Enrique Álex: When traveling becomes activism against homophobia

Enrique Álex: When traveling becomes activism against homophobia

Enrique Álex has a long career in this traveling as a couple and documenting it.He has worked for the country, numerous advertising agencies and now, as a freelance, he is doing nothing wrong.His YouTube channel is the largest travel in Spain, where almost half a million subscribers enside their travel content.Therefore, nobody better than him to talk about the experience of touring the world when you belong to the LGTBI collective.Will you have felt the need to hide in certain countries?Have you lived homophobic situations?

"Tireless traveler and content creator", this defines this Madrid that on September 5, 2016 left everything to undertake what so far is the adventure of his life: a return to the world in three years by the hand of his hand of hisboyfriend.The timing has fallen short and the pandemic has made a skinny favor to his dreams, but he persists and a few months ago loaded his bags to continue with this exciting trip.

Once again we see in their networks as indicated by the horrible comments left by certain types of people.He prefers not to enter his game, but recognizes how important it is to make visible that there is still homophobia and little tolerance towards the different.And this is not something exclusive to Third World countries.

A few weeks ago, the YouTuber Judith Tira told in the program 'Stretching the gum.The influencer explained the terrible episode he had suffered when he was harassed by a stranger.At that moment he felt that he was alone and that he had no escape, but in the end he managed to get rid of the stalker.She herself recognized that she had never happened to her, but now travels with more precautions.Always carry a spray in your bag and recommend all those women who think about traveling alone to do it: "Because it is not illegal and can be bought by Amazon," he emphasizes.

For its part, Álex emphasizes that in most cases he does not usually have problems traveling alone or with his partner.It is curious like when one thinks about the dangers of traveling only immediately the mind places it in countries in Latin America, Africa or the Arab world and does not see the dangers of the western world.But where is the danger really?What can we do to prevent it?We talk about all this with him.

Q: How do you see the situation today?

A: There are many people who live outside this bubble and there are many things that surprise you, impact or get it so that you never know and I have seen this throughout the years.There are still things that generate a lot of rejection.There are people in areas of the world, or right here, who have never exposed people different from them and have many prejudices who have learned and repeat when they see or listen to different things and generate rejection, but something stays.In the end I think that by accumulation I have managed to change many heads.

Q: Even within the collective, right?

A: Totally, there is a lot of homophobia, a lot.Well, as in feminism there is a lot of intolerance.Although for me, my content is not a LGTBI content but is a travel content with my values.That is what has made certain people who would never see a video about LGTBI themes and suddenly empathize with a person who knows that he travels with another and does not know if they are brothers, friends, cousins or that...And when the empathy is done, we kiss and discover that we are boyfriends and says: "Oysters, all the things that were in my head about such.With how good these fall, it can't be that they are gay..."

Q: But at first it was a project exclusively yours, right?

A: This has always been a project of mine.I opened the channel one day before I travel and from the beginning I have been the one who makes the videos.What happens is that I travel many times with my boy and he is part of my life and is part of my story.But the preparation, edition, recording, everything is my thing and remains the same.He was born as a travel blog for my friends and see what happens.

Q: When do you decide to tell your story?Did you find it complicated or did you fear losing subscribers?

A: I didn't care about the subscribers at first, because in the end I was doing something that I didn't know where I was going to go.I was hearing and trying to talk about mental health.I feel that in the end it is an issue that is spoken little because we all try that the networks are the positive mirror of the things that happen to us, but in the end we all have shit days, I too.And that is something that, despite the fact that in general I live a life that knows that it is very privileged, although it is the consequence of a lot of work on my part, but it is true that little is said.6 years ago I had my company and earned much more money than now.I had a life that within a more traditional standard had everything, however I felt that I had nothing.That led me to something that now with distance I see that it was a depression.I needed to run from there.I was lucky that I found the cure quickly and it was also that it was almost instantaneously to start the trip.And I said: "Host, I'm cured."

Q: What did you work before?

Enrique Álex: cuando viajar se convierte en activismo frente a la homofobia

A: The company was a Publi and design agency.I worked by serving all the big agencies in Spain.After confinement I made my first big trip to Costa Rica.I remember arriving and at a super random moment like something invaded me.You know when you have somewhat around a little dark continuously, because quite the opposite.I was in a boat recording and suddenly came like a feeling, desire to cry but for good and say: "If I had any questions, this is what fills me."Also feel useful after a year without being able to work, because well tourism became something like very toxic to everyone and nobody wanted to talk about that.

Q: Look at the recent case of Simone Biles.It seems that someone with a seemingly perfect life cannot launder or have certain problems...

A: That also generates an unreal comparative grievance in which many people try to see reflected and in the end what these people feel bad.That's why I try to take stock and insist that I'm not on vacation all the time.I am working and I try to put things in context.This place is wonderful, but I am here working and this is part of my work and you do not see it as a rich boy traveling.There are people who land in my videos without context and do not understand.For example, at first they said that if the hurry group paid me the whims and that if my dad such...Luckily I have never needed that.

Q: The other day Judith Tral spoke on the podcast ‘stretching the gum’ about a very bad experience he recently had in a French town.Her words were that they almost rape her but come to run and close the airbnb door in which she was.Have you lived something similar on your trips?

A: In my case, although nothing similar to this has happened to me, I have lived many mini discriminations or micro homophobia.For example, when you arrive at a hotel and you have a double room with a marriage bed, they look at you and tell you: "I change it that is wrong".And you: "No, it's not bad."And from the hotel they insist:" But it's a double bed ".And me: "Yes, what?"I have lived this conversation of kissing for many minutes many times.Then there are always comments or looks that particularly make me feel very uncomfortable.But it happens a little regardless of the place.For me it is more to feel insecure because you never know how much things are going to climb or when those things will happen to the comment to something else.

Q: Do you find many haters?

A: 99.9% of the hate heavy that I have felt is online.It is very strong and it is every day.I share it more and more, although people tell me to pay us attention, but it is that it is of no use to ignore it and that we all think that this does not exist.Because it exists and every day is greater.It is getting stronger and more and more from here, because it shows a lot in the way of writing who is from Spain and who does not.There is always the geek that the Old Testament mentions me but only the piece that interests him.My conclusion is that religion is not homophobia, but serves as a shield for homophobia and to justify itself behind an alleged ideology that is not really such.They try to justify the fear of different and that there are people who are not like you who do not dare to know.That is the biggest hatred I receive.I have also had my process.At first I was very affected.This is a very strong thing, because you receive a thousand positive comments and only one negative, but the one that fucks you the day is that.It happens to everyone and part of my process has been to give them less importance.I have realized that people who put a comment of hate on the Internet, write it and continue with their life, but now it is your turn to eat it and deal with it.From that moment I said: "It is that it makes no sense to dedicate more time than the person who has written it as a frustration or as a spit."

Q: Whatever you do will always be a Hater comment...

A: Yes, but before it was a lie name and now they are already people with their name and surname.They no longer hide, they are no longer afraid or shame.Although my face have never told me anything, well once, but from a car in the distance.But I think the word haater serves a bit to take away drama and in the end they are people who dedicate themselves to spread shit and hate, but these people have an environment.We all know people like that, but I believe that part of my work (as a person with a moderately large speaker) is to raise the voice.If your cousin, if your friend or a person close to you says something like that, not stay silent.Maybe not to enter the rag, but simply answer.What happens is that in networks many times to answer a comment of hate is to put gasoline to the fire.I never answer, but if I use them to point out that they exist.I think it is an opportunity for other people who never receive hate for being who they are, get involved and understand that this is everyone's problem.

Q: Have you felt that you couldn't walk freely from your partner?

A: For me this is political and it is a full statement of intentions in full.Many times I have given my hand intentionally knowing that I was going to score or that I was not going to like.But I also believe, and in this I have an internal discussion with myself, that until now my red line is in countries where people are persecuted or criminalized by those who are.But then on the other hand I think that in those countries there are also LGTB people.If in those countries they do not see tourists different from what they consider normal, am I helping or not?I think that in the end this is a visibility issue.For example, that a town in Mexico where they surely have not seen anyone gay ever, see two outside boys who are traveling together and show their love can be very positive.In many places they also assume that because you are white, you have more money and then you are even better and see it as glamorous.So of course, if suddenly they see a person who assume all those things by the hand of a boy, because they say: "This is not only the fag of the town."So for me it is a political act.Many times I have not felt safe in doing so, but I have believed it was necessary.In the end what I do on my YouTube channel is a subliminal activism.I do not make content about being gay and traveling, but I make a generic travel content, but I leave my life in the showcase.There are many people who, when to see the content for the first time, do not even imagine it, but then they end up understanding it.At that time there is already that empathy with the character that I am and the barriers then disappear.I feel that all things help and the way I make content is the one that I think I can help change things.

Q: Everyone believes that Madrid is super open.For something is the city where pride is most celebrated, right?

A: Well, look, just this year that the party could not be held as before the pandemic seemed curious to me the few people who had.Where was everyone?The demonstration was already something.I think that all of us who belong to these acronyms have felt Solísimos.Why all this media effort, commentators and gatherings of twisting reality to the point of not recognizing such an obvious truth?In the end it seemed that it had only remained between us, that we only denounced it and outside the bubble there was not talk or talked about a boy and point and point.That's why I believe and I always say that this is everyone's problem.Just as sexist violence is not just a problem of women, it is a problem of all as a society.I think that in the last year and a half we all thought there were steps that were given and were not really given, they were halfway and I don't know if we will go back or forward, but the truth is that it is being very frustrating.This also moves to networks.When I suddenly make a video of Chueca and I get such comments from people here, I say: "But if 10 years ago you would never have said this, you would not have dared or you would not have felt with enough support to do so to do it to do it."

Q: The theme of the brands that campaign during pride and nothing the rest of the year.What do you think?

A: On the first day of July I put several stories on this.I have the house full of boxes of things that have sent me brands that I will never promote because they are brands that do not believe in it.I don't even say that everyone has to do activism if it is not part of their brand.But if you don't believe in this, don't use it for a month.If you are really going to do it, do it well and throughout the year.Or if something like Samuel's position happens, because that's to have values.Not suddenly putting on a flag a month before pride, because that does not mean absolutely nothing.I understand that it is an advance, but there are very few brands that really commit or really have values and are able to risk losing customers because the type of client I want to have is someone committed or at least respect others.

Q: Can we also release a positive message?

A: Yes, of course.Imagine 30 years ago the Santander bank with the rainbow flag.Of course they do it by cosmetics.We all know that it will last a month and then the rest of the year do things of doubtful morality.Although it does not bother me to see an rainbow flag in the bourgeois King that month and the rest of the year does not.It seems positive to me, but I think brands should consider what it means to have that flag.

Q: On the website of the Foreign Ministry they made recommendations for each country of several things, including whether or not it was recommended for women to travel alone.Do you believe in this type of recommendations?Should they extend to other vulnerable groups?

A: They are very general recommendations and we also have to keep in mind that normally the laws of the countries apply to national people, tourists usually see it as a bag of dollars and it is already.I have felt this in many places.In Mexico, for example, they see that you are blanquito and already as you are the easy target.Although where he feels most is in Asia.Because you arrive and you are so different that they do not expect from you to behave according to their values.I think this is the reason why Asia is the safest place to travel for any type of person, especially for those who belong to minorities that in other parts of the world are affected by prejudices.In Asia it exists as that distance: you are so different from me that you do your things and do not mess in my life that I do not get into yours.There you will not feel that inquisitor look, those prejudices.In part because there the religion has developed in another way and there is no guilt, that signaling is more a thing of values and traditions.

Q: Do you see any cultural superiority when considering certain dangerous countries and the West never?

A: For me you cannot judge the cultures and behaviors of other countries with the prism of one with an absolutely different context.Then it seems unfair because there are historical, social, cultural and economic factors that make each country be developed in the way that has done so.I also believe that when one goes to a country you have to understand that it has to stop being both the occasion to understand that place and then be able to issue value judgments and have opinions, but first you have to immerse yourself in its culture.You cannot measure with our western instruments because it is a different topic.The case of France is very different, because it is the country next and has the same cultural heritage as us and the same development.Of course I am not saying that one goes to Dubai and that he accepts the homophobia there is, because it seems terrifying.But if I believe that when one goes to other countries that respect human rights, from our point of view you can think that there are many things that do wrong, because it is very easy to see the straw in the eye of others.I think you must first understand, respect and learn to have an opinion.

Q: Is there anywhere that has surprised you for your tolerance?

A: The first time I arrived in Mexico, I arrived a little with the barriers put because it was my first country in Latin America in my return to the three -year world.Then I traveled a lot for the rest of Latin America and when I returned to Mexico I thought: it is amazing the difference that is felt in Mexico, especially in Mexico City, because there are many laws and much support for minorities such as native natives.For a long time, many things have also been criminalized: not speaking Spanish, not being a white skin, being an indigenous descendant, being LGTB, being a single mother...But today many businesses in Mexico City have a sign at the door that says: "In this place we do not discriminate against anyone for nationality, identity, gender, sexuality, etc, etc.."These are things that are not seen everywhere.On the other hand, there is Thailand that is an officially very homophobic country, but then it is actually the country with more transsexuals.I was surprised from Western countries where one would expect more openness, Australia type, which suddenly does not exist this open mind and this one how you want.That is why I feel that, many times from our western perspective and with some moral superiority, we say that in the countries that are like ours it is where I am going to feel safe.No, forgive, you will feel much safer in Mexico, in this aspect, than in Australia.

Q: A message/recommendation for the Zeta generation that wants to start traveling alone.

A: The first thing is that they go without fear and without prejudice because there is no better way to travel.And to learn many times you have to listen to things contrary to those who think and process them.But if you are far, in a culture outside of yours and you feel that there will be an attack or that there is a rare atmosphere, then it is best to leave there.It happened to me sometimes and this is not: I call my friends or call my parents, no.It is best to leave and avoid this type of conflict, although it is very rare that there are conflicts being traveling.I have seen more travelers fighting each other than local tourists.If it happened to me, for example, to leave a disco in Argentina and people from a car telling me everything or making gestures.But in that case, as is a culture closer to mine, because I answer, but also because one measures the danger of each situation.In the end for me to travel is to do it with an open mind and without judgments.When one is not predisposed to judge, it is very difficult to enter a situation of confrontation.
