Fold your t -shirts perfectly |Live home

Fold your t -shirts perfectly |Live home

Know how to fold clothes may not become as easy as at first you can think.It can be said for all types of clothing in general, but apart we must bear in mind that in some garments the difficulty is higher than in others.

If you want to know how to fold shirts to reduce space in your drawer or closet or to make your suitcase to go on a trip, in this post we will explain step by step what you should do for that.In this way you will not have any inconvenience at the time of folding your shirts.

When the time comes when you learn all the steps you should take to know how to fold t -shirts in the right way, it is important that you put it into practice.In this way you will get how to dominate the technique quickly and thus invest much less time when folding this type of garments.

The shirt is a really special garment, much more than others, in which it may not be so indispensable to make a perfect fold to look good.In a shirt, if it is not done in the right way it is very likely that the final appearance of it will be really harmed.

Fold your t -shirts in the right way

If what you want is to know once and for all how to fold a step by step we will explain everything you should do so that the final fruit is expected.

1 - Step 1

Dobla tus camisetas de forma perfecta | Vivir Hogar

First, you must put the shirt so that you are ready to work with it, that is, making the folds that are needed.For that you will need to bounce the shirt.It is not necessary that all of them need, but with at least half, starting with the neck.

In this way you will avoid being moving while doing the process, disturbing your final result.When you have managed to prepare the shirt buttons and be buttoned, you must continue to turn around the shirt.

2 - Step 2

Then the back of the garment will stay to the top side and the front to the bottom side.You have to make sure to place the process on a flat place and that is large enough to be able to work in a comfortable way.

To do this you can use a bed, a table or even the ground, although it is necessary that a place that is perfectly clean be achieved.The above is the time to start learning how to fold shirts.

3 - Step 3

You must be sure that it is perfectly extended and eliminates the folds that it can have so that the shirt is seen as smooth as possible.

To make the first fold of the same you must separate in your mind the shoulder from the left side of the shirt and make a kind of visual line that goes to the bottom of the shirt, then fold it towards the center of the backFrom the garment then bend its lower ends up and voila.
