BEVIES YEARS: Who invented them, when they actually occur and other curiosities
If you thought that the Roman emperors sentenced the gladiators to lower their finger or that JulioCésar said "you too, gross, my son" when he was killed on March 15, 44 beforeChrist, you are wrong in both cases.Just as if you believe, as they have always told us, that a leap year happens every four years.By the way, about the inventor of the custom of adding an extra day to the calendar we have already left you clues, but let's go in parts.
Surely the basics already know it: every four years an additional day is added to the calendar to synchronize it with the solar year.In a leap year, the additional day is added the last day of February, giving 2 days instead of 28.
But the most detailed explanation is that every year, according to the calendar we use, in our case the Gregorian, lasts 365 days.Every day is a return of the earth on itself, while turning throughout the year around the Sun and on January 1 we return to the starting point in the Earth's orbit.Or almost.Actually, the Earth revolves 365,24219 times, so we take a full turn to the sun 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 56 seconds, what is called a tropic year.And then what happens to that remaining time?
To compensate for those more than 5 hours that we lose every year, for centuries we have the tradition of adding an extra day to the calendar every four years.That day is February 29 and implies that we are in a leap year, an expression that derives from Latin: 'Bis Sextus Dies againstCalendas Martii' (repeated the sixth day before the first day of the month of March).
Getty ImagesTherefore were the Romans, and specifically JulioCésar, their creators.The year 49 was passed.C. cuandoCésar llegó a Egipto y encargó al astrónomo Sosígenes de Alejandría la tarea de diseñar un nuevo calendario a la altura y exactitud que el imperio necesitaba.He designed one based mainly on the Egyptian calendar, but retaining the names of the Roman months.This calendar had a duration of 365 days and an additional day initially every four years, to compensate for a natural lag produced by the non -synchronous revolution of the Earth around the sun.
Contenidos relacionados10 cosas increíbles que no sabías de los perros10 cosas que no sabías de la Vespa10 cosas que no sabías de IkeaThe compensation of the lags that the Roman calendar had accumulated forced the year 46 to.C.It became the longest year in history, with 445 days to compensate and start from zero. A este inusual año se le llamóel 'año de la confusión' o 'año juliano', ya que así se bautizó el calendario en honor a JulioCésar.
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We now jumped until 1582, when the 11-minute discrepancy in the Non-Tan-Precise Julian calendar had added up to 10 days at this point.Then Pope Gregory XIII creates the Gregorian calendar and removes 10 days from October, in addition to establishing February 29 as the official date to add for a leap year.
But is it fulfilled the rule that every 4 years there is a leap?No daughter.It must be taken into account that it will not be viastos who are multiples of 100, unless they are divisible by 400.For that reason they were not leaps either 1800 or 1900, but it was 2000.
Getty ImagesAnd regarding the curiosities and legends that surround this extra day, in Ireland on February 29 it is known as Bachelor’s Day (Single Day) and during the same one the woman is allowed to ask the man's marriage.Very #Metoo everything, go.In the past, if the man rejected the proposal, he had to buy a silk dress from the woman, while in more modern times, a leather coat.A win-win for them.
In some countries like Scotia, on February 29 it is associated with bad luck, and for the Greeks to marry in a leap year will bring bad fortune to the couple, even more so if the wedding is celebrated on February 29.The defenders of equating at 29f with Tuesday and 13, rely on the successive misfortunes that occurred in leap years: in 1912 the Titanic sank;In 1948 they killed Gandhi, twenty years later to Martin Luther King and in 1980, John Lennon.
In Spain they are about 30.000 people who celebrate their birthday once every four years, including the president of the Government Pedro Sánchez who will meet no less than 12 years.We hope you celebrate it with your friends with a Minecraft or Harry Potter thematic party, to choose.
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