'Apocalypse', the documentary series about the bowels of the Cold War

'Apocalypse', the documentary series about the bowels of the Cold War

From those Christmas of 1945, after the end of the war,

They had fun, they loved themselves, they married

And they raised their children, which in turn also loved.

And yet

A third world conflict could explode at any time:

the apocalypse.

Apocalypse. War of the Worlds.1945 - 1991.

From 1945 to 1991,

The eastern block, dominated by the Soviet Union,

He faced the Western bloc, headed by the United States.

To put an end to World War II, in August 1945,

The United States uses atomic bombs for the first time

They kill one hundred thousand human beings in a second.

The atomic bomb became a real threat.

So, some scientists are one of us

They invented a scale

to measure the level of danger of a nuclear war,

which they called: the Apocalypse clock.

If your fateful needles arrived point at 12 at night,

A great catastrophe would occur.

And that symbolic clock often marked twelve minus five at night.

How did you live in this permanent tension status,

What to settle the foundations of our current world?

That terror stage resulted in multiple regional conflicts.

From Indochina to Korea ...

... and from Vietnam to Afghanistan.

We will narrate those wars in filmed material,

Sometimes colored, and fans images.

It all started with the great break between the East and West.

The great break. 1945-1946

While the French celebrate the end of the war in Europe,

American soldiers only think of returning home.

But they know that Japan will be sent,

that has not yet deposed the weapons.

Europe is chaos.

20 million refugees try to return to their devastated countries,

Gather their families dispersed and look for their missing children.

They are "displaced people", survivors of the Nazi fields,

forced workers and the last soldiers of the German army.

The time that marks the Kremlin clock is established by Stalin,

The leader of Russia,

which is now called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

The U.R.S.

Stalin is crying as the only winner of World War II,

Although his Victoriaal Sacrifice owes

of 25 million Soviet

and 200 billion dollars of Western aid.

The First World War light communism,

and the second has placed it on top of the world.

Stalin has just taken control

of almost 2 million square kilometers in Europe

And of its one hundred million inhabitants,

imposing everywhere and by force, communist regimes.

In the red square, among the guests,

There is the communist chief Yugoslavomilóvan Yílas, who writes:

“His armies and his seafood, full of medals,

Vodka and Victorias drunken

They had already trampled half Europe,

And Stalin was convinced that in the next round

I would control the other half.

Stalin and his staff were planned

the invasion of the rest of Europe,

which was based on taking the power of communist parties.

In addition, it had colonial uprisings

to paralyze the great European powers.

The future dance star, Rudolf Nureyev,

He lived then in the countryside, far from Moscow.

And he said: “I grew up in an apocalyptic world.

My childhood was marked by hunger and the fear of death,

because almost all the families in our environment

They had lost a son, a brother, a sister

or a husband in the war. ”

Everyone hopes that with victory their life will be better.

But on the banks of the Arctic Ocean,

in the steppes of Kazakhstan and in the ice cream deserts of Siberia,

They contain in the gulag, the concentration camps of Stalin,

to two million Soviet political prisoners for ten,

Twenty years, all life.

Dresses properly, they must also celebrate victory.

In Berlin, in the Soviet occupation zone,

Stalin meets with the allies to study the situation

After the surrender of Germany.

The meeting is held in Potsdam,

A less devade Berlin suburb than the rest of the city.

US and British delegations

You can appreciate the effects of bombers, Russian cannons,

and of Hitler's suicide tenacity. The consequences of war.

And only a few weeks after the end of Nazi Germany,

I feel restless again.

Will this lecture of the granraliance serve to preserve peace?

Stalin arrives on July 17, 1945,

to attend the summit meetings for two weeks.

Security is maximum, in Potsdamhay an army of 17,000 officers

and NKVD soldiers, the Soviet Political Police,

And one of his great bosses accompanies Stalin, Lavrenti Beria.

Stalin presents him as "the head of our Gestapo"

or "Our Himmler", a sinister reference to Hitler's police.

"The Secret Service", the Secret Service,

that protects the united president, also mobilizes.

It is the first trip abroad of Roosevelt's successor, Harry Truman.

Truman meets one of the large heroes of war,

Winston Churchill,

that has just sent an extensive

To put him on guard before Stalin.

Churchill writes:

“Throughout the Russian front a steel curtain has fallen.

We don't know what happens behind him. ”

The Protocol Chief has a delicate mission:

sit to Truman in the center for the official photo,

And it is seen that he worries Stalin's reaction.

Stalin makes it clear that it is he who decides where each one feels.

He conquered Berlin, is at home.

Truman gets up smiling.

And Stalin, joking, gives him permission to sit.

Truman takes the measure of his adversary.

Stalin has public opinion on his side.

It is "the little father of peoples",

But above all it has 20,000 tanks and five million soldiers.

The president of the United States arises ...

How to stop Stalin? And where?

Can the ocean protect the United States?

Does your country have the necessary means to defend Europe?

Truman only has a letter, the atomic bomb.

Has delayed the conference

To know the result of the first trial of the atomic bomb.

Day after day, Stalin imposes his opinions.

No one dares contradict the fate of Germany,

that will be divided into two parts,

or that of the unfortunate Baltic countries, which has just been annexed.

Asia is another key topic in Potsdam Conference.

Americans beat Japan in the Pacific conquest.

Stalin supports the communists of Mao Tse Tung,

and the United States to the nationalists of the General Tchang Kai Chec.

What will happen with Indochina, a French colony,

still occupied by the Japanese?

The United States imposes the future disarmament of the Japanese army

On both sides of the parallel -dems:

In the north the nationalist Chinese and in the south the British,

Without asking France,

that has not been invited to the conference.

Will the agreements be enough to avoid a new conflict?

There begins the tension between Soviet and Americans.

Before concluding the conference, on July 24, 1945,

Truman reveals to Stalin that the US has successfully performed

the first essay of a "new weapon",

Without pronouncing the word "atomic bomb", state secret.

Stalin remains impassive.

It is very well informed thanks to your espionage network

in US secret laboratories.

Stalin needs to have that bomb it as possible.

Send Beria to locate the Soviet occupation zone

German factories still stand up,

and orders to collect Uranium from Bulgariao from Poland.

Soviet experts work day and night to make the pump,

And they have western communist disappointing aid

On August 2, Stalin leaves Potsdam's conference,

And talking with Truman about Sonueva Armas, he tells him:

"Make a good usode against Japan."

It is also to impress Stalinpor what Americans

They launch the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945.

In addition, Stalin declares Laguerra to an agonizing Japan.

Thus, you can take control

of the territories conquered by the Japanese,

such as the industrial region of Manchuria and northern Korea,

and impose a communist regime.

Americans ensure southern control,

to the parallel thirty -eight.

Washington spreads the first plates

on the effects of the nuclear weapon.

Hiroshima, seen from the air after explosion of the atomic bomb,

'Apocalipsis', la serie documental sobre las entrañas de la Guerra Fría

that practically erased the city from the face of the earth.

Nagasaki, objective of the second atomic bomb.

What resonance had this -class in the Paris of 1945,

What suffered, but what was already beginning to live again?

Eliette Levél, Miss Paris and Modelode the Lanvin fashion house,


"We have lived horror, too much suffering, too much blood.

No one cares about a few thousand Japanese.

That each one pray for their dead,

and that the hot sun to the living. ”

Eliette, which celebrates the findel fashion parade with your banker,

He has brought a bottle of burgundy wine before the war,

that the Germans had hidden heroically.

The bank director has encountered a client

who knew someone who knew where to find a chicken

In these times of restrictions, as was the case under occupation.

The conversation revolves around the communists,

To whom everyone admires.

There are 150 deputies and 5 ministers

In the provisional government of Gaulle General,

that the country must rebuild and return its splendor,

partly based on its colonial empire.

In school maps, the French had learned

that his empire extended by all continents.

And that Indochina was the Perlade Asia.

The French felt proud of this conquest of the nineteenth century.

And they went into mass to the famous colonial exposition of 1931.

Colonization and decolonization,

The War of Indochina gave rise,

followed by the east-west confrontation,

of the Vietnam War.

For 30 years, this long conflict,

called by the Vietnamese "The Ten Thousand Days War",

It caused three million victims.

This great crisis of the cold war would have a face:

that of this man, known as Ho Chi Minh.

How did he impose,

as leader of the communists indochinos,

and unleashed other wars

In the name of Independence?

He was born in 1890.

His real names Nguyen Sinh Cung,

a brilliant student, who speaks 5 languages

And he is the son of an official

fired by the French administration.

Of a rebel nature, in 1911 he enlisted as a sailor,

And he turned the world around the world.


In the Socialist Congress of Tours,

in which the French party is born,

Ho Chi Minh denounces what he calls the pressure on Indochina.

He writes: "Comrades, save us."

Collaborates with "l’umoité" and "le Paria",

where he publishes provocative anticolonialist drawings.

In 1923, the Soviet Union called

to train there along with other foreign communists.

In 1924, at the Comintern Congress in Moscow,

The Soviet organism for the spread of communism, declares:

“Comrades, patriotism has led me to Lenin.

We must concentrate on colonial problems.

In 1930, the comintern sends him to China to recruit men

and found the Indochino Communist Party,

With the help of Mao Tse Tung,

that has begun his long march towards power.

Then, the French police have chi minh

as revolutionary agitator.

In his file, with the name of Nguyen Ai Quoc,

Another pseudonym, puts: size: one meter sixty -two, thin,

Prominent front, very separate atrial pavilions.

The French condemn him to death by revolutionary activity.

He writes: “We are only dirty or anamites,

Good to pull the Rickshaws

or endure the bastons of the administrators. ”

But who are the French in Indochina?Colonists?

Some, entrepreneurs, but most are officials,

merchants and teachers, with their families.

In 1939, there are barely fifty thousand, and the Indochinos are 20 million,

mostly peasants of the rice fields.

In a century, the French have conquered

an once and a half territory larger than France,

and have established their protectorate in the kingdoms of Laos, Cambodia or Annam,

colonizing the fertile plains of conchinchine

and exploiting the mining wealth of Tonkín.

In France they only knew tonkínpor the colonial song

by Lina Margy "My Tonkinese."

These settlers, who have lived a dream walking in boat

For the sublime Bahía de Ha-Long ... bathing in their pools

and playing tennis

They also built roads and peoples, schools and churches.

In the central zone, in Annam,

The settlers cultivated orange or poppy,

and supplied opium for medical purposes,

For Fortuna de Saigón, the great city of the South.

It was the time when in the big weddings

He wore a gala uniform.

Robért Pilá, from a family of silk merchants,

He marries Gillette de Boibissel

General Commander in Chief in the Conchinchina.

1940. France was defeated.

Japan, ally of Germany, settled in Indochina,

and maintained the authority of France, which did not resist.

The situation was favorable for Ho Chi Minh,

that after 30 years of exile

He returned clandestinely in the north.

I wanted to organize the fight to achieve independence.

He hid near the borderchina,

On the banks of a river that baptized with the name of Lenin.

Smoking three daily cigarette packages,

He designed his strategy.

He chose the pseudonym "ho chi minh", which means "he who illuminates",

to show himself before all as a spiritual leader.

Created a resistance movement,

which he called "alliance for independence",

In Vietnamese: "Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi."

A denomination that will not fool

to other communist independence.

He is joined by competent activists as 30 years old,

Professor of History and pianist, who will become a military chief.

In three years, Giap, financing thanks to the sale of opium,

He got indoctrinary and form a small army

to fight against the French colonial power and the Japanese fascists.

Throughout 1944, Americans helped Giap

And Ho Chi Minh giving them weapons and ammunition,

and launching military advisors.

They ended up regretting it.

The United States has the support of this guerrillas

in their fight against the Japanese,

In addition, they also anticolonialists.

The president at the time, Franklinroosevelt, said:

“When we have won the war, I will work with all my strength

against the imperialist ambitions of France. ”

1945. The Viet minh area extends more and more.

Many tonkines binds the guerrillas.

Ho Chi Minh says:

“Our people, under the double yugofranceés and Japanese,

It has literally bleeding.

The result is terrifying,

More than two million of our compatriots have starved. ”

The events will accelerate.

On March 9, 1945, Ho Chi Minh receives extraordinary news:

The Japanese are stopping French officers

and killing disarming the soldiers.

Japan, seriously threatened by Americans,

French army has been undone,

before this can take advantage of it

and recover the control of Indochina.

And in August 1945, Ho Chi Minh leaves the jungle,

As soon as he learns of US nuclear attacks

against Japan.

For him, this is his time.

There is no authority in any territory of Indochina.

The Chinese and the British, who must replace the Japanese,

they have not arrived yet.

He will make the bet of his life.

Ho Chi Minh appears in Hanói, in broad daylight,

on September 2, 1945, to demand the independence of Tonkín,

Annam and Conchinchina, which will adopt the name of Vietnam.

Laos and Cambodia also claim their independence.

In Hanói, Ho Chi Minh Arenga to the crowd.

Proclamation: “We declare ourselves free of any colonial bond

With imperialist France.

Our people have decided to sacrifice their life

for freedom and independence.

Between the red flag crowd

with the golden star of Viet Minh and also that of the United States,

With the portrait of Truman.

But the new president

He is less favorable with the independentists.

That same day, on September 2, 1945, Japan signs his surrender,

aboard the American battleship Missouri.

The representative of France the General Leclerc,

The man who has contributed to free Paris

With the second armored division.

He will be the military chief, with that same division,

to whom of Gaulle entrusts the restoration

of the French authority in Indochina.

General Douglas MacArthur, the victor of the Pacific,

It is categorical as for Indochina's reconquest.

He tells Leclerc: "Bring troops, many troops, all you can."

In Saigon, in the days after the proclamation of independence,

The distressed settlers gathered the information center.

What will be theirs?

The reporter Lucien Bodardwrite:

"What disappointment, what bitter atrocious disappointment

discover that anamitas

The Japanese are infinitely more hostile.

In a matter of days, the revolution has been developed in Indochina. ”

On the “Tout is fine” coffee terrace,

Philippe Franchini, 20, says:

"Hate had never opened such a deep gap

Between our two communities. "uncontrolled elements"

They travel the city with bamboo spears and daggers,

killing and burning houses. ”

The settlers are assembled to protect them lines that are formed

In front of the few stores that remain open.

The offices that still work distribute ration tickets.

A month after Ho Chi Minh declared independence,

In full monzón,

General Leclerc arrives in Saigón,

invested from all military powers to recover Indochina.

The first thing that Leclerc does

is to contact the British, who just arrived

and are overpass for events.

The British, in a gesture of colonial solidarity,

They provide maritime media paratransporte to the first soldiers

of the thirty thousand men of Leclerc Army.

It is, in principle, volunteers,

although some had already enlisted from the end of the war

To fight the Japanese, and were in Indochina.

After the euphoric reception of the settlers,

Everyone is affected by terrible heat ... mosquito swarms ...

poisonous insects and fierce animals of the jungle.

For some, it is the beginning of a great adventure.

For others, in these difficult times,

It is a way to feed their families.

Some returned with images

that attest to the extraordinarily the country.

In a demonstration of strength,

Leclerc sends its armored vehicles

to reconquer cochinchine, and for that,

First they must cross an immensepantan called

"The plain of the reeds."

To direct the operation,

General Leclerc chooses ColonelMassú,

a military and a legendary adventurer,

that will soon be forced to recognize their difficulties.

At night, Vietinch destroys the bridges,

and cut the roads cavando trenches.

The crew of the tanks ends up becoming shoeters.

Trained for large armored operations,

Now they face an unknown war.

The correspondent in Indochina the newspaper Le Monde,

Philippe Devillers, wrote

“We advanced on the roads, and suddenly some man fell down

“No one knew where the shot came from.

After shooting,

The "Viet" hide underwater and breathe with bamboo tubes. "

"The" Viet ".

This is how the French called the Viet Minh soldiers.

Also yellow or legs.

Most were very young peasants.

And then there were the mines between bamboo,

and the traps.

In a few weeks, 300frances are out of combat.

The soldiers were distressed.

A war like this could only be won through intelligence,

But the villagers do not danni the slightest information.

In fact, the Viet minh no stabamuy implemented in the cochinchine.

Ho Chi Minh needed the other independentistas,

although I would have to eliminate them later.

GIAP and he, choose as guerrilla chief in this region

A 29 -year -old Nguyen Binh

That is not communist, but a French militant militant.

To the peasants and farmers, young and elderly,

Nguyen Binh promised land, and the owners told them:

“I do not belong to any party.I fight for the country. ”

The reporter Lucien Bodard counts:

“Nguyen Binh leads resistance through blood and torture.

Use refined torture methods, while proclaiming:

“Nothing should deviate from the cause.

The more we degrade, the more we rise. ”

Violence engenders violence.

Leclerc wants to establish limits,

and in a note addressed to their specific soldiers:

“We must do things in its fair measure.

We cannot see in everything Anamitaa a dangerous bandit. ”

“Nor can we show ourselves excessively indulgent.

But no one has the right to shoot the prisoners,

that must be interrogated and judged.

It is strictly prohibited with any type of looting,

of unnecessary destruction or farmer against women and children.

If an anamitatly mistreats,

We run the risk of losing it for the French cause. ”

The infernal machine is set in motion.

At the beginning of 1946, the number of insurgents increases,

And their attacks are bolder.

General Leclerc, blocked in cochinchine,

He is furious, because in the north, in Tonkín,

The communists control Hanói,

and the situation of desperate colonists.

The French are barely advance.

Says: “A single division is not enough

To conquer a country that is overexcited, armed,

and whose size is once and a half larger than France.

We would need 500 thousand men to find a military solution.

You have to look for a political solution and negotiate. ”

And the task of negotiating will be Jean Sainteny,

whose name will go down in history.

He travels for the first time tochina as a banker, in 1929.

Irresistible playboy, half diplomatic and half spy,

This French James Bond is married to Albért Sarraut's daughter

Powerful Colonialy Minister former governor of Indochina.

Sainteny, fought in resistance

and was a member of the order of liberation.

De Gaulle sends him again to Hanóien August 1945.

While the Vietinch guerrillas spills blood in the south,

Sainteny and Ho Chi Minh negotiates difficulty.

Finally they sign an agreement of March 6, 1946,

in which Vietnamcomo is recognized a free state.

Ho Chi Minh, accepts the return of the French forces to Tonkín

To replace Chinese troops.

And the French flag waves the port of Hanói, Hai Phong.

Ho Chi Minh has signed the agreement

because he needs the French to get rid of the Chinese,

who are looting the country

and threaten to stay indefinitely.

Indochin communists do not accept the agreements good

that give the French the right to remain in Tonkín

another 5 years.

Ho Chi Minh tells them:

“It is preferable to smell French shit for 5 years,

to eat Chinese shit the rest of our life. ”

On March 18, 1946,

General Leclerc's tanks enter Hanói.

The twenty thousand French settlers,

that until then have been mercy of Viet minh,

They feel immense relief.

Jean Sainteny receives Leclerc.

They know each other well since the liberation of Paris.

Sainteny lives a memorable moment.

Leads Leclerc to the Balcadende his office

And the general has a very gangullian gesture when shouting to the crowd:

"Hanói is the last stage of liberation."

Sainteny says: “Leclerc mounts in a jeep,

He puts himself at the wheel and makes me sit down.

Together we pass between a jubilant crowd.I have fulfilled my mission.

I only have to return to France, ”he says recklessly.

Sainteny takes Leclerca the residence of Ho Chi Minh,

that occupies a colonial palace.

Under the lights of the flashes,

They provide for the friendship of the peoples

and for the future recognition by France

from the free state of Vietnam. But nothing will come as planned.

Then, Leclerc and Saintenyasize a ceremonial parade,

in which Giap,


He presents his first battalion.

Leclerc greets, imperturbable, to his enemies of Viet Minh.

But Giap, with his fist high, announces that the fight has begun.

Tonkineses congregate in mass,

contained by the Mining Mining militiamen.

Among the crowd, murmurs are heard.

They are aimed at Ho Chi Minh:

"They have cheated the old fox

for accepting the return of the French army. ”

To this French military parade, intended to impress Viet Minh

It is followed by an Navaly Ho Chi Minh magazine is invited.

Finally, he will meet with the French representative with the greatest rank

Gaulle General's envoy, Admiral Thierry d'Ardenlieu.

The French embark on Ho Chi Minh in a hydravion,

always accompanied by Sainteny.

They fly over the mythical Along Bahíade.

Sainteny perceives the emotion that embraga to the leader of Viet Minh.

And he writes: “A photograph is not aboard the plane.

While I fill my pipe,

Viet minh leader sits well,

With its colonial helmet in the head

and with both hands on his bamboo cane.

But his expression is fierce. He looks at an harassed animal. ”

Sainteny tries to reassure your trust.

But Ho Chi Minh cannot take off his mind the idea of a trap.

What if the French stop it?

Sainteny writes: “Seeing her colossal silhouette of the cruise,

With so many cannons, an authentic floating fortress,

I understand the collection of value that has had to do. ”

He greets Ho Chi Minh with a whistle of honor,

and the representative of the civil authorities receives it,

Admiral Georges Thierryd'argenlieu,

which is also Carmelita monk.

Following the orders of De Gaulle, he wants to keep Indochina,

And above all, prevent it from falling into communist hands.

Thierry d'Arnlieu proposes to convene a conference

with other nationalists to review the first agreements.

On the contrary,

Ho Chi Minh wants these corridors to ratify in Paris

so that the recognition of independence is real.

Although the problem is not being, Sainteny writes:

“I saw the satisfaction of that man,

that he had always fought in the shadow,

and that suddenly I felt that they were equally equal. ”

And Ho Chi Minh leaves, getting rid of nervously from his cigarette.

Leclerc takes a few hours of rest sailing with the settlers

in one of Hanói's lakes.

Claude Guionau is one of them.

He is 25 years old.

It merchants with champagne and has a family business in Hanói.

Films these images, and a photo of Leclerc on the ship,

with the Olympicamady Moreau diving star.

Claude Guionau recounts:

“We talk about the situation in Leclerc, and he told us:

“We are going to have to leave. We can not continue like this.It's not possible

During the spring of 46, the Viet Minh maintains the pressure

While preparing great conference

that will be held in Fontainebleau, near Paris,

As Ho Chi Minh wanted.

Thierry d'Ardenlieu smiles

By saying goodbye to Ho Chi Minh, which France Sutheacia on May 31, 1946.

Your plane is diverted when you know the news

that De Gaulle's successor

He had just been dismissed by Parliament.

You have to wait for a new government to be formed

Before proceeding the negotiations.

The plane lands in Biarritz so that Ho Chi Minh

I can rest in the Villade Sainteny.

There will spend 3 weeks of deforced vacations, the only ones of his life,

And in his own words, the happiest ones he has lived.

He only complains that he cannot meet with General de Gaulle,

But Gaulle doesn't see anyone.

Finally lands in Paris,

where they receive him with honors as head of state.

He even attends the July 14 parade next to General Juin

and the general of Lattre.

Great reception is organized in honor of Ho Chi Minh,

that prepares Sainteny's wife, Lydie Sarraut.

Meanwhile, the situation deteriorates in Indochina.

The Viet Minh attacks convoyesy kills soldiers

To press the French.

After a month of dialogues, the Fontainebleau Conference

concludes with the signing of the vagus protocol,

and Ho Chi Minh starts the way back.

But he refuses to fly by plane, because he fears suffering an attack.

Three weeks later, on October 20, 1946, he arrives at Hai Phong,

The port of North of Indochina.

His long and calculated absence has allowed Giap

prepare for war,

and ruthlessly eliminate the political rivals of the communists.

There is no space for reconciliation.

Ho Chi Minh has not been able to arrive an agreement with the French

On the two main issues:

the independence and reunification of the three provinces

-Tonkín, Annam and La Cochinchina-,

In a new country that would be called Vietnam of communist ideology,

Something that the French rejects stubbornly.

Hai Phong, November 23, 1946.

An inspection of a ship degenerates in violence.

Militians Vietnamese trivial French, causing victims.

The Navy responds to aggression with cannon stations,

and several hundred people die.

Ho Chi Minh calls the armed struggle:

“Those who have a rifle, who use it.

Those who have a sword, who use it.

And those who do not have swords, use peaks and sticks.

That each man dedicate all his efforts to combat colonialism

to save the homeland. ”

Hanói's great insurrection occurs.

For more than a week,

The Viet Minh attacks all the symbols of the French presence,

Like the Pasteur Institute, one of the largest prevention centers

of tropical diseases of Asia, which is totally devastated.

War correspondent Lucien Bodard writes:

“French soldiers have lived days and nights in a Hanói


“The French discover the ruins of dethlled women,

whose bodies have been perforated with bamboo spears.

They also get carried away by anger.

Both sides fight without barracks. ”

The Indochina War has just begun.

But in 1946, Indochinano is the only place

where the tension between the Soviets and the West explodes.

Stalin also threatens the interests of Great Britain.

The British protect their celebruta from the Indies,

where Iraq's oil and Iran arrive,

which Europe depends more and more.

But Soviet tanks enter northern Iran,

Under a rain of acclamations

orchestrated by the Community Party.

Iran, with the support of the British,

Convene the UN Security Council.


that although it is not in the podersigue having great influence,

The Iranian crisis tells President Trumanque

It is a new step in Stalin's expansion.

No one knows what the Soviet Russia

and its International Communist Organization

They intend to do in an immediate future.

Nor what are they, if there are,

the limits of its expansionism and proselytism.

Truman firmly supports the British,

and together the Russians in Iran do.

In Moscow, at the Bolshói Theater, Stalin announces:

“A new war is inevitable,

And the USSR needs to develop their military forces

To fight the West. ”

An American diplomat in Moscow, George Kénnan,


"Stalin is considered in perpetual war against capitalism."

Truman declares journalists:

"The US has no desire for anger against anyone"

But in private it says:

“Communism is as dangerous as Nazism,

And Stalin is an implacable enemy as Hitler. ”

Americans try their nuclear weapons in the Pacific,

in the bikini atol.

The explosion of these atomic bombs,

In this paradisiacal scenario,

gives French fashion designers

The idea of proposing an "atomic bomb",

the smallest swimsuit in history,

who was immediately called "bikini",

and that was immediately banned on the beaches of Europe.

Despite the escalation of fear, the world continues to turn.
