Pros and cons of keeping or shaving pubic hair

Pros and cons of keeping or shaving pubic hair

Shaving is not new.And do so integrally in the intimate area either, although it is increasingly demanded not only by women but also by men.However, is this technique healthy?What function does pubic hair have?

Both Vicente Manuel Leis, spokesman for the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), and Gema García Gálvez, gynecologist of the Pelvic Soil Unit and Medical Sexology of the Quirónsalud University Hospital in Madrid, explain to CUIDATEPLUS that there is nothing wrong withshave the intimate area, although attention must be paid to the status of the skin or its sensitivity and the barrier effect that can be the pubic hair.

What function does pubic hair have?

According to Garcia, the pubic hair in some way creates a barrier of protection of the genitals, a more sensitive area of the body."It is true that at aesthetic level it can be unattractive naturally," but the fact that it is there makes sense.

This protective effect, according to Leis, at the dawn of humanity, fulfilled primary functions: maintaining the temperature in the genital zone, both men and women, since not doing so “fertility decreases.Another reason was purely mechanical protection mechanics.This is one of the reasons why hair in that area tends to be curly, so that it has more volume and greater efficacy when protecting and maintaining the temperature. ”But, in addition, in the most primitive human beings their growth was an indicative of fertility in women, suitable for descent."Today, we have clothes and another type of life, it is not very useful," says Leis.

Is integral hair removal?

To shaving, whether integral or not, is a personal decision.There is some debate regarding whether it could predispose to the appearance of certain infections, but there is no clear position in this regard.What does matter, says Leis, is how hair removal is done."The ideal would be to use methods that damage the skin, type to laser hair removal, hot wax or other methods that may be more traumatic or generate wounds, which could predispose to skin problems," says thedermatologist.Another option would be to use depilatory creams, which are usually less aggressive, unless the person who uses it has allergy to some component.

They also import the care given to that freshly shaved skin."The skin, just after hair removal in both men and women, is more delicate and you have to be more careful, hydrate more and have certain precautions," says Leis.After time, and always taking care of the skin, it starts its defense mechanisms and reinforces.

Friction and other associated problems

Pros y contras de mantener o depilar el vello púbico

However, Garcia states that despite this mechanism, many women who have made comprehensive hair removal have stinging, itching, irritation and even fissures in the perineum - the area between the genitals and the anus - as a result of the touch ofunderwear, more if they use Tanga frequently."So, logically, the more barrier you put to the rubbing will always be more protective," she adds.However, it is not about whether it is healthy or not to make an integral hair removal of pubic hair, but to find balance.

Garcia advocates not recommending comprehensive hair removal to all people and if individualizing each case.Thus a good option could be an intermediate hair removal in which the hair is removed from the English area and the pubis and that maintains the lip and vulva, around the entrance of the vagina, where the hair exerts a certainbarrier function."If a girl begins to have vaginitis, irritations, stinging, itching" it may be best to recommend that you do not bet on comprehensive hair removal but more reduced, as well "that it is recommended that you wear cotton underwear, and preferably that they are panties, that the salvaslips are not synthetic if no more ecological ... that take precautionary measures. ”

The contraindication does not focus that more infections can occur, which also depend on individual immunity, the flora of the genital zone and other issues.However, Garcia remembers that the reduction of minor lips also exposes the vagina in some ways.And both hair and lips preserve pH and microenvironment that requires the vagina to maintain a healthy environment.However, this vaginal flora “sometimes is simply unbalanced for not perspiring, by wearing certain very tight clothes and even stress, just like the intestinal flora.The hair is not the only protective factor, there are more factors. ”

This trend of integral hair removal and genital surgery seeks a certain Barbie Look: “It is almost like a childhood vulva, without hair and without lips… we let ourselves be convinced by an aesthetic fashion.That image is not typical of adulthood where there are already a number of changes and in addition to sexual relations, where you are more exposed to infections ... everything is in its place to protect and you have to maintain balance. ”

However, there are women who have no discomfort, and hence the importance of individualizing the advice on hair removal.That is why the laser, although more definitive, may not be the best option in the first place, in Garcia's opinion, but to use other methods and verify that there are no discomfort."If the woman is comfortable, no discomfort is generated and normal sexual life can be done."

Measures after hair removal for sensitive or reactive skin

In those people who want to perform integral hair removal, whether men or women, and who have especially sensitive or reactive skin, explains leis, apply topical corticosteroid treatments or use antiseptic soaps to prevent infections if they are especially reactive skins after hair removal.Of course, in “Areas areaats, in flat lichens that can also affect pubic hair, and in other types of skin problems it would have to be more caution.In those cases, maybe it is not convenient to do aggressive treatments, cosmetic aesthetic type. ”

However, Leis recalls that in principle anyone healthy without dermatosis could resort to hair removal always remembering that “using little aggressive methods, taking care of the skin later days with moisturizing cream to try to isolate as much as possible, use antiseptic soaps and waitA little that the skin adapts. ”

In addition, intimate moisturizers can also be used, mostly with compositions that include Aloe Vera, Camomila, hyaluronic acid, especially if there is a certain sensitivity of the mucous membranes."It can be recommended to patients who take contraceptives, who are in perimenopause, or in women who have itching, irritation ... it is still one more barrier to protect that skin," explains Garcia.

Avoid folliculitis and flushed hairs

Laser hair removal is, in addition to an aesthetic solution, a therapeutic option in people with more tendency to enquisted hairs, with repetition folliculitis or with hydrosadenitis -a chronic inflammatory picture of the glands in the area.Many times "we recommend that they make a definitive hair removal because the follicles are destroyed and we avoid the appearance of injuries," Leis concludes.
