts itself near the entrance, it can be in the business or at home.Prosperity must be visualized.The glass must always remain full of water.

Spell to attract money with full moon

Conjuros de brujas: 28 hechizos de brujas documentados (prácticas reales)

Sugar is an excellent element to attract money on witch spells.This spell must be done a full moon night.



You must take a ticket and leave it in the moonlight.The next night it is placed in a container containing sugar and left outdoors in the moonlight again.In the third night more sugar is added and the serene is placed again.After these three nights, the ticket with cellophane paper is wrapped.Finally it is saved as an amulet in the wallet or wallet.It should not be used.

Spell to attract money with a magical bottle

The magical bottles were very popular during the seventeenth century, in them nails, hair and other things used for rituals were stored.They are currently being used.



The elements of the list are introduced into a bottle, covered and stirred (the right hand is used for right -handed and left for left -handed ones).It must be done for five minutes while pronouncing the ritual phrase: "Coins and herbs, grains and metal, help me to increase my material profits".The bottle must remain in a place where we save or put our wallet or purse.

Bruise spells for business

To prosper a business there are different amulets and formulas that can be prepared in a simple way.

Witch spells to sell a property

This ritual is very useful for selling a fast property.



Put a lemon in each corner of the house.The house or property is traveled with the egg (preferably dove) and then they must be thrown to somewhere where the water runs, both lemons and egg.Make a sahumerio with the camphor, incense and garlic peel and pass it through all the property with the intention of removing the bad energies that can block the sale.Then close the house so that the smoke does not come out.

Spell to lift a business



In a vessel with water place the business key, the 7 coins, the 7 white petals and is left close to the white candle on all night.Do it for seven consecutive days.In a corner, 7 garlic heads can be hung.

Witch spells for protection and cleanliness

For protection and cleanliness, energy purification rituals are performed and to scare away bad vibrations.

Spell to move bad vibrations away

To get bad vibrations and protect your home we can prepare a potion.



Dry rue leaves, myrrh, sulfur must be mixed and all corners, corners and places in the home or business are sahuman where there are low vibrations.Then an infusion with male rough leaves is prepared and that is placed in a vaporizer to spray dress clothes.

Bath against negative energies

With this bathroom the spirit is cleaned and its elevation is achieved to be able to protect us from negative energies.



This bath must be taken for seven consecutive days.In a bathtub a small glass of colony is poured, a few tablespoons of holy water (as much as you want) and the petals of the white carnations.Mix the water well and get into the bathtub.It is necessary to make relaxation practices while in the bathtub and repeat three times a prayer for protection and invoke light.The bath must be maintained for about ten minutes and then let it be dry outdoors.

Protective amulet



In a serene and relaxed emotional state, the stone that corresponds to our horoscope is taken and a purified, bright and white energy is displayed wrapping the stone.Then you enter the stone into the glass (full of water in a room of its capacity), you add the salt and let it stand for 24 hours.Then you throw the water and salt and leave the stone inside.It is rinsed with tap water.Subsequently the stone is removed and deposited on a piece of cotton.The stone is taken with the left hand and put on the right on top, it is now that the stone is asked for the desire for protection.Take it with you in the bag or in the purse.No one must touch it, if that happens, the process must be repeated.

Witches for health and healing witches

Healing magic is very powerful and can be applied to a specific case or to general health.

General health spell

When we hear that a certain person has an iron health, it is because this person has the ability to not allow diseases to enter their body.They generally have a powerful energy source.



Put together a small altar with the image of a saint of our devotion.Place the dishes and a candle in each.Place the glass of water and food.A plate should be left to the left, next to the plate with the food, then another plate with a candle, then the glass and the third dish with another candle to the right.Light the candles and pray a prayer to the saint with a special thanks for granting you health.Finally the candles are left until the water is consumed, the food is consumed.It can be repeated.

Spell to have a good rest

After an exhausting day we need to repair energies to preserve health.This home remedy is extremely effective.



Make an infusion well loaded with the lunch and rosemary.After we swarm and rin.The lunch generates tranquility and rest, the rosemary takes out the dense or negative energy that may have accumulated after a heavy work day.

Witch spells for luck

These witch spells are destined to invoke good luck or free themselves from bad luck.

Spell to attract good luck



Light the incense and defum nuts for a few minutes.Then a sign of "+" is painted in nuts with red enamel.Finally place the rue and nuts on the bag and hang it behind the main entrance door.

Spell so that your life is as you wanted

This is a simple ritual so that the life you dreamed of becomes a reality.


These witch spells should be done a Friday or Tuesday before going to sleep.The lemon is split in half and sugar is placed both parties.In a dark room to pass the lemon throughout the body praying a father of ours or the prayer of your preference, use both halves.Lying to sleep without rinse, only the next day when you get up can rinse.It can be repeated.

Witch spells to find work

They are spells to find a certain desired work or for any job offer to be presented that suits us.

Spell with oil lamp to get job

This type of spells with oil lamps are inheritance of Greek and Egyptian cultures.



The name of the company is written on paper, the job you want and your full name.The details that would go on the resume: work experience, studies, date of identity document, etc..Above this information we write the company's name again so that the data is within the company.Then a dog is made with the paper and placed in a glass.Then a magnet and two golden coins are put on top.Finally we put some strands of saffron that mean money and success.We cover everything with the oil clean roads and put on the oil candle that must remain on the five working days.

Spells to avoid discussions in the workplace

These witch spells are used to avoid fighting at work.It is an easy preparation ritual.



The mint leaves are placed inside the bag, a sheet for each person you are going to ask for peace.You close the bag and with both hands you hold it while asking to provide peace and harmony wherever it is, especially the people who are dedicating the spell.The next day you take the bag to your workplace.

Santeria and witchcraft spells

These spells and witch spells are used for different purposes and are usually very powerful.

Spells with salt: against envy

If you feel that you are being a victim of the envy of other people, there is this powerful spell that neutralizes the bad thoughts.



Photography is placed on a clean and flat surface, it can be a fabric that you have not used.Then a thick salt circle is made to surround it and leave for seven days.Every day a dagger of salt is added.When we do we concentrate on away any negative energy from us.After seven days the salt is booted and the photograph is placed on a light table.

Spells to invalidate the enemy



Write the enemy's name on a white sheet and then put it in a transparent glass container.Place six pepper grains, the red ribbon and a drop of mercury.The bottle is closed and placed outside the house, that way that person will move away from your life.

Spells to know if you have reached the right person in your life

Two coins are taken and they are held for a while until our energy is transferred, always thinking about the loved one.Then they throw themselves into the air by saying: "If this love is the right thing that is so, if this love is a mistake, so it is".They are thrown into the air and if both fall on the "face" side it is because it is a love with a future.If one is in "seal" and the other in "face" is because problems will arise but they can be overcome.If both fall into "seal" is because that love is a mistake.

Other powerful witch spells

These are witch spells that can be easily done.

Abundance spell

This is a ritual to attract abundance.His power brings abundance throughout the year.It is advisable to do it on the first day of January, but it can be done any day.



Prepare an altar, put your hands on him and feel how a purple light enters through the crown and covers your whole body.Take the bottle between your hands and mind your photograph saying three times your name out loud.Subsequently the garlic is added, the bay leaves, the magnet, the quartz, the coins and finally the pink petals.Then the bottle closes and looks imagining how a golden light emanates, the light of abundance.Then agive three times, in this way abundance is invoked.

The bottle must be stored near the bed and stir again the next day.Every day of the year the bottle when awakening must be stirred, in this way abundance is attracted daily.

Loving detachment spell

This spell serves to separate from someone or achieve love disunity.


On paper, the full names of both members of the couple, each on paper should be scored with black ink.The lemon is cut in two halves and put a paper in each half so that the ink is in contact with the lemon.Then both halves are put to both of them so that you are separated by the pepper you added.Attach the two papers with a fine and rough rope saying: “With the acidity of the lemon and the spicy pepper, I drag this evil from love directly.That's right and it will".Save in the freezer for three days.

Spell to neutralize bad thoughts

The first is not to obsess the bad thoughts, because of this one it calls those vibrations unconsciously.



Place coal inside the house with a little sulfur.Put it in the places where you feel that bad energies can be.You can also place a little in each environment (living room, room, kitchen, etc..).

Saquito to attract work

This spell is to get a job.With him, the call with the opportunity that is being sought will arrive very soon.Preferably a growing moon Sunday must.



First the candle turns on with your matches.After the flame stabilizes the incense with it is turned on.Then the ingredients are passed, each one, first on the flame and then on the smoke of the incense and get into a bag.At the end of passing them, everyone leaves next to the candle until it is consumed.For seven nights, keep it under your pillow and then take it with you.

Spell to attract a call

Magic and spells in this case are focused on attracting that call that you want so much.You must know the phone number from where they should call you.



Write down the name of the person who should call you on paper while saying "you are calling me".With the paper in your hands I gave aloud "I go through my spiritual guides and my beings of light", "you are calling me, you are looking for me, you are proposing me and nobody else.That's right and it will".Place your mobile phone on that paper.

How to do black magic?

Black and white magic have their formulas and spells, but in the case of black magic they are oriented to cause damage to someone.Answering the question about how to learn black magic implies recognizing that, to learn black magic, it is important to know what we are getting involved because their forces are powerful and sometimes dangerous.Spells to harm a person can change the lives of other beings.Performing this type of magic means to assume risks.We talk about practice as spells to cause accidents, spell so that a man is not stopped, ritual to salt a person, witchcraft to die a person, etc..

At some point, witch spells ceased to be taboo to become a practice available to everyone, there are even free online spells, spell books and a lot of easy -to -reach information.These powerful energies that manifest through spells and rituals are increasingly popular.With witch spells our inner power takes shape to transform the reality that surrounds us.His great power manages supernatural forces that often exceed human compression capacity.

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