Calvos men are more attractive to this Tinder users profile

Calvos men are more attractive to this Tinder users profile

According to science, bald men are more attractive and that many very dear celebrities have also said goodbye to their hair, but that does not mean that in Tinder is all exactly like that.

It is not that bald men do not have their success in the appointment app, but everything depends on some factors.One for example is age.According to a study by MySpring with 2.500 Tinder users, it was found that the average age of women who prefer or accept the baldness is in 29 years against the 27 women who prefer men with mane.

This is something that could be expected and it was imaginable, however, what most caught the attention of the study was something else.The user profile that finds Calvos men more attractive is that of other men.

Los hombres calvos son más atractivos para este perfil de usuarios de Tinder

Men prefer other bald men in Tinder, in fact, they matched 11 times more than with women.This was checked by climbing two profiles of the same man, with the same characteristics and one difference: in a profile in the photo he appeared with hair and in the other.

In the profile of the Calvo subject he received 365 matches, of which 30 were women and 335 of men.As for direct messages, he received 6 women and 75 of men.

But it can be said that in certain aspects, bald men can be more successful in Tinder than those who look mane.And although the profile of the man with hair had more matches (395 in total), he received less direct messages: 71 compared to 81 of the other profile.

So success does not depend on hair, but on a good photo (and a decent bio).Luckily for that there are advice.

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