Learn questions at House II on November 4, High School

Learn questions at House II on November 4, High School

If you missed your SEP Aprende en Casa II classes this Tuesday, don't worry. Here we leave you everything seen during the day.Learn at Home Questions II for Secondary November 4th Learn at Home Questions II for Secondary November 4th

First year of secondary school


>Earth: the blue planet

Expected learning: Analyze the distribution and dynamics of continental and oceanic waters on Earth.

Emphasis: Recognize the distribution of water on the planet.

What are we going to learn?

You will be able to recognize the distribution of water worldwide, the difference between salty and fresh water on the planet, and the importance of caring for water at a national and global level.

What do we do?

To start the session, we want to invite you to reflect on the following information.

Our planet is known as the blue planet because most of the surface is covered by water, but have you ever wondered: what percentage of the water that is on our planet is for our consumption?

If you don't know what percentage of water we can consume, today you will learn it.

Start with some statistical data on the distribution of water, so you will know how it is distributed on the planet, in addition to knowing which are the bodies of water where it is stored. At the end of the session, you will know how it is distributed and where that water goes.

In everyday life we ​​know that water is an essential liquid in our lives, as it is vital in the natural processes or cycles of the atmosphere, and in the life of plants and animals. In the same way, the human being takes advantage of this resource for consumption; to clean themselves, prepare food, wash utensils and clothes, as well as for their economic activities, such as agriculture or mining.

Perhaps you have heard that our planet is called the blue planet, due to the large amount of water that covers it, and it has even been said that it should not be called Earth, but "Water", because 70% of the surface is covered by this vital fluid.

We can find this resource naturally in its three states: solid, liquid or gaseous; Likewise, we can locate it in different places such as in the atmosphere, on the surface, underground and in the oceans.

The water that covers our planet is divided into salty and fresh water. Salt water is related to oceanic waters, that is, those found in the oceans, and these cover 70% of the earth's surface, which represents 97.5% of the total water; however, these waters are distributed unevenly in the world because in the northern hemisphere the oceans occupy approximately 60% of the surface, while in the southern hemisphere 80% is covered by oceanic waters. This distribution has direct repercussions on the continents, since oceanic waters provide them with a certain amount of humidity and heat.

For example, our country has great rainfall due to hurricanes that form in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Ocean waters have a high concentration of mineral salts: 35 grams for every liter of water, but this can vary depending on your location. For example, a body of ocean water can be less salty if it receives fresh water from rivers or glaciers. On the other hand, in the hottest regions of the world, the waters are saltier because, when the water evaporates, it leaves the salts in the ocean masses. Now you know why seawater is salty and, consequently, it is not viable for human consumption.

Remember that there are five oceans on the planet: Antarctic, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian and Pacific.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest, it occupies a third of the planet, that is, it is larger than all the continents together. It ranges from the Bering Sea, in the northern hemisphere, to Antarctica, in the southern hemisphere. In addition, it is the deepest place known, the Mariana Trench, with 11,034 meters deep, and the largest reef in the world: the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean, but it is also just as important to life on our planet. This ocean is equivalent to 2.8% of the total surface of the Earth and 3.9% of the oceanic waters and its extension of a little more than 14 million square kilometers. Another of the characteristics of the Arctic Ocean is that it has the lowest depth of all the oceans with only 1,050 meters on average.

Not all oceans have the same temperature, the Indian Ocean is the hottest of all and additionally the one that is increasing its heat the fastest due to global warming. While the average is 0.7 degrees Celsius, this ocean has shown a warming of 1.2 degrees. On the other hand, since its area is 68.55 million square kilometers, it represents 19.8% of the oceanic surface and 14.4% of the total surface of the planet.

The Atlantic Ocean has the highest salinity, with an average of 35%. It occupies just over 106 million km2 of extension, which is equivalent to 20.8% of the Earth's surface and 29.3% of the Earth's ocean. The interesting thing about this ocean is that it is the one that receives the most fresh water of the five. This is because important rivers such as the Amazon, the Mississippi and the Congo flow into it.

To finish with the particular data of the oceans, the ocean that is most to the south of the planet, is the Antarctic, it is practically surrounding the Antarctic. Due to its location, it is the coldest, as its temperature is extremely low, ranging between -2 degrees and 10 degrees Celsius in the hottest seasons. This ocean originated when South America and the Antarctic continent separated, which caused a current that circulates around the continent.

Continuing with the part about the salinity of oceanic waters, remember that these are not suitable for human consumption, since they contain 35 grams of mineral salts per liter, therefore, in the chemical composition of the water, the element most abundant is sodium chloride or salt, as we commonly know it. This salt has been used in the economic sector, since industries extract, process and market it for human consumption.

On the other hand, fresh water is concentrated in continental waters, which represent 2.5% of all the water on the planet.

These inland waters are distributed in river basins, lakes, and underground reservoirs known as aquifers, as well as in mountain and polar glaciers, and in the atmosphere as water vapor, and Due to its low content of mineral salts, humans can consume it, but only 1% of that percentage can be used by the population. That is why it is extremely important to make good use of this liquid, because not all areas of the planet have the same availability. Remember that we cannot live without drinking water.

According to scientific studies, the average survival time without consuming the liquid is between three to five days. In addition, water is necessary for the proper functioning of our body, therefore, it is recommended that we all drink an average of 2 liters of water a day. That is why we invite you to take care of the water together with your family. Remember that there are actions that help us make more appropriate use of this natural resource.

To understand a little more about the distribution of water, watch the following video:

Water is distributed mostly in oceanic waters, so it is important to take care of the fresh water that we can consume, since the percentage that we have for our consumption is very little.

Have you noticed if there is a body of water in your community? For example, some river, lake or lagoon. If there is one, do you know what use it is given? What is its main function? Do you think that this water distribution source is being used appropriately?

In the event that there is no body of water in your community, how do you supply yourself with this resource? What happens when you need water?

As you know, water is essential for human life, but in addition to consuming it, we take advantage of it in tourist, industrial, and agricultural activities and as a means of transportation, among others.

But it is not only essential for the life of the human being, it is also essential for the living beings that inhabit the planet, and we can say that for the planet Earth in general, since water provides ecological functions or environmental services, such as :

Did you know that currently more than 2.1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water or sanitation systems? That means that 3 out of 10 people live without drinking water at home. Similarly, each year around 300,000 children under the age of 5 die from diarrhea, which is linked to dirty water and poor sanitation.

You can help this problem by spending less water and also polluting less. Each of us can put our grain of sand. For example, perhaps you have heard that in some regions of the country they have already banned the use of single-use plastic bags. That is a good step, but if in your locality they do not want to do anything or this does not happen, then start yourself, do it by taking boxes to the market or using cloth bags that can be reused. You have to do something, because everything adds up.

How do you help improve your locality? Watch the following video that talks about water care.

As you could see in the video, water is a resource that is becoming scarce due to the great population demand that exists on the planet, for this reason it is of the utmost importance to take care of it as the most precious jewel of great value.

Remember also that the different bodies of water are the ones that provide us with this vital liquid. In the Mexican territory we have approximately 1,471 water basins. One of the most important is the basin of Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacán.

Would you like to visit this site?

Well, it's time for the Geographical ABC and it's the turn of the state of Michoacán, where you'll find lakes, rivers and many other things to visit.

The Pátzcuaro basin is established in the state of Michoacán, and has an extension of 7,092.87 km. It is one of the main tourist destinations in the state and even in all of Mexico.

The official name of Michoacán is the Free and Sovereign State of Michoacán de Ocampo. It is located in the western region of the country, bordered to the north by Jalisco and Guanajuato, to the northwest by Querétaro, to the east by the State of Mexico, to the southwest by Colima and to the south by the Balsas River that separates it from Guerrero, to the west it has the Pacific Ocean.

Michoacán is a state that is characterized by its ancestral traditions, landscapes, festivities and its delicious gastronomy. The state offers a wide variety of natural and cultural attractions, such as its historic cities. For example, the capital Morelia, whose historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Purépecha Nation prevails in the six regions of the state: Morelia, Lázaro Cárdenas, Uruapan, Pátzcuaro, Zamora and Zitácuaro.

One of the most visited places are the forest sanctuaries of the monarch butterfly, since they are the most recognized natural environment, but due to its orography, we can also find lakes, waterfalls, hot springs or numerous geysers.

If you want to venture out, you can visit the Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park, in Uruapan, where you can do ecotourism activities and mountain sports, such as hiking, biking, and horseback riding.

Another place where you can observe a natural spectacle are the marine reserves, where the black or olive ridley turtles lay their eggs, being the beaches of Playa Azul, Maruata, Cocola or Ixtapilla authentic visual spectacles when the small turtles hatch and try to get to the sea

Michoacán is a state rich in traditions and especially in the rituals of the Day of the Dead, one of the intangible customs recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

The lake of Pátzcuaro, with the offerings of the Purépecha ethnic group, attracts all eyes with a very famous celebration throughout Mexico.

Do not forget the typical dances of the state, where we find three emblematic dances:

  1. The Moors and Christians Dance, where they represent the fight between Spaniards and Arabs.
  2. The typical Dance of the Old Men, which is a humorous dance, and
  3. < li>The Dance of the Kúrpites or "of those who meet or gather".

Something that you cannot miss when you visit this magnificent state is to try their dishes, their meals count with Purepecha roots, which are found in the famous uchepos (corn tamales), churipos (beef soup with tomato), morelianas, charales, corundas, smoothie pozole or rotten pot.

Without a doubt, the state of Michoacán offers a wide variety of attractions to visit, so when you go, don't forget to stop by one of its bodies of water such as Lake Pátzcuaro and enjoy its beautiful landscape.

Watch the following video to learn about the landscapes and people of this entity.

Visit Mexico

As you may have noticed, the water that covers a large part of the planet's surface is distributed in different ways, while we only have 1% of the water available for human consumption.

In addition, water has an important function in nature because:

It is the resource responsible for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.

It regulates the climates.

Allows the production of raw materials.

The seas and oceans are the main source of water vapor found in the atmosphere.

They constantly modify the physiognomy of the coasts.

The sea level serves as a basis for measuring the heights of the terrestrial relief.

Can you imagine a world without water? Many scientists have ventured to say that the next great war could be over access to water. If you want to know more about this great global problem, we invite you to read the book A world without water, by the author Francisco Peña, there you will know about which continents and countries have water, who uses it and the best way to distribute it.

Also, remember that you can enrich the contents seen in this session in your course textbook.

We want to invite you, as a challenge, to create a calligram indicating the importance of water in our daily lives. When you finish it, you can show it to your relatives and tell them about how essential this liquid is for our planet.

A calligram is a writing, generally poetic, whose typographic arrangement outlines figures or shapes related to the subject matter, in such a way that the text creates a kind of visual image.

Here we present an idea of ​​how you can make your calligram. You can make a calligram in the shape of a drop of water or a faucet.


>Analysis of the technological product

Expected learning: Recognizes the importance of the needs and interests of social groups for the creation and use of techniques in different social and historical contexts.

Emphasis: Relate the analysis of the technological product with the social and natural consequences.

What are we going to learn?

In this session you will carry out the systemic analysis of a product and its technological services, in it you will see how natural and social resources are related; in this way, you will be able to understand the consequences of technical creations.

What do we do?

One of the consequences of the earthquake on September 17, 2017 was the collapse of architectural structures in different parts of the center and south of the country. A big problem arises derived from this situation: the generation of debris that, as you saw in the last session, represents a type of waste that is difficult to process. And various technical problems appeared as a result of these not so easy to handle materials.

Before any technical project, it is necessary to carry out a systemic analysis, in which the context, the application of the product and its consequences are considered. But before entering the subject, you will review what the systemic analysis consists of.

To make a systemic analysis, all aspects involved in technical creations must be considered. Each of them are considered important elements for the realization of a technical project, these elements are:

When one of the elements of the analysis is missing, or was carried out, but has flaws, the systemic analysis collapses. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a new analysis in order to carry out the project. In a systemic analysis, it is analyzed how society, nature and technique are related in the development of a technical project. For example, last session you learned about concrete and adobe, which are inputs for the construction of houses, roads, and buildings. Now you will use the model from the previous session to exemplify a systemic analysis.

Think about the construction of a tourist hotel in the southeast of the country, specifically in a community of Chiapas.

Prior to the project, it is necessary to carry out a series of studies that will determine the feasibility of said project.

The project to be carried out consists of the construction and operation of a hotel in the state of Chiapas in the southeast of the country, within a jungle implantation and with a geographical location recognized for tourism. The idea arises from offering tourists a place where they can enjoy nature, fresh air, the natural wonders of the place, without losing or sacrificing the comforts offered by the hotel. Carrying out the project within the jungle has the purpose of covering a new trend in tourism that has had significant growth in recent times, even surpassing that of tourism in general.

Read the following text for important information about the Lacandona jungle.

The Lacandona jungle has a megadiversity of 625 species of butterflies; 114, of mammals; 345, of birds, and 84, of reptiles; in addition to 3,400 species of plants, of which 160 can be found in a single hectare and together represent 15% of the plants that exist in Mexico, among which stands out, for being rare, the Lacandonia schismática flower, unique among 250,000 described plants.

The above, together with the ecosystem services, shows the exuberance of the Lacandona jungle that runs in an area of ​​1.8 million hectares located in the eastern part of the state of Chiapas, in the municipalities of Las Margaritas, Altamirano, Ocosingo, Palenque, Maravilla Tenejapa, Marqués de Comillas-Zamora Pico de Oro and Benito Juárez.

Now is the time to develop the elements of systemic analysis:

Technical background. In the systemic analysis it is important to compare the benefits and the effects that it will generate.

Social context. In this case, the hotel will be built within the Lacandona jungle, therefore, the economic activities, social relations and culture of the communities that inhabit that area must be considered.

Natural context. The sources of resources and availability of materials are considered, since these will be transformed into products and satisfy the demands of tourists, as well as taking care of natural resources and preserving them for present and future generations of communities through regulations that prevent the abuse of their exploitation.

Technical consequences. Both transportation and access must be adequate and well planned so that the activities that are intended to generate for tourists are safe and friendly to the environment.

Social impact. It represents an economic benefit, since it generates tourist activity and has an impact on the creation of new jobs, as well as on the increase in tourist influx. It is important that the local population be integrated into the project and avoid social segregation.

Natural impact. It is important to mention that we are talking about ecological tourism and it consists of friendly coexistence with the flora and fauna of the place, as well as the care of water, soil and air.

Remember that this type of analysis must be done with any product or service that you want to develop.

Think, for example, of a pencil. What will be its natural impact? What are its technical consequences? What is its technical background? In what social context is it used?

Even the object that seems very simple to you requires a systemic analysis.

Today's reading recommendation is: the novel titled Huatulqueños, which reveals the ecological devastation in Oaxaca, Mexico. In the novel, the ineffectiveness to combat deforestation is recorded, often perpetrated by the same inhabitants who enjoy these resources.

Huatulqueños rescues the history that took place in a region of the country, such as Huatulco, Oaxaca, and by chance of modernization and tourist development, is assisting the opportunistic tearing apart of its entrails, so that this narrative salvage in the manner of the "minimal history of Huatulco".

Huatulqueños narrates the concern for the protection of natural resources and fulfills the extraordinary function of entering that duality of expressing, in a civil and cultural way, what Huatulco was and will be.

To recap:

You returned to the theme of the social and natural consequences of technical creations.

You understood the importance of the needs and interests of social groups for the creation and use of techniques in different social and historical contexts; like building a hotel.

You carried out the systemic analysis of the technological product with the social and natural consequences of technical creations.

You learned what systemic analysis consists of and some elements that are considered in this type of analysis.

Discuss with your teacher or professor the systemic analysis of a technical project that involves a product or service that is of interest to you.


>What if it moves?

Expected learning: Recognize elements of art in artistic works and manifestations from different aesthetic perspectives.

Emphasis: Explore aesthetic categories based on human events and natural phenomena.

What are we going to learn?

This time you are going to continue the review of the elements of the arts from an aesthetic point of view, now relating it to natural phenomena.

Remember that, in the world of art, the word "aesthetics" refers to everything that our senses perceive from the outside world. This day you will learn about art from something known as aesthetic categories. Some of these categories are the tragic, the sublime, and the comic.

What do we do?

Human beings observe from our worldview, that is, from our own point of view; and this point of view grows with the experience that we live every day in our environment. And it is precisely from what is around you that you will also occupy other objects that you will surely have at home.

The objects you are going to use are:

1 broomstick.

1 cushion or pillow.

1 sheet, tablecloth or cloth.

3 kitchen utensils of different materials.

If you didn't find the stick you can use your pencil, and if you didn't have a cushion, you can use your notebook.

In nature there are events or manifestations that present movement, color, shape, rhythm and sound, which generate emotions in the people who experience them. Sometimes they manifest themselves in harmonious, calm ways and others with force and noisiness. In this first exploration, we invite you to look for different actions that nature could do. Take your cushion and test with voice and movement how what we will be mentioning could be manifested.

What would it be like to do…?

Lightning, fast, withering, and thunderous.

The warm air of the beach, slow, wavy, soft and enveloping.

A sea current under your feet.

When you did each action, did you exclaim admiration or surprise? This is because in this natural phenomenon you are perceiving danger or, on the contrary, enjoying it, because from the same experience you can experience different emotions, even opposite ones such as joy or sadness.

Now take your cloth and imagine that this is a storm that you are watching from far, far away. It looks small, with movements that go from one side to the other. What sounds and movements can you make with that small, distant storm-cloth? How would you feel as a distant spectator?

Now imagine that the cloth is the storm, it came to you. It's very different if you imagine yourself now in the middle of this storm, doesn't it feel different?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a large and majestic waterfall moved? Take the cloth and imagine that you are the waterfall that can be moved to various spaces. This could be extraordinary because it is "impossible" for a waterfall to move to other places. This makes your imagination take you to sublime experiences (extraordinary, exceptional, something almost magical).

Write what it felt like to become a waterfall, how your body felt. Nature reminds humans of our "littleness" when we try to compare ourselves to its greatness.

For example, this landscape of the lake with a nearby forest and snow-capped mountains is a sublime space, especially for those of us who live between avenues, a lot of pollution and buildings. This "sublime" sensation comes into conflict when we stop noticing the small details that nature gives us every day, when we no longer stop to contemplate it or when it is too late, because it has been devastated. For now, we could say that this exploration that you did with movements, sounds and imagination invited you to recognize the aesthetic category of the sublime, where you were a spectator of nature, from your worldview.

Well, now we go with the category of the tragic within nature. What natural events do you know that remind you of the destruction of our environment, chaos or death itself? Earthquakes, tsunamis or landslides?

To explore this category you will do it with the question "what if it moves?". And you will do it playing with the balance, for that take the stick or your pencil.

Now at home, try to balance with the stick, start with something simple, for example, with the palm of your hand if it's the stick or with your finger if you're using your pencil. And then go challenging yourself and changing different parts of the body: it can be the foot, the forehead, the chin.

When you try to balance with this object, the intense thing would be this fight against the inevitable, against the fatal, which is the fact that the stick is going to fall due to gravity. The tragedy is in that desire to keep something predetermined, the fall will be inevitable, perhaps frustrating or painful.

In a story, for example, it's the tragic character who doesn't realize the doom, but the viewers do. In this example with the stick you would be the character trying to balance it, but knowing that it is going to fall at some point. In the aesthetic category of the tragic, one seeks to defeat destiny, nature, a superior and invincible power, and in most cases everything falls under its own weight.

Now you are going to use various objects with someone in your house or try it by yourself, but be careful. First a stick, then a cover, then another stick, and now the cushion or a notebook. If it is sustained it would be, perhaps, something sublime, if it falls it will be an example of catastrophe or tragedy.

This is exactly what happens when we experience earthquakes, hurricanes, floods or droughts. We all know that humanity does not control nature and that our natural and inevitable destiny is death, of course, in due time.

Precisely at this point you have reached, you can notice differences between the sublime and the tragic, great differences between contemplating a rainbow or having lived through an earthquake. Can you remember living one or the other phenomenon and the sensations they cause you?

Now that you probably felt fear, nerves or other similar emotions with these topics, pay close attention because you will see how art also helps you overcome fear or shape your emotions.

Watch the following video to learn about the work of artist-teacher Francisco González.

Wings and roots

Art offers you resources to calm your fears, express what words often cannot say, and thus face the events of nature with greater courage.

Art is a way to transform what you have experienced. For example, by materializing your emotions or thoughts and representing them through art, you sublimate it, that is, you experience those emotions in a more conscious, controlled and creative way.

Ask your teachers how you will work the aesthetic categories in your class and if any of these call your attention, investigate, explore and share your discoveries. Because this makes your experience feed on the experiences of other people.

Now, let's move on to the third category which is the funny.

Humor is a way of organizing, valuing or judging art. Has it happened to you that you laugh when the wind blows someone's hat away or a pigeon relieves itself in mid-flight and accidentally falls into the vanilla ice cream of someone who was about to give it a second lick? Has it happened that you are with your friends and they give you fits of laughter for no reason? It also depends on where and how the whole situation occurs, for example, it is not the same if it happens at home or at school, with friends or with strangers. Or it can also be an event that happened a long time ago, and that at the time was worrying, but now it becomes laughable. We Mexicans are very creative for that.

Have you ever wondered why you laugh if it's not funny?

The answer is simple: when the daily routine or the routine of our lives is broken, we find something unforeseen and this surprises us. Although "surprise" is not the same as "funny" or "laughter", when we hold our breath in surprise, after verifying that there is no danger, the surprise releases the air that was in our lungs in the form of laughter or discreet laughter , according to the case.

Using objects in an absurd way can be funny. Of the objects you have next to you, in how many different ways can you use them? Explore in your house with objects that you have on hand: the spoon can be a microphone, a magnifying glass can be used to explore, or it can be a chocolate ice cream with vanilla. Or what else can you think of?

Explore other shapes with different objects. For example, a grocery bag can be a hat, or it can be a baby.

Laughter arises from an unexpected event that breaks the routine or because something that you thought was going to happen did not happen. In the comic you can often see that established rules are broken.

In some events of humanity such as wars, earthquakes or pandemics, humans need to find causes of relief, calm and laughter has been a great resource to heal.

Throughout history we have seen how silent films or clowns seek to generate awareness about what is happening, but from humor. And more recently, during this pandemic, some artists did something similar, including Chucho Lavadero, an eccentric musical clown. To learn about his vision and creation from humor, watch the following video:

With you in the distance

As you have seen, some events of humanity and nature provide us humans with sublime experiences, like spending a day on a lake contemplating harmony, or tragic experiences like this pandemic, but also moments of creation and humor. There are so many ways to express what we appreciate in nature that artists have used their bodies, sounds, objects, movement, and space. Just like you, they are developing their expressive abilities and learning from the nature that surrounds them to transform it for the good of their community.

It is important to recognize that the aesthetic categories bring you closer to having a personal opinion about the artistic experience, that is, expressing what you feel or think when contemplating nature or a work of art and although in this session, you saw three of them, you will continue to explore them.

Remember that one way to take care of yourself is to listen, what you feel, what you think and express in a creative way all that worries you about yourself and your environment.

With these categories that you explored today, sublime, tragic and comic, we challenge you to identify them in your community, your family, in the nature that surrounds you and of course in the works and artistic manifestations.

Create one of them in an artistic exercise that you freely invent.


>Predators are involved in regulating population size

Expected learning: Infers the role played by predator-prey interactions and competition in the balance of populations in an ecosystem.

Emphasis: Identify the ecological importance of predators.

What are we going to learn?

In previous sessions you learned that species are adapted to the environment in which they live, which is why they present characteristics that favor survival and reproduction. Today you will identify the ecological importance of predators.

What do we do?

In this session we will ask you a series of trigger questions, which we suggest you write down and answer them gradually, since many of them will be useful in the following sessions.

To start, it is important that you identify some concepts.

Ecosystem: is defined as the set of species in a given area that interact with each other and with their physical environment. Where two factors can be distinguished: biotic and abiotic.

We invite you to identify the biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem. To do this, in your notebook, divide a sheet in half and mark two columns. In the column on the right side, place the subheading "biotic factors" and in the column on the left side write "abiotic factors".

Once the worksheet is prepared, pay attention to the following image, make a list on each side as appropriate.

What living things do you see in the image?

There are some animals such as moose, deer, fox, bear and beaver; We could think from these animals that it is a forest ecosystem.

Which side should you place them on?

These should be listed on the right side because they belong to biotic factors.

Now, how do you imagine the temperature in that place? Do you think the environment is cool or hot, humid or dry.

Look at the words that appear in the landscape, list them on the correct side.

We have carbon dioxide present in the air, sunlight, water, and soil. Let's see what its function is.

Temperature gives reference to the amount of heat energy that predominates in a place and influences: the distribution of species, their life cycle, and reproduction, development and survival activities.

Carbon dioxide, sunlight and water are essential elements for plants in the photosynthetic process.

Humidity is the amount of vapor that is part of the air, beneficial for living beings, especially for the growth and photosynthesis of plants

The soil is a source of nutrients for plants, without which they could not grow.

Now list them under the abiotic factors. Therefore the list should include: temperature, carbon dioxide, sunlight, water and soil.

It is important that you return to these factors, because they affect the distribution and size of populations in ecosystems. And the decrease or absence of any of them can cause an ecological imbalance with consequences that can be serious.

Identify how an ecosystem is organized. The first important aspect is:

Individual: it is the basic unit of the local environment, that is, an individual of a certain species. For example: a pelican.

Population: refers to a group of organisms of the same species that coexist in the same time and space and can reproduce.

Community: It is the set of different populations that share a habitat.

As can be seen in the following image that represents a marine ecosystem, where you can see the different populations that make it up. For example, anemones, sponges, corals, fish and algae. All of them make up this ecosystem and share the physical environment.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that all these levels of organization interact and intervene in the ecological balance.

Before continuing, reflect, do you like to go on a picnic in the woods? Have you noticed that everything seems to be in a well-defined place, nothing stands out, everything looks harmonious, peaceful and with a determined number of certain species that characterize the place?

Well, that is the ecological balance. In other words, it can be defined as the ability of an ecosystem to maintain a balance between the elements that make it up and in terms of species composition and abundance. But this process has taken nature a long time. What has allowed species to evolve and adapt to their environment.

It is also important to understand what an interaction is, and this is very easy, since we carry them out ourselves and it is the way in which individuals constantly relate to others throughout our lives. But what is relevant about these is that the balance in the ecosystem depends on them. In these constant relationships, they fight for the resources that exist in the ecosystem, throughout their lives. That is, biological relationships are formed.

There are various biological relationships, but in this session you will focus on predation.

Predation is an interaction between species where one needs to hunt another to survive, since it represents the only possibility to feed in the environment it inhabits. Although it seems bloody and voracious, it occupies an outstanding place in any evolutionary role in which two organisms intervene: a predator and a prey. Each plays an important role.

The predator is an organism that feeds on another, the same or different. Which means that in this role there is a victim, the prey; and a beneficiary, the predator. Since it requires the prey to survive.

Meanwhile, the prey is the population that serves as food for predators, that is, it is the one that is hunted, and it needs to protect itself from its predator.

What would happen if predators disappeared in an ecosystem? Why are predators necessary? We invite you to watch the following video to give some answers.

With the fact that the predators disappear, the prey would grow without control, seriously damaging their habitat, affecting different species. Within nature, each of the living beings occupies a specific place and fulfills a function, so eliminating predators alters the ecosystem.

It is possible that some people have the idea that predators are cruel for the mere fact of killing their prey to obtain their food. Like, for example: wolves, sharks, bears, lions, tigers, etc.

To surprise you, we ask you the following question: when you see a ladybug, what feeling does it inspire in you? Tenderness, care, protection? You would be surprised to know that the ladybug is a carnivorous insect with a good appetite, as it is fascinated by aphids and other insects. This insect is of the utmost importance in agricultural plantations, because it helps to control fall armyworm pests that cause considerable losses in the yield of the corn crop.

Remember that the ladybug is an insect native to Asia, but it was introduced to our continent with the purpose of working as a natural pesticide to control pests. However, it got out of control and became a plague that puts various ecosystems and crops at risk. So don't be fooled by appearances.

On the other hand, since the number of predators is low compared to the number of prey, it could be thought that the disappearance or decrease of predators has no effect on ecosystems. However, their disappearance or decrease affects the balance of ecosystems. Large predators play an important role in regulating the populations of their prey, generally herbivores, but also other carnivores in the food chain called mesopredators. For example, some snakes are eaten by eagles.

If the large predators disappear: the mesopredators will have a greater opportunity to reproduce, as a consequence their population can grow excessively, which can cause them to consume more prey, affecting the populations of the organisms they feed on. Likewise, larger herbivorous animals will probably also increase in number. As a result, the vegetation can decrease considerably, which can affect the entire ecosystem. Therefore, we can infer that predators participate in regulating the populations of their ecosystem.

As you observed at the beginning of the video, rats have multiplied without a predator to regulate them. If there is no predation, they grow uncontrollably, becoming a pest.

We invite you to read the following article, which mentions an ecosystem that was about to disappear, entitled: Why do we need predators? Or what does a trophic cascade consist of?

The example of the Yellowstone park in the USA, where the wolves managed to change the course of the river

In the case of this park, the wolves had been gone for more than 70 years, leading to an overpopulation of deer and coyotes, reducing the vegetation to almost nothing and ending the presence of large numbers of wolves. species. In 1995, the introduction of a few wolves was carried out. As soon as they arrived, the wolves began to hunt deer, which drastically decreased their population, but not only that: they managed to get large herbivores such as deer to avoid certain areas where plants and trees such as poplars and willows returned. to grow. This brought with it the arrival of new species, such as birds and beavers.

The beavers, in turn, with the constructions they carry out in the rivers, created habitats that attracted reptiles, amphibians, fish and other rodents. But things did not stop there: as wolves also reduced the number of coyotes, rabbits and mice grew, and other mesopredators such as foxes, weasels, skunks, eagles, and hawks appeared after them. The bear population also grew with more prey and fruit to eat, which also reasserted the wolves' dominant position.

The growth of trees and plants, on the other hand, slowed erosion, narrowed and stabilized riverbanks, creating pools that also attracted more species.

Through this reading, you answered the two questions you asked earlier. The presence of predators is vital.

You've already seen the important role a predator plays in its ecosystem. In this special case the gray wolves. Who with his presence.

In this case, by reintroducing the gray wolf to its environment, the ecosystem began its recovery and over time a dynamic equilibrium was strengthened.

Why are they needed? as you already discovered in the reading, its absence would cause the imbalance of the ecosystem.

This is just one case that shows the consequences of the absence of predators in an ecosystem. But just as the gray wolf is important in the mountain forests of North America and the desert of northern Mexico for the recovery and maintenance of ecological balance, there are others that are also highly relevant regardless of their size. Another example is the case of the "prairie dogs".

Herbivores are involved in regulating the populations of plants on which they feed.

When herbivores are lost, the landscape changes rapidly, as some plant species begin to prevail over others that don't have time to regenerate. This is probably what would happen if the prairie dog disappeared from the grasslands of the state of Chihuahua, in northern Mexico. It is a fundamental organism in the dynamic balance of grassland ecosystems.

This rodent feeds on shrubbery in deserts, making way for grasslands. If the puppies disappeared, these bushes would invade the entire area and then the ecosystem would be transformed, this would complicate the lives of many species.

In addition, this rodent makes burrows under the soil, this allows the soil to aerate and the water to run and filter, which maintains the necessary humidity to preserve the pastures. At the same time these burrows are used by different living beings, such as reptiles. In the same way, badgers or desert foxes can use them.

To conclude, prairie dogs contribute to the stability of the ecosystem. This allows conserving biological diversity since several species depend on it. For example: the white-headed eagle, the owl, among others.

Learn at Home Questions II of 4 Secondary November

Another species that is extremely important is an animal that lives in the tropical forests of Borneo and Sumatra, this frugivorous predator is the orangutan.

The orangutan, by feeding on fruits, helps to spread the seeds of these, for this reason it is called the "gardener of the forest".

This contributes to constant reforestation and therefore to the renewal of the forest. But in addition, this herbivorous predator is an "umbrella species", due to environmental conservation strategies, by protecting areas where this species inhabits, many others that share the same ecosystem are also preserved, such as hornbill tigers, crocodiles, pygmy elephants and clouded leopards. These animals favor the wildlife of Indonesia.

With this journey through ecosystems located in different parts of the world, you can realize that the role of the predator is not that of the bloodthirsty, rather the role it plays is of great ecological weight. In all the cases analyzed they are important for ecosystems to remain robust and life to continue.

Now, answering the questions posed at the beginning.

What would happen if predators disappeared in an ecosystem?

The consequences could be devastating in an ecosystem, since there is no predator that participates along with other factors in regulating a species, it can reproduce exponentially, destroying the environment. Which would cause other species to have difficulties feeding, they could even disappear from their habitat.

Question 2: Why are predators important?

They are a fundamental representative in ecosystems, they regulate and maintain the ecological balance in their environment by hunting the next living thing in the food chain.

To better recap this point, we will present some of the functions carried out by predators:

In this way, other species are favored by preserving and giving stability to the ecosystem.

The time has come to select the keyword for this session and that we recommend you include in your "biological alphabet". Although you will surely find others that you could also consider. The word is…"predatory".

The most important thing about this session is that you awaken your sense of responsibility towards all living beings to care for and preserve a "home" where we can live and enjoy its natural beauties: the Earth.

We suggest the following challenge.

Investigate about a marine predator, through your means of consultation such as a textbook or the Internet. Preferably some organism that is not very common.

Describe what characteristics it has for hunting, what are the benefits it brings to its ecosystem and what is its prey.

Write it in your notebook and remember to share it with your teacher, classmates and of course with family and friends.


>The French Revolution: in search of liberty, equality and fraternity

Expected learning: Learn about the process of the French Revolution and discover how the ideas of the Enlightenment and the economic crisis of the kingdom influenced it. In addition, he discovers the way in which this process marked the end of the absolute monarchy.

Emphasis: Explain the revolutionary process and the influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment in the new constitution, in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and in the Declaration of the Rights of Women and of the Citizen.

What are we going to learn?

You will continue with the theme of the French Revolution, emphasizing the revolutionary process and the influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment in the new constitution, in the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen and in the declaration of the rights of the woman and the citizen.

What do we do?

The French Revolution intended to change structures, traditions and ways of life in French citizens and impose a new social and cultural order in which individuals would be happier, governed their lives by rationality and balance; To this end, control mechanisms were established over individual lives, the greatest consequence of which is the intrusion into the most remote spheres of privacy, for example, in the decoration of private spaces such as the home or the symbols of the intimate and familiar. To learn a little more about daily life during the French Revolution, you will read a fragment of Lynn Hunt's text, entitled "Private life during the French Revolution"

"The same thing happened with the objects of the private space as with clothing, even the most intimate received public marks of republican ardor. In the houses of well-to-do patriots you could find "Revolution style" or "Federation style" beds, " and the porcelain and earthenware were decorated with republican drawings or vignettes.The snuffboxes, basins, mirrors, all the chests and even the urinals were adorned with scenes from the revolutionary days or with allegorical representations: Liberty, Equality, Prosperity and Victory, all of them adorned the private spaces of the republican bourgeoisie.Even on the walls of the most modest tailors and shoemakers you could find revolutionary calendars with the new system of time measurement and the inevitable republican cartoons.

The portraits of the revolutionary heroes and of Antiquity or the historical paintings of the events that led to the founding of the Republic, of course, did not succeed in completely replacing the tables and engravings of the Virgin Mary and the saints, and It is not possible to be sure that popular attitudes underwent a profound change during this political education essay, but there is no doubt that the invasion of private space by the new public symbols was an essential element in the creation of a revolutionary tradition, just as so that all the portraits of Bonaparte and the various representations of his victory collaborated in establishing the Napoleonic myth. The change in the decoration of the private space had far-reaching public consequences thanks to the politicizing will of the revolutionary command and its followers.

[…]The symbols of the intimate and the familiar managed to develop a remarkable political power (and, therefore, public) in this period of confusion between the public and the private. The emblem of the Republic, the Roman goddess of Liberty, used to have on official seals, statues, and portraits an abstracted and distant expression, but in many other representations she took on the familiarity of a young girl or mother and was soon known, first in jokingly and later affectionately, as Marianne, the most common female name. The woman and the mother, so deprived of any political rights, could, nevertheless (or perhaps for this reason?), become the emblems of the new Republic. Even Napoleon came to represent himself, in 1799, saving her from the abyss of discord and division. Power, to be effective, had to inspire affection, and therefore had to descend at times to the level of the familiar.

The iconography and political discourses of the revolutionary decade told a familiar story. In the beginning, the king was the benevolent father who was going to recognize the problems of the kingdom and solve them with the help of his sons, who had just reached adulthood (the deputies of the Third Estate, especially). When he tried to flee the country, in June 1791, it proved impossible to maintain this line of argument: the children, now more radical, demanded basic changes and finally came to demand the replacement of the father. The need to eliminate the tyrannical father was then completed by a violent attack directed against the woman who had never successfully played the role of mother: Marie Antoinette's much-exploited adulterous condition was an insult to the nation that, in a sense, , was used to justify his terrible end.

The position of the royal couple in the new family matrix of power was occupied by the fraternity of revolutionaries who protected their weak sisters, La Libertad y la Igualdad. In the new representations of the Republic, a father never appears and the mothers, with the exception of the youngest, are not usually present either: this was a family whose parents had disappeared. Only the brothers remained, responsible for the creation of a new world and the protection of their sisters, who had been orphaned. On certain occasions, especially between 1792 and 1793, the sisters were assigned the role of active defenders of the Republic, but in general they were represented as beings in need of protection. The Republic was chérie, but it depended on the support of the people, a formidable masculine force."

Many times we believe that historical events and processes only have an impact on the political or economic spheres; but you can see that they also influence daily life, as the reading describes, objects or symbolism such as the family.

From the reflection of the reading we invite you to dialogue with your classmates or family. What ideas of the French Revolution do you recognize in your reading? What attitudes, values, behaviors, or domestic environments changed with the French Revolution? How are women represented at that time? What has changed or remained in the present?

If you don't have an answer to any of these questions, don't worry, surely the doubts will be clarified during the development of the lesson.

The causes of the beginning of the French Revolution were various, such as the contradictions of the absolute monarchy, based on estates and without social mobility. The bourgeoisie had no access to government decisions and the unions prevented the free development of the productive forces. Trade was highly regulated, and a despotic monarch wielded power alongside a tax-exempt nobility. Also the succession of bad harvests that affected the population's food supply and raised the prices of basic products such as bread. The government was bankrupt, so Louis XVI increased taxes, but the tax burden fell only on the Third Estate.

Louis XVI had to convene the Estates General, a representative assembly of the three estates (nobility, clergy and people). The nobility and the clergy wanted the votes to be by estate, but the Third Estate asked that they be by representative. Faced with the refusal, the latter separated and formed the National Assembly on June 17, 1789. With all this, on July 14 the urban masses began the revolution by taking the Bastille fortress-prison, symbol of the oppression of the absolute monarchy.

Today you will learn about the stages of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1799, but to do so we propose the following questions that will guide you throughout the session:

What do you understand by Revolution and Freedom?

What was the role of the bourgeoisie in the French Revolution?

How were Enlightenment ideas reflected in the French Revolution?

What ideas were the basis for the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?

What is the importance of the responsible exercise of freedom and the role of legislation in the defense of this right?

You will do a brief reflection exercise at home and with the content of this session you will gradually answer these unknowns.

To approach the process of the French Revolution you will use a time line again and you will review the stages of the movement in an informative matrix, distinguish them in the following image:

As a result of the agricultural, commercial and financing crisis that the Monarchical Government of France was going through and its population suffered from social and political instability.

Despite the discontent of the French population, they longed for a better quality of life, based on libertarian ideas that were disseminated through the streets with the help of the bourgeois social class, which continued with the search for its rise to power, arguing for this the enlightened ideas on the natural rights of man, promoting a high national identity, with aspirations of free thought and expression, and living equality and fraternity among the inhabitants.

The First Stage of the French Revolution is from 1789 to 1791. In May 1789, King Louis XVI convened a parliament known as the Estates General; The objective was to attend and propose actions for the crisis that the kingdom was experiencing. Representatives of the three estates attended: the Nobility, the Clergy and the Third Estate or State Level.

The latter, the Third Estate, proposed that the other two Estates pay taxes and their privileges be restricted, as well as that the freedom of the free market be facilitated by the Crown and a system of representation be established through a one-person vote to give active participation of the Third Estate in government decision-making.

Given the refusal of the Nobility and the Clergy to pay and to be limited in their privileges, and obviously that of the King to lose his legitimate right to govern, the Third Estate was definitively excluded, but this did not prevent it from being organized in Assembly National on June 17, 1789, and for June 20 they proposed to make a new Constitution that would seek the principles of Liberty, Fraternity and Equality whose motto distinguishes and upholds this revolutionary movement.

Meanwhile, the anger and social annoyance, in addition to the repressions, caused a crowd to break into the Bastille on July 14, 1789; This historical event generates a turning point in the history of Europe and the world, since it will symbolize the fall of the Old Regime, the Absolute Monarchy and enlightened despotism.

The violent and bloody riots had spread throughout the French territory and the empowerment of the revolutionaries forced the Royal family to move to Paris, leaving the Palace of Versailles. In this way, King Louis XVI has no choice but to accept national sovereignty and accept the representative colors of the popular insurrection.

The National Assembly made several reforms to reflect the ideals of liberalism and the Enlightenment; In August 1789, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was proclaimed, which was inspired by the Declaration of Independence of the United States. However, these rights could only be exercised by men.

This document highlights that human beings are born free and equal in rights; that the natural rights of liberty, property, and security must be respected; that citizens have the right to have representatives and that they make laws to protect them and punish those who do not respect them; that people have freedom of political, religious and press thought; that all citizens contribute to the maintenance of the State, without privileges of any kind, for example, tax exemption, among others. The Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen of 1789, marked the guarantees and rights of the people of his time.

On September 14, 1791, a new constitution was promulgated that abolished the privileges of the nobility and the clergy; decreed freedom of expression, press and belief, and instituted the constitutional monarchy. In addition, the first free elections in France were called to elect a new National Assembly.

King Louis XVI feared for the safety of his family and his own, so in June 1791 he fled with them to confront the insurrection movement from abroad, but they were discovered in their attempt and detained, under such a pretext the revolutionaries ignore the king's authority for such an act and force him to swear to the Constitution, with a new administration for the state, for public finances and for the administration of justice.

This fact determines and forever modifies the fall of absolutism to give way to the constitutionalist monarchy, which would not last long since the recently erected National Constituent Assembly, later converted into the National Revolutionary Convention, will proclaim the First French Republic .

Without a doubt, the rise of the French Republic provoked many reactions around the world, what happened to the other European monarchies?

There were reactions for and against. To learn about them, you will address the Second Stage of the French Revolution, from 1792 to 1794. After electing a new National Assembly, the rulers of Austria and Prussia were concerned that a popular and democratic government could threaten their monarchies.

The Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria and Prussia in 1792, and the latter began an attack on France, which caused this revolution to come out of the internal plane to become a defense against the outside; this promotes nationalism and identity, which generated in this context the creation of the Marseillaise, the current Anthem of France, a song with a great nationalist identity that was cultivated at that historical moment; but it also aggravated the situation of social and political instability that was already brewing. To find out how the European monarchs reacted to the French Revolution, watch the following video:

History, First Grade, Block 1

As you saw, European monarchies were concerned that the French Revolution aroused sympathy among the subjects of countries that aspired to freedom, equality, and justice.

But meanwhile in France, in 1792, the Assembly was dissolved to create in its place the National Convention, which was much more radical in its reforms than the assemblies that preceded it. On September 21 of that year, he abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic. The National Revolutionary Convention was divided into two groups:

The Plain or Girondins, was the group of moderates that made up the upper bourgeoisie, they were in favor of the Republic.

La Montaña or Jacobins, was the group of radicals who represented the lower bourgeoisie and most of the people.

To demonstrate the extinction of the monarchy, the National Convention executed King Louis XVI in January 1793 and months later Queen Marie Antoinette. The Assembly turns into chaos, since power was exercised outside the constitutional regulations with the justification that the revolution was in danger.

Meanwhile, the population lived in an endless crisis in all senses, so violent popular demonstrations continued to take place, but now controlled under the popular and legitimized representation of the radical political group, with leaders such as Robespierre, Danton and Marat, they became they made power. Between 1793 and 1795, France lived what is known as the "Reign of Terror", began to execute those who were considered traitors, that is, those who did not agree with the new regime through the Committee of Public Salvation. During this period thousands of people died on the guillotine.

For example, the pioneering feminist in France, Olympe de Gouges, sentenced to the guillotine in 1793 by the radical section for having criticized the National Convention; but in 1791 he drafted a document: the "Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens". This document alluded to the urgent need for the rights exercised by men in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen issued in 1789, She also had to recognize the rights of Women since they had also contributed a lot during the first stage of the revolution, but the law did not allow it, so she criticized the death penalty and defended a moderate monarchy, and was taken to the guillotine. The Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens set a precedent for the women's movement in Europe and the world, an effect that continues to this day in pursuit of respect and gender equality.

The radical section imposed a policy of economic and social anticipations: law of suspects, prices and wages, requisitions and rationing, tax on the rich, promoted that part of the profit and production of the factories be used for support the state and although wages were low, he allowed relief for the poor with an outline of social security, proclamation of the principle of compulsory and free education, confiscation and sale of the assets of emigrants and the church, rationing and appropriation of crops and provisions, among others. What he was looking for was a strong, authoritarian and centralized government.

None of this contributed to the way of thinking of the upper bourgeoisie, neither in politics nor in the economy. So, with the representation of the moderates, a resistance was formed that managed to overthrow the radical section and its leaders. In the midst of the chaos, the leaders turned against each other; both Danton and Robespierre promoter of the Reign of Terror were executed in 1794. People reacted against radicals and excise taxes to support war, speculation and price increases, rationing, wage stagnation and crop appropriation and provisions; order, peace, security and the promulgation of a new constitution were demanded.

It is then, when the Third Stage of the French Revolution began, from 1795 to 1799. In 1795 a new constitution was drafted, in which the republican government was entrusted to a Directory, it was known as such because it defined the figure of five directors in charge of the Executive power, and the Executive in two chambers: that of the Five Hundred or lower house and that of the Senators or upper house. The Directory sought a collective government and social order in which the high bourgeoisie and the revolutionary group once again adhered to the ideas of the Enlightenment and liberalism, albeit in a violent way.

The Directory required modifications in the constitution and military support that would sustain its function and order, but also its actions, such as the repression of workers and nonconformist groups that were left out of the benefits of the high bourgeoisie.

This generates discouragement among the population due to the indifference of the new government, in addition to the fact that corruption perceived by the people and the high bourgeoisie began to form in the Directory, this is how the figure of Napoleon Bonaparte emerged from the militia, a great military strategist who on November 9, 1799 carried out a successful coup d'état that overthrew the Directory and was appointed consul.

Napoleon Bonaparte will impose a military dictatorship and will be able to expand the French territory through constant struggles against the monarchies of England, Austria and Russia, as well as the military strategies undertaken against Turkey and Naples, France achieved great global relevance and a temporary peace but also many enemies against the nation. Napoleon became the new French Emperor with the support of the Vatican and the economically and politically fortified social group of the time: the gentry.

This is how a new stage in the history of France will begin, The Napoleonic Empire that will bring political, economic and order stability in the public space of the state, in exchange for the loss of democracy so sought after during the process of the French Revolution.

The process of the French Revolution was very long and despite maintaining from the beginning the theoretical principles of political liberalism and economic liberalism, these ideas and theories were really complicated to apply, since the social groups manifested individual or collective interests that they clashed with those of others, making agreement and similar understanding of ideas really difficult.

Based on the reading you did at the beginning of the session and what has been covered so far, can you imagine what daily life was like in the days of the French Revolution?

Now that you know the content of the process of the French Revolution as an example of a Liberal Revolution. The ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity had a profound effect in the world since then, from Europe and later in America, strengthening the nationalist sentiment in societies, seeking the path of a constitutional government and democratic institutions; but above all it set a precedent in the fight for respect for human rights that continues today.

With all of the above, you will be able to return to the questions that were raised at the beginning of the session and reflect on them:

What do you understand by Revolution and Freedom?

What was the role of the bourgeoisie in the French Revolution?

How were Enlightenment ideas reflected in the French Revolution?

What ideas were the basis for the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?

What is the importance of the responsible exercise of freedom and the role of legislation in the defense of this right?

You can find this topic in your textbook block 1, in the section Revolutions, Bourgeoisie and Capitalism. You can also consult other bibliographic, digital and audiovisual sources that you have on hand.

Based on what you have learned, underline the main ideas in your textbook.

Now that you recognize the revolutionary process and the influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment in the new constitution, in the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen and in the declaration of the rights of women and of the citizen, We invite you to take advantage of all this content to integrate it into your newsletter, which is the activity proposed for the challenge of the week.

Consider synthesizing the facts studied. The informative notes will be brief and will include a description of the event, its date, its protagonists and, sometimes, the opinions of other actors. You can even create a period newspaper and include news, interviews, and cartoons.

It is important that the writing of the newsreel script includes the following elements:

  1. Presentation (name of the program and presenter).
  2. Exposition of the most important news.
  3. Mention of the relevant ideas of the document.
  4. Farewell.

Don't forget to invite your family to share their own contributions.

Secondary year


Theme: Properties of irregular polygons.

Expected learning: Deduce and use the relationships between the angles of polygons in the construction of regular polygons.

Emphasis: Develop deductive reasoning when examining the properties of irregular polygons.

What are we going to learn?

You will continue studying problems that involve finding the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex, the total number of diagonals, and the sum of the interior angles. In this session, you will focus on "irregular" polygons.

What do we do?

Return to the problem of Alma's house that was addressed last session. Now, you will analyze irregular polygons.

Problem 1

Alma has a house inside a piece of land, as shown in the following figure:

What shape are the house and garden?

The house is built on a square piece of land, and the remaining area that corresponds to the garden is a hexagon because it has six sides.

In the last session you identified that the area of ​​the house is a square, which is a regular polygon, however, the shape of the garden is not.

Reflect on the following:

How can you tell regular from irregular polygons?

Regular polygons differ from irregular polygons because in regular polygons the amplitude of all their interior angles is the same, that is, they are congruent, and also all their sides have the same length, unlike irregular ones where they do not one of these conditions is met.

Now, analyze the sides and angles of the garden plot.

It has six sides, so you know it's a hexagon, but what kind of hexagon does the shape of the garden correspond to?

To answer this question, you need to examine what its sides and angles look like.

First examine: what is the length of each of the sides of the piece of land on which the garden is located?

The lengths of its sides are 4, 6, 6, 4, 10 and 10 meters, that is, two of its sides measure 4 meters, another two measure 6 meters and the other two measure 10 meters.

This indicates that the shape of Alma's terrain corresponds to that of an irregular hexagon, since its sides are not the same length.

Now that you know the length, analyze the interior angles in the hexagon.

It can be identified that five angles measure 90 degrees, and another angle measures 270 degrees.

This confirms that this hexagon is not a regular polygon, because its sides do not have the same length and its interior angles do not have the same amplitude either.


Can you draw an irregular hexagon with the same side measurements as Alma's garden, but with each of the interior angles measuring less than 180º?

Now, do the following:

Check the above and draw in your notebook an irregular hexagon in which the lengths of 10, 10, 6, 6, 4 and 4 meters are contiguous, that is, they appear one after the other, in such a way that All interior angles are less than 180 degrees.

You probably drew different irregular hexagons, however, although their shape is similar to that of a regular hexagon, it is not, since the lengths of their sides are not equal.

You probably drew a hexagon similar to the following:

The interior angles are not equal, but they all measure less than 180º. Its angles measure 66, 120, 137, 102, 152, and 143 degrees.

Now compare the hexagons you've worked with so far.

What are the similarities and differences between the above hexagons?

First, both polygons have six sides, so they are hexagons.

Second, in both polygons the lengths of their sides are different, therefore, they are irregular hexagons.

Third, one of the angles in the first hexagon is greater than 180 degrees, while all the angles in the second hexagon are less than 180 degrees.

Which of them resembles a circular or round shape?

The polygon that looks more like a rounded figure is the one on the right, this happens when its interior angles measure less than 180 degrees; These types of figures are called convex polygons.

And polygons that have one or more interior angles greater than 180 degrees are called concave, like the shape Alma's garden has.

According to this classification, do the following:

Reflect on whether there can be concave regular polygons or convex regular polygons, and write down in your notebook the arguments by which you can determine it.


To determine that a polygon is irregular, it is enough to know that not all its sides have the same length, or that not all its interior angles have the same amplitude.

Polygons can be classified, according to their interior angles, as convex or concave.

Convex polygons are those with interior angles less than 180 degrees, while concave polygons have one or more interior angles greater than 180 degrees.

Next, through the following problem, analyze the diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex and the total diagonals of irregular polygons.

Problem 2

In a spa there are four different pool designs, as shown in the following figure:

Students attending the spa want to select the pools in which they can swim from one vertex to another non-consecutive vertex on their diagonals, starting from any of the vertices.

Remember that diagonals are line segments that can be drawn from one vertex to another non-consecutive vertex. Based on this specification, which pools would you choose? Why?

To solve this problem, you need to analyze in detail the shape that each one of the pools has, and identify the ones where you could swim from one vertex to any other non-consecutive vertex through their diagonals, starting from any of its vertices.

Examine each of the pools.

In pool "A".

It is identified that it has 4 sides, two of them are parallel and the other two are not, so it is a pool in the shape of a trapezoid.

All interior angles of the trapezoid are less than 180 degrees, so the polygon can be said to be convex. Furthermore, if you stand on any of its vertices, you can swim towards the non-adjacent vertex, that is, through its diagonals.

Mark the diagonal that can be drawn from vertex "E" to vertex "F".

Is it possible to swim from point "E" to point "F" through its diagonal?

It is recognized that it is possible to swim from "E" to "F" by means of its diagonal. And if you stand on any of the vertices, you can realize that you can swim through its diagonals.

Pool "B".

Pool "B" has four sides, so it is a quadrilateral; Furthermore, it has two sides with the same length and the other two sides with the same length, but it does not have parallel sides.

One of its interior angles is greater than 180 degrees, this means that the pool has the shape of a concave polygon.

Mark the diagonal that can be drawn from vertex "G" to vertex "H".

Is it possible to swim from point "G" to point "H" along its diagonal?

You can't swim from "G" to "H", you could walk out of the pool, but it's not possible to swim.

Think about it: why is it not possible to swim from point "G" to point "H"?

It is not possible to swim from "G" to "H" because this diagonal is on the outside of the pool, that is, on the outside of the polygon, but you could swim through another of its diagonals.

Pool "C".

Pool "C" has five sides, so its shape is pentagonal; Furthermore, it has two pairs of sides of the same length and one of its sides is longer, therefore, the pentagon is irregular.

Note that one of its interior angles is greater than 180 degrees, so it can be said that it is a concave irregular pentagon.

Mark the diagonal that can be drawn from vertex "J" to vertex "K".

Is it possible to swim across that diagonal?

You cannot swim through this diagonal because it is outside the pool; however, there are two other diagonals that do allow you to swim following its trajectory.

Pool "D".

This pool has the shape of an irregular pentagon, it has two parallel sides and all its interior angles are less than 180 degrees, so it is a convex irregular pentagon.

Now mark the diagonal that can be drawn from "L" to "M".

Imagine all the diagonals that can be drawn from all the vertices. All its diagonals that are inside the pool, therefore, it is possible to swim through its diagonals.

You have analyzed the four pool designs, and it stands out that in designs "A" and "D" it is possible to swim following the trajectory of their diagonals starting from any of the vertices, because their diagonals are at the inside of them. But in designs "B" and "C" one of its diagonals is on the outside, and that is why you could not swim following the trajectory of those diagonals.

Reflect on this situation:

What shape must the pool have so that it is possible to swim from vertex to vertex through the diagonals starting from any of its vertices? That is, what type of polygon allows swimming through any of its diagonals?

In designs "A" and "D", the pools have the shape of convex irregular polygons and it is possible to swim following the trajectory of their diagonals starting from any of their vertices.

In designs "B" and "C", the pools are shaped like concave irregular polygons and it is not possible to swim following the trajectory of their diagonals starting from any of their vertices. It should be noted that, although some of its diagonals are inside the pools, at least one of them is outside.

So why are the diagonals on the inside or outside of the pool? What kind of polygons should they be?

For the diagonals to meet inside the pool or any polygon, they must be convex.

You have learned to identify irregular polygons, to classify them according to the angles as convex or concave, and to determine, based on this, if the diagonals are inside or outside the polygon.

To find out how to find the number of diagonals that can be traced from a vertex, and the number of total diagonals that can be traced in an irregular polygon, analyze the following problem.

Problem 3

Considering the layout of the four pools, how many diagonals can be drawn from a vertex?

In layout "A", a single diagonal can be drawn if it is placed on vertex "E".

For layout "B", which is also a quadrilateral, a single diagonal can be drawn if it is placed at vertex G.

What happens if you compare the diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex with those of a regular polygon? That is, what will be the number of diagonals that a square has?

For a square, the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex is only one. From the above, it can be concluded that for any type of quadrilateral it is only possible to draw a diagonal from a vertex.

Does the same thing happen in pentagons?

Analyze pools "C" and "D", and add the regular pentagonal pool "S".

How many diagonals can be drawn from vertices J, L, and Q for pools C, D, and S, respectively?

From the points "J", "L" and "Q" only two diagonals can be drawn for each pentagon, whether or not they are concave or convex, irregular or regular polygons.

Can you predict how many diagonals could be drawn from a vertex for a hexagon without marking them on the polygon?

For a quadrilateral you can draw a diagonal from one vertex, and for a pentagon you can draw two, then for a hexagon it will be three and so on.

Corroborate that for each vertex in a hexagon three diagonals can be drawn. Examine the following three hexagons:

Now, choose a vertex for each of the hexagons.

Select vertex F for hexagon 1:

It is verified in this concave irregular hexagon that it has three diagonals from a vertex.

Continue with the other two convex hexagons, 2 and 3:

Mark the diagonals that can be drawn from vertices "K" and "Q" on both hexagons.

For a regular or irregular hexagon, concave or convex, there are three the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex.

Now, get a generalization that allows you to calculate the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex for an irregular polygon.

Remember that, for a regular polygon with "n" sides, the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex is:



Does this generalization hold for any polygon type?

For any quadrilateral, through a vertex, only one diagonal can be drawn. Now get the number of diagonals using the n-3 generalization.

In a quadrilateral, n = 4, substituting it into n-3, we get:

Number of diagonals that can be drawn

from a vertex = n - 3 = 4 – 3 = 1

Do you consider that n-3 is a valid general expression to obtain the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex in any regular or irregular, concave or convex polygon?

Check if this is true for the pentagons and hexagons you discussed earlier.

In pentagons, the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex is two.

In a pentagon, n = 5, by substituting it in the generalization n - 3, we have:

Number of diagonals that can be drawn

from a vertex = n - 3 = 5 – 3 = 2

Therefore, it is the same number of diagonals that was obtained when performing the analysis.

For hexagons, the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex is three.

In a hexagon, n = 6, by substituting it in the generalization n - 3, we have:

Number of diagonals that can be drawn

from a vertex = n - 3 = 6 – 3 = 3

Therefore, with the algebraic expression "n – 3", you can obtain the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex for any type of polygon, be it regular or irregular, concave or convex.

Reflect on the following:

Why do we have to subtract three from "n"?

Analyze this situation with hex 2.

Taking into account that the diagonal is a line segment that joins two non-consecutive vertices in a polygon, the line segments that join the vertex "K" with the two adjacent vertices "J" and "L" are not diagonals , are only two of the sides of the polygon, for this reason the vertices "J" and "L" cannot be considered.

Now, have you thought about how you can get an expression that allows you to calculate the number of total diagonals for any regular or irregular, convex or concave polygon?

Analyze how many diagonals can be drawn in total in the irregular polygons. To do this, it resorts to examining the first polygons.

How many diagonals does a triangle have?

A triangle has no diagonals, since, if vertex "A" is taken as a reference, vertices "B" and "C" are contiguous, and to be diagonal, they would have to be consecutive vertices.

How many total diagonals does a quadrilateral have?

Both the convex and concave quadrilaterals have two diagonals.

How many total vertices does a pentagon have?

The pentagon has 5 vertices, the "H", the "I", the "J", the "K" and the "L".

How many diagonals can be drawn for each vertex?

Two diagonals can be drawn for each vertex. If you use the expression "n - 3", and since "n" is equal to 5, since it corresponds to the number of sides of the polygon, then you have 5 – 3 = 2.

If you have two diagonals for each vertex and you have five vertices, how many diagonals would you have in all?

There are five, but if you multiply the number of vertices, 5, by the number of diagonals that can be drawn from one vertex, which is two, it looks like there are ten diagonals in all and not five.

Why is this happening?

Because when you multiply 5 by two, which is "n", by n - 3, you are considering each of the diagonals twice. For example, the slash "L-J" and the slash "J-L" are the same, and the is being counted twice.

So that this does not happen, what should be done?

Divide by two, that is:

According to the previous expression, how many total diagonals does an irregular hexagon have?

A hexagon has six sides, so "n" is equal to 6, by substituting it into the expression:

There are nine diagonals that can be drawn in an irregular hexagon.

Look at the following figures and see for yourself:

In total there are nine.

As you can see, the number of diagonals that can be drawn in a polygon does not change if it is convex or concave.

In conclusion, to determine the number of total diagonals that can be drawn in any type of polygon, the expression can be used:

You have learned to generalize by means of an expression the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex for any type of polygon. You also got an expression that allows you to calculate the number of total diagonals that can be drawn in any type of polygon.

Finally, to find the sum of the interior angles of any type of polygon, analyze the following irregular polygons:

Start with the triangle:

In this triangle, each of its interior angles measures 90, 55, and 35 degrees. What is the measure of the sum of its interior angles?

The sum of the interior angles of this triangle is:

90° + 55° + 35° = 180°

The sum of the interior angles in an equilateral triangle is 180 degrees; likewise, regardless of whether the triangle is regular or irregular, the sum of its interior angles will be 180°.

Continue with the pentagon:

This irregular polygon has five interior angles, three of which measure 90 degrees and the other two measure 135 degrees. Therefore, the sum of the interior angles is obtained as follows:

3 (90°) + 2 (135°) = 270° + 270° = 540°

The sum of the interior angles in a regular pentagon is also 540 degrees. So regardless of whether the pentagon is regular or irregular, the sum of its interior angles will be 540°.

Therefore, the sum of the interior angles for the irregular polygons is equal to that of their corresponding regular polygons.

What does the sum of the interior angles of any polygon depend on?

It depends on the number of triangles into which the polygon can be divided by the diagonals that can be drawn from one of its vertices.

In summary, for an irregular polygon it also holds that:

The number of diagonals that can be drawn from a vertex is:

n – 3

The number of total diagonals is:

And the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is:

180 degrees (n – 2)

Today's Challenge:

Make your notes considering the most important ideas of the theme of this session.

Refer to your math textbook and solve the exercises about irregular polygons.


Theme: Our oral tradition and its legends.

Expected learning: Collect popular legends to represent them on stage.

Emphasis: Identify legends as traditional accounts.

What are we going to learn?

You will analyze the elements and characteristics of the traditional legends of our country and you will identify some differences with other texts of the oral tradition. In addition, you will learn how this tradition is present in the various communities, as well as in our daily lives.

Stories of the past and present give us identity. In almost all families these types of stories are told, in addition, they reflect part of our culture and our past. You can learn a lot about a society thanks to the stories that are told.

The purpose is for you to understand how traditional stories recover the vision of their communities and transmit it to society through their narratives. This will help you to know the essential features to identify the legend as a particular and important genre in the traditions of a community.

For this session it will be important to keep in mind that traditional literature is part of collective knowledge and is preserved due to the great wealth contained in its themes, characters, motifs and ideas.

What do we do?

To begin, it is important to remember that storytelling has been a common human activity throughout history and that, even with its multiple transformations, it retains characteristics very similar to those of its origin.

Researchers from various disciplines surmise that, since the dawn of humanity, women and men once gathered around the fire to tell their stories to the youngest.

Throughout time, humanity has had to come together to tell stories, such as when, in the face of natural events such as tremendous rains or earthquakes, the oldest peoples had the need to come together to tell their exploits of how they overcame adversity to that future generations would learn from them, and not forget the effort of their ancestors.

Songs, couplets, stories, myths and legends are part of the collective memory that belongs to different communities.

Many of these stories have been passed down from grandparents to parents and then to grandchildren, from one generation to the next. Our narrative memory is part of our history, and for this reason it is relevant to preserve it and prevent it from being lost.

Legends in particular are a very expanded and rich type of storytelling in our culture. They are a way of explaining the world to us; a type of answer to the fundamental questions that we have as human beings about the events that people have in their day to day.

Many of these stories were mixed in ancient civilizations with rituals, dances or performances. In addition, we must bear in mind that the legends have always depended on the place, because the inhabitants of places with rivers do not have the same legends as those who lived in the desert. Or those who live in the south, than those who live in the north.

Oral traditions and stories continue to be transmitted in our daily lives. Thanks to the fact that they continue to be told, they remain alive and we can preserve them. This is how the oral tradition arises. These forms of cultural expression come to us in multiple forms and manifestations, they go from generation to generation.

In a country as large and diverse as ours, the number of legends that exist is enormous. And all very different from each other. It is like imagining a map full of sounds, colors and stories where you can see how people live in each place.

To learn about the importance of oral tradition and why it should be preserved, watch the following video.

1. The Mayan worldview.

The wealth of knowledge that the Mayan culture has of nature is maintained thanks to oral tradition. Many of the beliefs of the communities influence their stories and the way they use the word as a means of expression. These beliefs are preserved through the constant recovery of the speakers and the ways they have to share them by word of mouth.

Next, reflect on the following questions:

To understand the stories of oral tradition, do you have to be an inhabitant of the place where they originate?

Can you clearly differentiate the elements of the legend from other types of stories belonging to the oral tradition?

Oral tradition stories are like a family, they resemble each other. What makes them different is that each place seeks to integrate aspects of the area where you live.

In some stories the difference is in the place where the narration takes place, but they can also vary in the number of characters. Some have more, others less. And, of course, the names also change. However, you can understand them because the language they use in the various versions is simple, colloquial, and corresponds to the characteristics of their genre: tale, myth, or legend. And it is precisely for this reason that, on the one hand, they are similar at the same time, but they have characteristics that make them different.

Briefly, it can be said that legends are characterized because they contain a certain degree of truth, are located in a certain time and place, and have a simple structure, as well as a connection with the supernatural or magical.

Every tradition is the product of a process. And this process is made up of testimonies, situations, experiences and, sometimes, they are part of the rituals that mark the community that creates them, their geographical area and their customs.

This has allowed those of us who live in another part of the country to delve into the life of various communities and reconstruct their stories, since, since the beginning of humanity, stories have been told from generation to generation, until the time came when writing allowed them to be cared for and preserved.

In these narrations you can also appreciate the social and historical aspects that are built over time. They not only amuse us, they also help us to know a little more.

In the oral tradition there is a great variety of riddles, stories, sayings, dramatic representations, myths and legends. Its function is to transmit knowledge, cultural values ​​and social representations. It is a way to keep our collective memory alive. And that memory can only be safeguarded through people who value traditions.

Watch the following video to learn more about it.

2. Traditions.

Traditions are not only oral, but we are immersed in them and we live them through parties, costumes, beliefs and many other aspects.

Also, there are different versions of the same legend, and all told in different ways, such as the legend of "La llorona" which has different names.

This is because each community appropriates the legends and broadcasts them according to their environment. These pass from parents to children or from grandparents to grandchildren, but also from community to community.

When we come across a legend, we identify that it is a narrative and we recognize elements that bring it closer to what we call stories, because it has a beginning, a development, and an end.

But don't be confused, for example, in legends, situations are not affected by the gods, as they would be in myths. Nor is there a moral in them, as there is in fables.

The main characteristic of legends is that they have true elements that can be verified, but also others that are magical or supernatural.

Then, do the following activity to dig deeper into the topic.

Read the following text and identify the elements of the legend.

La Salada

La Salada was a huge lagoon that dried up many years ago; Today it looks like a sandy desert.

The Rumorosa highway passes on one of its sides and its view is impressive. This is how Mr. Vicente Martorel saw her every day when he went down the road.

This first part identifies two important elements of the legend. First of all:

The legend tends to present regional or local characteristics.

In second:

Relates what happened in a place such as a hill, a lagoon or any other found in nature.

For this reason, this legend begins by talking about the Laguna Salada, which is located in the state of Baja California and, indeed, very close passes the road called La Rumorosa, which is very winding and has enormous cliffs. And they also say that La Llorona appears in that place.

Since the legend is an open and flexible genre, one could even begin to narrate it in another way or even mix it with other legends. Each person who shares it contributes something in their particular way of narrating.

Continue to discover elements that will allow you to differentiate legends from other genres

One afternoon, Vicente Martorel made his usual route. Suddenly, some birds black as night came out of the sand of La Salada and followed him. The birds pounced on the truck, so Vicente stopped, but the birds didn't stop until they wrapped the truck in black feathers.

Vicente was afraid and not everything stopped there. A few minutes later a herd of horses was heard at full gallop and the shouts of men crossing La Salada. The birds flew in all directions... Then everything had happened, as if it had been a bad dream.

In these fragments, two other important aspects of the legend can be recognized.

It has a degree of truth, so it can be distinguished from myth and tale.

It is a story about the relationship of people with the supernatural.

Continue reading and finish learning about the legend.

The next day, some men who passed by found him with his eyes wide open, looking at who knows what; His hands were clinging to the steering wheel and his body was cold, covered in salt...

They say that strange things happen in La Salada, who can be sure?

Finally, many of these legends have some writing resource. Also, although they have an outcome, the end is usually left open, as if there were a mystery to be solved.

The legends use ambiguous formulas such as: "it is said that", "they say that", "adults assure that", among others, to give a sense of truth to the story and not seem just fantasy. In this way, oral transmission is also strengthened.

With these essentials, they can be explored in anthologies, compilations, textbooks, or among our own community. By identifying these aspects of the legends, you can better introduce yourself to reading these narratives. And, in this way, they are cultivated and can be preserved for a longer time.

By encouraging the reading of legends, we allow ourselves to travel to another time and place where strange events happened. In addition, by identifying their own characteristics, they can be differentiated from other types of stories found in our tradition.

Legends are a way of imagining situations that at one time had no immediate response.

Now, watch the following video and learn more about the legends and their mysteries.

3. The traditional narrative as a universal cultural practice.

Put into practice what you have learned and discover the following legend.

The pit of chains

They say in Tecate, a town located at the end of La Rumorosa, that back in 1910 there lived a man and a woman who cultivated their land.

Back then there weren't many people and the roads were dry gaps raised by very large dust storms.

One day, some men were very thirsty and approached the lord and lady. These, seeing the need of those walkers, invited them to their home. The men drank, ate and talked for a while.

Afternoon was falling, the coyotes began to howl while the moon let us see its first rays.

The men made no sign of leaving. So the man and his wife prepared a cot for them with branches of cachanilla to sleep on.

Late at night, a scream was heard, echoing in the distance...

Nobody knows what happened, but they say that the strangers wanted to rob the lord of what little he had and, as he resisted, they tied him up with chains and threw him into the well.

The Moon was the only witness to that event; of his wife and the men, nothing was heard of again.

Since then, there have been nights when the well is noisy. Whoever heard it says that the dead man comes out dragging his chains while he cries. They say that he wanders in search of his missing wife. People comment that you can see the footprints of some chained feet.

Then, carry out the following activity to consolidate what you have reviewed about some aspects of the legends.

Analyze the following questions and choose the correct item.

Where do the actions of the legend "The Well of Chains" take place?

In Tecate, near La Rumorosa

In Mexicali, Baja California

In a remote and uninhabitable town

What supernatural event happens in the legend we read about?

They find some thirsty men.

Some coyotes howled in the afternoon.

A dead man comes dragging chains out of a well.

What writing resource does the legend use to give a sense of reality?

Afternoon was falling…

People comment…

Late at night...

In this session, you learned about the elements or resources that help to identify and understand the importance of legends as traditional stories.

Do not forget that the legend is a short story from oral tradition, whose events are told in simple language, and it happens in easily recognizable places; In addition, it is related to strange and supernatural events.

Legends are an excellent way to know part of what we have been as a society. There are currently a wide variety of them that you could continue exploring. Our country, being multicultural, offers us a great number of possibilities.

Today's Challenge:

Research and share with your family or friends the legends you have found so far. Also, you can ask them if they know traditional stories that are preserved or part of your community.

Look for more information in your textbook and do the activities suggested there to expand your learning.


Theme: Retracing the steps taken.

Expected learning: Learn about the formation process of Mesoamerica and its main cultural characteristics. Recognize the location of the cultural areas that made up this region and identify the similarities and differences between them.

Emphasis: Recognize what has been learned about the cultural areas of ancient Mexico.

What are we going to learn?

In this session, you will review and acknowledge what you have learned about the cultural areas of ancient Mexico. That is, you are going to carry out a general recap of the topics seen so far.

What do we do?

It recapitulates, delving into two explanations made by two historians about ancient Mexico. These will help you to remember some topics studied as a review and to introduce you to other aspects that will be seen in the following sessions.

In the first video, Doctor Federico Navarrete, a specialist in Mesoamerican Studies, presents an overview of pre-Hispanic Mexico. He watches very carefully.

1. Video. SPR interview with Dr. Federico Navarrete.

The history of our country is divided into different stages: the oldest and most extensive is the so-called lithic, which spanned from approximately 33,000 to 2,500 BC, during this period great transformations occurred; the first settlers arrived on the American continent , who inhabited caves and dedicated themselves to hunting and gathering, the extinction of the Ice Age megafauna occurred, the process of domestication of plants and animals began, and cultural super-areas were defined.

Next, look at the following map to more easily locate the cultural super-areas: Aridamerica, Oasisamerica and Mesoamerica.

Aridamerica is shown in orange, an extensive region located to the north of present-day Mexican territory and a part of the southwestern United States. In blue, is Oasisamérica, which was located in the current states of Sonora and Chihuahua, as well as the southwestern United States. Finally, in green, Mesoamerica is delimited, which included in the north, from the Sierra Madre Occidental of Durango and Zacatecas, descending towards the Lerma river basin, forming a kind of "U" and rising again towards the Sierra de Tamaulipas. While to the south it extended to Central America, in the current territories of Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

The climatic conditions and the type of soil determined the way of life in each region, while in Aridamérica the scarce rains and the semi-desert mountain systems made it practically impossible to cultivate, for which reason the majority of its inhabitants were nomads, in Oasisamérica It was possible to channel surface water currents and store rainwater, which allowed its inhabitants to settle in one place and develop agricultural techniques.

The vast region that comprises Mesoamerica is characterized by the great biodiversity of the territory: you can find from extensive marine coastlines to high mountains and highlands in the center and north, each with great productive potential and a great availability of materials specific premiums. This ecological diversity was reflected in that of the cultures that inhabited it and led to the establishment of exchange networks.

Mesoamerica comprised from the year 2500 before our era to 1521. In this period of time that is divided into Preclassic, Classic and Postclassic, great civilizations developed that, although they shared some characteristics, are peoples with enormous cultural diversity both linguistic and religious.

Then there is the stage called colonial or viceroyalty, which lasted three centuries; from the fall of the Mexica Empire in 1521 until the consummation of the independence process in 1821.

In last place is the period of independent Mexico that spans to the present day.

Now listen to Dr. Pablo Escalante, who has devoted himself to the study of indigenous art and culture in central Mexico. Through this video, you will learn about the daily life of the Mesoamerican peoples.

2. Video. SPR interview with Dr. Pablo Escalante.

The history of private or daily life recovers habits, behaviors, sociability mechanisms, moments of leisure, power relations, day-to-day routines. Finally, the ways of life of the different social groups.

In Mesoamerica, ritual and religion shaped daily life. Food was another important factor in people's lives. Many Mesoamerican gastronomic elements continue to be consumed today. It is also interesting to know what was the division of labor by gender roles.

Reflect on the following:

About pre-Hispanic societies and their daily life, do you find similarities with today's society?

To conclude, look at the following concept map. It indicates the periods into which the history of Mesoamerica is divided and the most important processes that occurred in each one. For example, in the Preclassic, agriculture was adopted as a means of subsistence, sedentary life became general, the first villages were established, there was a significant population increase, and writing was invented. During the Classic, the urban process was consolidated throughout Mesoamerica, the North was colonized, regional diversity was experienced, and hegemonic city-states such as Teotihuacan were erected. The Postclassic period was characterized by an increase in armed conflicts, complex political units such as the Triple Alliance arose, which extended its domains through conquests and the imposition of tributary systems.

The six cultural zones into which Mesoamerica was divided were: North, West, Central Highlands, Gulf of Mexico, Oaxaca, and Southeast. And some of the general characteristics that its inhabitants shared are: social stratification, polytheistic religions, vigesimal numeration, calendrical counts of 260 and 365 days, and the ball game.

Today's Challenge:

Create a concept map similar to the previous one so that you have synthesized the information.

Take the following weekly challenge.

In your notebook, make a table like the one below. It is an SQA table, which will allow you to relate the knowledge you already have about pre-Hispanic history and the knowledge you are going to build in the next sessions.

In the first column, answer: What do I know about the history of ancient Mexico? In the next column, write down the question: What do I want to know? and in the last one, which you will answer at the end of the week: What did I learn?


Theme: Analysis of technical change according to the social context.

Expected learning: Use different kinds of techniques in an articulated way to improve processes and create technical products.

Emphasis: Recognize technical change according to various local, regional and national contexts.

What are we going to learn?

You will investigate the analysis of processes and products according to the context in which they are produced, with the purpose of providing solutions to social needs. To do this, you will analyze technical change according to various local, regional and national contexts.

What do we do?

Before delving into the topic, answer the following:

Do you think the context influences the technological development of a country?

When a country or region has natural resources, it is easier to transform them and generate satisfiers and products. Some of the factors of social, economic, cultural, technological and scientific development are the availability of material and human resources, thus the great civilizations arose. Proof of this are the Aztecs, an indigenous people of Nahuatl descent who, after a long pilgrimage, founded Mexico-Tenochtitlan, a city that around the 15th century was the center of one of the largest states in Mesoamerica.

While the priests and their advanced calendars counted time, the Mexica people counted springs, flowers, rains, winds and harvests.

The technique used in their crops generated an abundance of food, which favored the growth of its population and the city. This technique consisted of small islands called Chinampas, built with reeds, trunks and sticks interwoven to form a framework, which were covered with earth and biodegradable material such as grass, vegetable peels and even mud from the bottom of the lake. In them they planted corn, vegetables and flowers, which allowed them to have three to four harvests a year, a situation that guaranteed trade, food and the consolidation of the Mexica Empire. However, this agricultural system altered the natural environment by acquiring land areas from the lakes and lagoons of the Valley of Mexico.

Currently, the fertile lands that existed in pre-Hispanic Mexico are limited or have been exhausted, and new alternatives have had to be proposed to obtain food of agricultural origin, such as the improvement of irrigation systems to take advantage of the Products lifecycle; the use of new fertilizers that accelerate plant growth; the genetic alteration of fruit trees and plants resistant to pests and hostile climates; the construction of vertical gardens and vegetables located on building facades and rooftops, irrigated by gravity and by rainwater, generating benefits to the ecosystem of large cities.

To understand the above, watch the following video.

1. Video. Prehispanic farming system.

The Mexica Culture was one of the most important civilizations of mankind. Our ancestors were self-sufficient in their food and the efficiency of their agricultural techniques. Likewise, the Mexicas made known to the world the consumption of chocolate.

Next, look at the images of the following video, where the artisanal and industrial production processes of chocolate are shown; pay attention to the differences of these processes.

2. Video. Chocolate making.

Were you able to observe the differences in the tools and machines used between the two processes?

In the artisanal process, hand tools are used, while in the industrial process, machines are used.

Before the arrival of Europeans in America, the Tlatoani or Mexica king Moctezuma drank chocolate made from roasted cocoa beans, water and spices.

When Hernán Cortés arrived in the city of Tenochtitlan, he was received by Moctezuma, who offered him this drink. Later, Cortés took her to Spain and other European countries.

Currently this drink is still made in almost the entire country, with some different techniques, for example, in the state of Guerrero it is called chilate, which is obtained by mixing ice, rice, cinnamon and sugar.

In the cocoa industry, chocolate bars and candies are made, mixed with other ingredients such as milk, soy lecithin, raisins, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, salt, sugar, liquid or solid caramel, butter cocoa, among others.

The context plays a very important role here, that is, the place where there are cocoa plantations, and there are few countries that have the privilege of having this raw material, including Indonesia, countries in the north of South America , Central America, southern Mexico and African countries near the equator.

Artisanal manufacturing begins by extracting the cocoa beans, which are cleaned and dried in the sun. Subsequently, they are toasted and the shell is removed to grind them in containers, preferably wooden, with the help of paddles or rollers, until the desired consistency is achieved and the ingredients that will give it the final flavor can be added, such as the essence of vanilla, cinnamon, milk, water, sugar, until the right mass is achieved to be able to be molded to the desired shape and wrap it in waxed paper.

The manufacturing process of chocolate bars in the industry is similar, but the machines change at each stage of the process, for example, transnational industries use large silos to store ingredients and raw materials; There are also large mixers that obtain the chocolate paste and that, through different injection systems, deposit the chocolate in trays or molds, which are directed by means of conveyor belts to the cooling ducts and to the metal detectors to guarantee the product safety. Finally, the automated rollers carry out the final packaging of the chocolate bars.

To reinforce the theme, carry out a systemic analysis through the following activity.

Look at the chart below and write down the technical changes you identified to the systems.

Food is one of the primary needs for the survival of human beings. The techniques used to create or use a product transform the environment.

The food industry is a set of organized processes in which most of the food consumed by the population is produced and comprises a series of activities aimed at the processing, preparation, conservation, preservation, packaging of food products, as well as as the preparation of fresh products.

In the work process of manufacturing products, there is a dynamic interaction between the workers with the machines, equipment and tools, and raw materials that have to be transformed.

Characteristics of a technical process:

Inputs. They are the raw materials that have to be transformed into goods and services.

Technical means. They are machines, equipment and tools.

The organization of factory work. It refers to the various stages of the product manufacturing process, in which different people are involved for each stage, generally through a machine, therefore, the knowledge that each one contributes is also specialized; Frequently the work of what is done in another stage different from its own is unknown, unlike artisan work, where a single person elaborates the entire process.

The products. They are the result of the transformation of raw materials and the interaction of the person with the machine.

This activity ranges from large industrial companies to small family businesses.

Large industrial companies require a large amount of labor and highly mechanized processes. In many areas of production, human labor has almost been eliminated, replacing it with the systematization of production processes, which make it possible to produce large quantities of products in a short time.

Technological progress is causing changes in the ways of producing goods or services.

Currently there is a wide variety of industrial machinery, such as mixers, grinders, blenders, slicers, dehydrating ovens, packing machines, grain cleaners, among others.

Some small businesses are almost entirely dependent on local farming, fishing or ranching.

For example, another product that is developed on a large scale through industrial and artisanal processes is jam. This product arises when the human being questions how to conserve and preserve their fruits to prevent them from spoiling, since, in some cases, they are seasonal.

Since then, the techniques for its elaboration have undergone great changes.

Jam making technique:

Everything starts from the selection of the fruit in good condition and ripe. Afterwards, they are weighed to calculate the other ingredients. For example, water, sugar and salt. Wash and cut the fruit. To obtain the pulp, a blender or pulper is used. Subsequently, the fruit is cooked and packaged in glass jars, and labeled with expiration date, which will depend on the type of preservative used in the recipe, to finally proceed to storage.

From multinational companies to small artisan companies participate in the production of fruit jam.

In Mexico, jams, preserves or sweets typical of some region of the country, or seasonal, are made, such as those used to place on the altar of the dead. For example, the canned pumpkin that is made in autumn and is used in many regions of Mexico, which consists of cooking pieces of pumpkin with piloncillo, water and cinnamon; in other places they make it baked or with other ingredients, like in Xochimilco, where guava and cane are added.

Other products that give us identity are the chocolate, sugar and amaranth skulls that are made mainly in Xochimilco and Milpa Alta, within Mexico City, and in some places in the State of Mexico; the charamusca, a typical sweet from Guanajuato.

Sweet hawthorn made from hawthorns, water and cinnamon.

Crystallized sweets that can be fruits or vegetables such as sweet potatoes, cassava, biznaga, papaya, nopal, chayote, pumpkin, fig, chilacayote, lemons stuffed with coconut, carrots, even poblano peppers covered with sugar and that have a shiny appearance, as well as the ates of different fruits.

Dulces de leche made with cow's or goat's milk depending on the region.

Ham figurines made from pumpkin seeds or seeds, originating mainly from Puebla and Guerrero.

Other classic sweets are tamarind pulp, coconut sweets, wafers and caramel sweets with walnuts.

Another conservation process for later consumption is based on the fruit dehydrated technique. In the case of citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime and tangerine), the classic juices are extracted, which are presented in packages of various materials, as well as powdered concentrates that give instant drinks when dissolved in water. Other fruits are canned, in syrup. Bitter orange is used to prepare jams, marmalades and preserves.

To learn about one of these processes, watch the following video on the making of amaranth skulls.

3. Video. Elaboration of amaranth skulls.

Thus, each region has its typical sweets and uses different types of techniques to make them.

Today's Challenge:

Make a mental map of the elements of a technical process.

Write a list of typical sweets that you know of or that are made in your region, and research the type of techniques used to make them.


Theme: I make informed and autonomous decisions regarding my life.

Expected learning: Critically analyze information to make autonomous decisions regarding their life as an adolescent (sexuality, health, addictions, education, participation).

Emphasis: Apply strategies to make autonomous decisions in any of the areas of your life as an adolescent.

What are we going to learn?

You will learn strategies on how to exercise your critical thinking to make autonomous, assertive and informed decisions, as an essential element for your training as a teenager.

What do we do?

Reflect on the following question:

What decisions do you make in your everyday life?

In life, all of us make decisions constantly. When you were little or little, someone else took them for you looking for your well-being. Surely, you responded based on the approval or disapproval of the decisions they made for you, in search of affection or to please adults; however, as you grow up, you are the one who makes the decisions, exercising your right to autonomy and learning to think critically.

At this stage of your life you want to find out what is correct, you argue and question rules, surely you are already encouraged to discuss them or to ask the why of some of them or of some actions, you can now choose and reflect.

The current challenge you face is learning to make autonomous decisions; One of the most frequent challenges is deciding against the pressure of your peers and belonging groups, with respect to following fashions and tastes, styles of behavior or ways of thinking.

As you face these types of challenges, you develop skills that will lead to maturity, that is, the ability to have autonomy.

Adolescents, day by day, face situations in which they must make decisions, for this they must learn to make them in an informed, responsible and timely manner, which means acting critically and consciously.

Decision making is the process by which people develop the ability to choose between several options, to resolve life situations in different contexts: at work, family, academic or emotional level.

It basically consists of choosing an alternative among several available, in order to solve problems and assume the consequences.

Something very important is that they are taken when a challenge or problem, obstacle or difficulty arises. It is very frequent that, when adolescents find themselves in a dilemma or situation that requires taking a position, sometimes immediately, they must be able to observe the risks and their possible consequences, favoring their own comprehensive care and that of others. .

Adolescents continually face dilemmas or situations that imply evaluating alternatives and choosing one of them.

Here are some examples of dilemmas or situations that adolescents may face in their day-to-day lives.

1. Audio. Dilemmas or situations, case 1.

Consult it at the following link: https://aprendeencasa.sep.gob.mx/multimedia/RSC/Audio/202011/202011-RSC-Qy0Sgpyc6n-FCYE2_B1_PG2_SEM11_Audio1.mp3

In case 1, the dilemmas mentioned are:

Distribute a video that denigrates dignity

Mocking a person with a disability

Exclude someone's participation

Hide objects

Share our food

Start a courtship

Becoming a mother or father

Stop eating

Protest discrimination

Listen to the following audio, pay close attention and identify the dilemmas that are mentioned.

2. Audio. Dilemmas or situations, case 2.

Listen in this link: https://aprendeencasa.sep.gob.mx/multimedia/RSC/Audio/202011/202011-RSC-0nhWTf6bae-FCYE2_B1_PG2_SEM11_Audio2.m4a

In case 2, the dilemmas mentioned are:

Insult someone

Use birth control

Hide an engagement

Accept any drugs

Hide grades

Witnessing a crime

Stop studying

Return something found

As you have heard, in any of these cases, decision-making implies putting into play the ability of adolescents to choose between several alternatives and assume the position they consider appropriate.

Now, consider the following questions:

What dilemmas have you faced?

How have you responded to them?

Have you based your decisions on your own mature opinions?

To grow and mature emotionally, it is necessary to generate your own thoughts and opinions that help you to be a better person and have autonomy.

Autonomy is the capacity that each person has to make their own choices, make decisions independently of the opinion or desire of others, and take responsibility for the consequences. It is developed and acquired through practice, from the learning that comes from each one of us, but also from social interaction.

It is important to mention that it is a right enjoyed by all people, even those with a severe disability or serious impairment.

This is a right that we exercise without the intervention of someone else and under our own convictions and beliefs, which is known as moral autonomy, which means accepting the rules out of our own conviction and not because they must be complied with.

Watch the following video that will help you understand the importance of decision-making and autonomy for adolescents, pay close attention to its content.

3. The responsibility of a decision.

There are a series of steps for decision-making that support the importance of breaking down a situation or dilemma and assessing the alternatives to make the best one.

It is important to consider that, no matter the origin or nature of a situation, what is necessary is to know, understand and analyze a problem to give it the best solution.

The steps for decision-making that are proposed are:

Define the problem or situation.

Identify the alternatives.

Analyze the pros and cons of the options.

Choose the best option.

Apply the selected option and evaluate the results.

Keep these points in mind to break them down later, through some examples that will be shared with you.

Next, so that you understand the very important process of autonomy and decision making, look at the following diagram that shows a list of reasons for making decisions.

The autonometer represents a list of reasons that should be considered when making decisions. As can be seen, they go from making autonomous decisions, which show adherence to principles and values, to the reasons that are taken to avoid a sanction; An example of the latter is giving in to what the group wants, since it does not show autonomy and acts to evade punishment.

There are also those that are used to look good and protect their image, to be accepted or accepted, to do something that others expect or need and show people what they are capable of; they are used to please some people, or to do something that other people expect or need.

As the autonometer advances upwards, there are those such as: deciding one's own objectives; help other people or groups out of solidarity; to comply with an established norm out of conviction; doing something that is considered fair, are alternatives that speak of an adequate process of autonomy.

However, there are still options at the top, such as: questioning an unfair order, protecting another person from an injustice or defending an ethical principle; which are clearly based on respect for human rights and the dignity of people, in pursuit of the common welfare and with information that is based on scientific evidence, that is, that can be verified, since to make autonomous decisions it is necessary to analyze the information offered by the various media in a critical way, considering that from this, it is possible to reflect, wonder about the causes, the consequences and evaluate what can be useful or what is not.

It's important to recognize that sometimes you make decisions to please the members of the groups you're a part of or to stay in them. However, by facing peer pressure and making the right decisions, you forge your autonomy, and for this, information is necessary.

Information is a key tool for making decisions, it not only allows you to know different ideas and points of view, it also helps you to analyze and compare information, which is essential to choose what is ethically correct.

Critical analysis of the information to decide with autonomy implies distinguishing and choosing quality information, clear, simple, from reliable sources and with updated data, so that it helps to assess other options and to reflect.

The most important thing is that you learn to use a very powerful tool, called "assertiveness", which allows you to make autonomous decisions, based on reflection, analysis, considering ethical principles that avoid impulsiveness.

For this, it is important that you know yourself and respect other people, which will allow you to clearly express your desires, values ​​and decisions, which implies the ability to know how to say yes or no at the right time, according to with what you really want, communicating it in a free, clear, simple and non-violent way, that is, being assertive.

To make decisions it is necessary to consider and take into account:

Respect yourself and other people.

Behave honestly, be direct / direct and express yourself properly.

Express yourself candidly when delivering a message.

Know how to ask for what you need and make it clear what you want.

Emotionally self-regulate when expressing a need.

Know how to listen to what other people say.

Have positive thoughts and look for the best alternative.

Having the ability to "dialogue."

Making decisions requires a very important preparation process, since you must think about the option that generates benefits for you and favors the common good, which is very important for harmonious coexistence

Next, pay attention to the 7 tips you can practice to make autonomous and assertive decisions:

Recognize what is valuable to you and why.

Learn from your own mistakes and from others.

Discover other ways of being and thinking.

Form your own opinions.

Respect those who think differently.

Give explanations of what they think.

Take responsibility for your actions and decisions.

To delve deeper into the subject, listen to teacher Maribel Ortega, who talks about the importance of decision-making in adolescents.

4. Video. Decision making, Maribel Ortega.

As an adolescent, you have an important transformation commitment for you and society in general; For this reason, it is necessary that you learn to make decisions and assume a commitment to change, that you consider diversity as wealth and that you know that showing autonomy is a right that all people should put into practice, day by day.

Now, analyze the following case; pay attention, since you will build a schematic after reading the example.

You are from the second group C and you found out that, at the start, the second group A and the second group B will face blows off campus because one of the groups does not agree with having lost the internal high school soccer tournament, organized by the Physical Education teacher.

What would you do?

Make 5 circles so that you can carry out the diagram of the steps for decision-making, like the one shown below. Define the problem, identify the alternatives, analyze the pros and cons, choose the best option, apply it and evaluate your results.

Surely, from this moment on, before making a decision, you will remember that scientifically-based information is a key tool, and that being well-informed and informed will not only allow you to know different ideas and points of view, but also it will help you express your opinions; now keep in mind that analyzing and comparing information are essential actions, both to discriminate and to choose the one that is reliable; You will know that it is about putting your ability to reflect carefully and make autonomous and assertive decisions at stake, and that ethical action is what is best for society as a whole.

Consult your book to complement the information reviewed.

Today's Challenge:

Choose a situation in your life, in which you have to make decisions autonomously, describe it. Apply the revised steps, be guided by the examples you just reviewed and remember to propose solutions based on ethical principles that do not harm your integrity, nor that of others.

Do these exercises in a personal way whenever necessary and realize that, from an assertive solution to the circumstances you are facing, your human relationships are improved.



Knowing the characteristics of the panel

Expected learning: Identify the difference between arguments based on data and personal opinions.

Emphasis: Discuss the characteristics of a panel discussion.

What are we going to learn?

- You will know and identify the characteristics of the discussion panel technique, so that you can create a panel.

You will do some activities to strengthen your knowledge:

Discussion is a way of getting to know different points of view on issues from various fields of knowledge, social, economic, political and cultural.

In an article about the role of young people in society, different points of view were mentioned: there were opinions in favor of building a participatory society, and others that expressed a lack of interest regarding the subject; however, opinions based on life experiences were mixed with arguments presenting data on the importance of active participation of youth groups in society.

What do we do?

Watch the following video from 4:35 to 9:00, where they talk about youth groups.

- A round table

Expressing your points of view, ideas and opinions about what happens in your environment is an everyday event, it is part of your coexistence, of your relationship with others. You comment what you believe and feel, often without the need to justify or formally support your comments. However, as a student, you must have faced situations where they have been required to prepare, gather information from various sources and build their opinions.

As in the round tables, the panel has certain characteristics:

The difference between a controversial topic and one of general interest is that the former causes controversy among the panelists, while the latter has to do with current issues, usually related to social problems. The panel deals with a single topic, which is addressed from different points of view or approaches.

Think of a controversial topic, but what makes it controversial? This question is basic to think about and select a topic for a panel.

Another important aspect is to reach an agreement regarding the topic, since the panel is carried out with the participation of several people, and for this it is necessary that they establish a consensus.

Watch the previous video from minute 2:40 to 4:46, in which the discursive strategies are presented, and how the participants present them in a panel or discussion table.

As you could see, discursive strategies are fundamental in the discussion of a topic, since they help you to give strength to the arguments that are presented during a discussion.

To recap, some of the discursive strategies are:

-Bring from the particular to the general

-Appeal to the sensitivity or emotions of the public

-Appeal to the prestige and/or authority of the issuer

-Expose partial data

Regarding the panel participants, generally, there are between 4 and 6 people who are experts in the subject and will be in charge of providing information through ideas and arguments relevant to the development of the topic.

The participants are: the moderator or moderator, panelists and public. The moderator or coordinator: fulfills the function of presenting the members of the panel to the audience, ordering the conversation, inserting some clarifying questions and controlling the time. He stands in the middle of the panelists to get an overview of them and remains neutral to the information or ideas they present, but keeps the discussion active. At the end, it summarizes the most important aspects of the exposed topic.

Watch the following video from the start to 2:19:

With ideas on the table

The next feature has to do with asking questions for the panelists.

To conduct the dialogue with the panelists it is necessary to have a series of questions. The moderator is the one who is in charge of preparing them in advance, in accordance with the objectives that the panel organizers have set, ensuring that they are clear, and that they allow ample answers from the members of the panel.

To consolidate and recognize what you have learned so far, we propose an activity. Observe very well and answer each question.

At the end they ask questions regarding the topic discussed in the panel, do you mean…?

It is the public or audience.

Is he in charge of introducing the specialists, asking questions and taking the time to participate?

It is the moderator or coordinator.

Do they resort to discursive strategies when presenting and arguing their points of view?

The panelists or experts.

How many are involved in the panel discussion?

From 4 to 6 participants take part.

Of the options, choose the one that refers to a discursive strategy.

Deep breathing

Appeal to sensitivity or emotions

Have good diction.

To summarize what you have learned so far, watch the following video.

Participate in a round table. Example of a round table

In summary, the panel is a technique where there are arguments supported by data and also by opinions.

-Those supported by data: they represent verifiable information and on which you can base yourself to draw conclusions.

Opinions, on the other hand, can be based on your own experience and way of understanding the world.

Today's Challenge:

Search the television programming for programs in which a topic is discussed, either in a round table or a panel, watch the program and pay close attention to the way in which the participants develop and discuss the topic they are dealing with.

In your notebook: write an opinion about the program, as well as the strategies you would use to defend your position if you were part of the panelists.


Population growth and flourishing of cities

Expected learning: Recognize the causes and consequences of economic growth in New Spain in the eighteenth century.

Emphasis: Identify the process of population growth and the emergence of New Spain cities.

What are we going to learn?

The study of the History of Mexico is important because it constitutes the memory of our ancestors and the explanation of how our identity as Mexicans was shaped throughout the centuries. Therefore, knowing the past contributes to understanding our present.

The topic that you will review will allow you to understand the economic and social conditions in which the Viceroyalty of New Spain found itself at the beginning of the 18th century. You will recognize that the prosperity of mining, agricultural, livestock and commercial activities favored the demographic increase of the New Spain population, especially the indigenous population, which, as you will remember, had been drastically decimated by epidemics since the 16th century.

What do we do?

Read the following text taken from the book Miners and Traders in Bourbon Mexico, written by David Brading.

"The economic depression of the mid-seventeenth century arose mainly from the mining crisis and the consequent reduction in transatlantic trade, ending a cycle in which too much reliance was placed on silver mining and land ownership .

Perhaps it ruined, or at least reduced many wealthy families to more modest conditions, but the fact is that during the climax of this economic storm in the decade from 1650 to 1660, the diarist Gregorio de Guijo reported fortunes of 416,000 pesos <>; 800,000 pesos in cash without counting houses, gardens and furniture; and another of 900,000 pesos.

Only the Church could compete with these wealthy merchants. An archbishop of Mexico, on his return to Europe, took with him some 800,000 pesos in jewels and precious metals.

The crisis, then, obviously did not affect everyone with the same intensity, nor were all its consequences harmful. In addition, around 1650 the Spanish population—which included not only Spaniards, but also mestizos, mulattoes, and blacks—perhaps numbered 300,000, compared to an indigenous population of barely over a million.

Certain figures related to the Bajío also indicate that the flow of emigration to the north did not stop. The registration of indigenous tributaries in Querétaro increased from 600 to 2,000 between 1644 and 1688, and in the nearby town of Celaya, from 2,148 to 6,419 between 1657 and 1698.

In the central region of New Spain, therefore, the uninterrupted expansion of the Spanish population, relatively concentrated in urban centers, promoted the corresponding advance of the domestic economy.

[In contrast] During the 18th century, New Spain experienced a profound economic recovery that had its origin both in the revival of mining activity and in the continuous increase in population.

In general terms, the Mexican population increased from an estimated 3,336,000 people in 1742 to about 6,122,000 in 1810. Almost all the races that inhabited the colony reproduced at more or less the same rate. In the two years that have been cited, the Indians made up 60 percent of the population, and estimates of how the rest was made up are somewhat variable. The <> they were 11 percent in 1742 and 18 percent in 1810. Mestizos and mulattoes, counted together as castas, made up the rest, that is, 22 percent. These racial proportions represented national, not regional, averages. since the further south one went, the more indigenous were found, while in the north the Hispanic group surely predominated.

The geographical environment of New Spain accentuated the diversity and isolation of the regions. However, residents of almost all regions could produce all of Mexico's staple foods within relatively short distances.

This trend towards racial diversification and regional economic self-sufficiency fostered highly diverse schemes of land tenure and agricultural production.

In many ways the north, so depopulated and so rich in mines and cattle, and backward in industry and agriculture, was a colonial dependency of the central provinces. It supplied them with many raw materials, leather, wool, a little cotton, mules, horses and bulls, and silver. In exchange for this, he bought manufactured items, especially textiles, ceramics, fine silver objects, and foods of tropical origin, such as sugar. This was probably the largest and largest example of interregional trade in domestic products in New Spain.

Have you thought about the fact that the growth of cities and the economic activities in which their population is engaged are closely related to the geographical characteristics of the region where they are located?

Did you imagine that since the colonial period the various economic and cultural regions that remain in the country were configured?

In this session you will focus on population growth and the flourishing of cities. As you know, mining was the pillar of the New Spain economy, and this favored the creation of urban and consumption centers, and as a consequence the development of agricultural and livestock areas, which transformed the landscape of ancient Mexico.

But what factors allowed the economic growth of New Spain in the 18th century?

Economic growth depended on multiple factors, including the role of the church as a lender to businessmen, miners, and merchants, technological innovations in different economic activities that increased their production, and the development of commercial networks. In turn, this economic boom contributed to population growth and the establishment of cities.

From the 18th century there was a population growth, behind were the enormous numbers of deaths, mainly of indigenous people.

As you can see in the following graph, the indigenous population decreased considerably after 1520 due to the process of conquest, military invasion, various epidemics and difficult living and working conditions. By 1620 a recovery began that lasted until 1680.

As of this year, population growth was constant both for the indigenous people and for the other groups of the New Spanish society.

For the first decades of the 18th century, New Spain experienced a period of economic prosperity in mining, trade and the formation of local markets, which contributed to the increase in population and promoted the flourishing of cities.

So why did the population gradually increase? This was possible due to the change in the organization of society, which went from living in isolated and distant places, to living together or close to a population center. As well as diversification and specialization in economic activities, such as livestock, mining, and agriculture, which not only transformed the landscape, but also fostered the development of towns, cities, ranches, and farms.

The following map from 1742 allows you to see the distribution and density of the population. Thus we note that the municipality of Mexico is the one with the largest number of inhabitants, with 650,000. Then there are the municipalities of Antequera (now Oaxaca), Puebla and San Luis Potosí, with an average of 290,000 to 320,000 people. They are followed by the municipalities of the Valley of Michoacán and Veracruz with an average of 100,001 to 120,000 inhabitants. Then there are the municipalities of Guadalajara and Guanajuato with an average of 80,000 to 100,000 people. The municipality of Mérida Yucatán is the least dense with an average of 35,000 to 60,000 inhabitants.

Do you remember that in the 16th century the population was organized into a republic of Spaniards and a republic of Indians? Well, by the 18th century the reality was already very different, there was a multi-ethnic society. But what does this mean? It means that in New Spain there was a great diversity of mixtures between the different ethnic groups and with this particularity the population increased.

Regarding agricultural and industrial activities as factors of population growth, it is important to make some clarifications:

In the 18th century, agricultural and industrial activities were modified due to the economic policies of the Bourbons. In this sense, the growth of the population stimulated the settlement of the urban centers that demanded labor to cover the needs of the inhabitants, since it was too expensive to stock up on products due to the distance and the high price of their transportation.

As an example, David Brading mentions that "travel was difficult, being done only on horseback, muleback or the few carriages that existed; cheap and bulky goods could not be transported great distances because of the severe limitation that should be imposed on costs".

In this sense, Brading comments that "the geography of New Spain accentuated the diversity and isolation of the regions"

Also, the colonial authorities delimited the organization of economic activities by ordering that cattle, cattle (cows, bulls and oxen) and horses were an exclusive activity for Spaniards and Creoles; On the other hand, small cattle, ovine (sheep) and caprine (goats) were also a job for mestizos and indigenous people.

The different activities of the population are due to the climate, altitude and conditions of the territory. This explains why the north is characterized by the raising of large cattle and by its majority Spanish population. Unlike the center and south, the activities were predominantly agricultural and raising small livestock, with a mostly mestizo and indigenous population.

As you have seen, the growth of commerce and mining favored the settlement of sparsely inhabited regions, such is the case of the mining cities of northern New Spain such as Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí and Guanajuato.

On the other hand, agricultural activity contributed to the increase of the population in cities such as Querétaro, Celaya and León.

While the textile industry boosted the population growth of cities like Puebla, Tlaxcala and Orizaba. Areas that to this day are characterized by the development of these activities as important sources of employment.

In this way, economic activities encouraged population growth and as a consequence transformed the physiognomy of cities, which determined ways of life, work, customs and festivities around their productive activities.

In conclusion, the diversity of economic activities fostered the settlement of the various territories of the country.

Today's Challenge:

Reflect on the geographic regions and their characteristics and the relationship they had on population growth, economic growth, and the formation of cities in New Spain in the 18th century.

With this, complete the following diagram of population growth and the flourishing of cities.


Decide to transform

Expected learning: Value dignity and human rights as ethical criteria to exercise freedom and self-regulate both personally and socially.

Emphasis: Reflect on the use of your freedom to influence the transformation of your environment.

What are we going to learn?

How to exercise freedom to influence the transformation of your environment.

Have you noticed that most of the actions you do every day are governed by the freedom to decide? Maybe not, because from the moment you are born you enjoy it, and it is likely that you do not appreciate it because you think that "this is normal".

On a daily basis you decide how you do your hair, the words you use to express yourself, the way you relate to your friends, among many other situations that depend on you.

On this occasion, we will analyze how these decisions are materialized in actions that can influence the transformation of the environment. One of the most important characteristics of the human being is that he wants to do things and that he does the things that he wants; that is, it is a being that acts.

What does acting mean to you?

It's not just getting moving: jumping, walking, talking; it also involves thinking, reflecting and regulating to transform your environment. Action is a way of responding to the needs of the environment, an active being transforms reality itself.

Do you think you can act in any way?

Everything you do has repercussions, favorable or unfavorable. If you continue your studies at a professional level, if you decide to play sports, the way you eat; although there are also many messages around you motivating you to do some things, consume, buy or think in a certain way. You must keep in mind that the decision is yours, but there will always be consequences for your actions.

What do we do?

Answer in your notebook, what do you think of the decisions you make and their effects or consequences?

See what a group of teenage students like you think.

Your classmates commented on the way they perceive the consequences of their actions. Sometimes you decide to solve something or to get something, but the consequences of actions were also mentioned.

Although you should take into account that the fact of carrying out actions that are considered "correct" does not always lead to the expected results, for various reasons; for example, they may be correct for you, but not for others. The correct term brings with it many aspects that must be considered, such as culture, society, your values ​​and beliefs.

When you feel confused in your way of acting, you can take human rights into account as a reference to decide what is desirable and what is not.

But before delving into it, listen to educational psychologist Ignacio Ramírez González, who has extensive experience in these topics. The question is:

How can adolescents be supported to make decisions, considering that these can have irreversible consequences in their lives?

Ignacio has given an overview of the possibilities of the decisions you make. In addition, he returns to the principle of cause and effect, which was previously discussed. It also invites to be on the side of the cause, not the effect; This means that you do everything possible to take control of your life.

The exercise of freedom implies taking responsibility, empathy and self-regulation into account, but, deep down, it leads to the question: what is the purpose of what you do? One of your classmates, in the video, said that to solve something or to obtain something. Why do you exercise freedom?

Write down in your notebook what you think of the affectation that may exist, by not thinking of others when you make personal decisions.

See how some young people responded to this.

Now it is clear to you that the decisions will have an impact on the environment. Observe what Ignacio can comment. What criteria could adolescents take into account to make important decisions?

There are also decisions that may not seem significant, but that show the care you have of other people. Ignacio talks about relationships, the importance of the profession and the management of addictions.

The way you make decisions, like the ones Ignacio explains, will allow you to exercise freedom in harmony with the environment. This has to do with the exercise of freedom, do you see that it is not just about doing what one wants?

But another criterion that you must take into account is the respect and exercise of dignity, do you remember what it means?

Dignity is the quality of the human condition from which fundamental rights emanate, along with the free development of personality.

Write and answer the following questions in your notebook.

Has anyone tried to violate your integrity or your human rights? Do you know any case? If so, what solution have you given?

See what your classmates are saying.

Create a survey with three women who are from your family, ask them the following:

Have you felt fear or anxiety in the last few months?

Where are the places where you feel safest?

What could you do to help another woman if she doesn't feel safe?

After your survey, answer in your notebook: Taking into account the exercise of freedom, what do you propose so that we all live a life free of violence?

Do an exercise:

Draw a scale in your notebook and place on the left side the good decisions you have made in your life and on the right side the bad ones, list them. To which side did your scale tip?

Now, under your scale, write down a series of actions that you must take to improve what left on the right side. How can they be self-regulated?

Observe your classmates and learn how they self-regulate.

The response of the students is interesting, they find that self-regulation has to do with empathy, with the control of emotions and the search for solutions. This is important, although there are also other aspects that can be considered.

It is about the rights of people, it is important that you keep them in mind. When someone wants to exercise her freedom, they can seek, in many ways, the achievement of her purposes, but in that journey affect other people.

A very clear example is when playing soccer or basketball. The purpose of both games is to score more points to win a match. Those who play there know that purpose and seek to achieve it, but sometimes the rules are broken in that spirit. What are those rules for?

Today's Challenge:

You can realize that by deciding you can favor a better coexistence in the environment. Whether it's when greeting, offering a friendly treatment or when you set limits for people to respect them.

But they can also favor your rights and the environment when you make decisions that are important in your life. Although sometimes you can stop, if necessary, to know if you will continue on that path or if you should change the route. It is important to analyze pros and cons, do not always choose the simplest, since it is not always the best choice.

Freedom, like other human rights, has been a conquest for which many people and groups have fought throughout history. It is important that you make your benefits effective, that you carry out actions of knowledge, defense and exercise of human rights that contribute to improving the social and natural environment of the place where you live.

Take into account the importance of the fact that your decisions not only have an impact on you, but can transcend the life of your family and/or those around you, even even the community where you live.


Background and fundamentals II

Expected learning: Explain the difference between complementary, mutually exclusive and independent events.

Emphasis: Explain the difference between events.

What are we going to learn?

You will learn the difference between complementary, mutually exclusive, and independent events and the difference between events.

The materials that you are going to use are: notebook, pencil, rubber, a coin of any value, 2 dice and 8 marbles.

It is very important that you take note of each of the doubts that arise during the development of the session so that you can share them with your classmates, classmates and teachers.

In case you don't have the materials, like the dice or the marbles, there are some alternative options.

For example, on a sheet of paper draw 8 circles and color them, it will be a simulation of marbles.

What do we do?

To know the sample space of tossing a coin twice, it is necessary to know what all the possible outcomes of the experiment are.

To solve the situations, you can use a rectangular array, start with the first question: What is the sample space of tossing 2 coins?

A rectangular array that is a table where in the row you put all the possible results of one of the currencies and in the column all the possible results of the other currency. So, combining both results, you get that the sample space for tossing a coin twice is:

Sun and sun

Sun and eagle

Eagle and eagle

Eagle and sun

That is, you have 4 total outcomes of the toss of 2 coins.

Now, what is the sample space for the toss of a coin and a die?

In the column you write all the possible results of one of the dice and in the row you write all the possible results of the other die; then, combining both results, you obtain the sample space of the toss of both coins. If you look at all the possible outcomes of the experiment, there are twelve.

Resolves the following situation:

Maximiliano proposed a game to 6 of his friends, it is called "The horse race".

It consists of choosing one of 12 horses that will compete, Maximiliano chose number 7 and the rest of his friends, as shown in the table.

Once his friends chose the horse, he told them that in order for them to advance they would have to roll 2 dice simultaneously and that the sum of the faces of both dice would be the horse that would advance.

For example, if 1 and 4 were to come up, the sum is 5, therefore, horse 5 advances, even though it has no owner, the horse advances and is registered on the board. The results of the game of Maximiliano and his friends were as follows.

The winner was Maximiliano. If you look, Catalina never advanced. This is because the minimum sum of the faces of both dice is 2, that is to say, 1 falls on one die and 1 falls on another, the sum is 2, that is why horse 1 could never advance, that is, it is an impossible event.

In this type of game, unlike a coin toss, no player will have the same chance of winning.

Solve the following situation.

What does the phrase mean: without replacing the marble in the box before the next draw? It means that when you draw a marble once you see what color it is, you don't put it back in the box and when you do the second draw that marble will no longer be in the box.

This is known as removal WITHOUT replacement.

Resolves the following issue:

A coin and a dice are tossed, how many favorable cases are there of a sun coming up and 3?

To find out, you must count how many possibilities there are that the sun rises and 3, so it is necessary to know the sample space, that is, all the possible results of the experiment. Notice that you have 12 total cases. And one is the number of favorable cases that the sun rises and 3.

From the same experiment, tossing a coin and dice

Look at one form of counting: tree diagrams.

Tree diagrams are used to find all possible outcomes of an experiment, which is carried out in a finite number of ways.

Build the tree diagram to find ways to combine a, b, and c.

We start from a node, and the first combination options, a, b and c, are presented.

Then, in each case, the options to which they give rise are presented. Afterwards, the options that follow the second ones are placed, leaving all the combinations of a, b and c at the end.

Remember, a tree diagram is the graphical representation to identify the possible outcomes in a random event. It is also a useful tool for determining the sample space of an experiment with multiple events. This is what the tree diagram of tossing a coin and a die looks like:

To make the tree diagram start with the first generation branches, we know that when tossing a coin it can land sun or eagle.

Now look at an experiment involving a die, a coin, a green marble, and a blue marble. Is it possible to use a rectangular array? No, because with the rectangular arrangement only 2 elements could be combined.

To obtain the sample space of the experiment (tossing a die, a coin and a marble) you will use a tree diagram.

If you look, the tree diagram is too big, but it will help to identify favorable cases more easily.

From the same experiment, count how many chances there are of getting an eagle, an even number, and a blue marble.

Perform the count or mark in the tree diagram the options sun, 6 and green marble.

Analyze tree diagrams. What sum comes out more times? Take a good look at the diagram.

Remember that a sample space is the set of all possible results of an experiment and you identify it with the letter S; in the toss of a coin, all possible outcomes are 2, sun, and eagle.

An event is a subset of a sample space, or in other words, it is a random event within the sample space.

An impossible event is one that never occurs, and a certain event is one that will always occur and is also called a deterministic event. Tree diagram: it is the graphical representation to identify the possible results in a random event.

Today's Challenge:

The first challenge is:

Remember the horse racing game? Well now it's your turn to play it with some of your relatives.

Consider that you can participate up to a maximum of 12 players, since there are 12 horses in the race.

Take into account that you must use 2 dice or roll a die twice, since the horse that will advance will be the one that indicates the sum of the number of heads that came up.

Draw a rectangular arrangement in your notebook so that you can lean on it when playing the game with your family. Remember to give them the right directions.

The second challenge will be to look in your textbook for the topic covered today. Remember to lean on the index to make it easier.


Prototype design

Expected learning: Apply technical knowledge and use ICT for the development of technical innovation processes.

Emphasis: Design the prototype of a product or service in its field emphasis.

What are we going to learn?

As you will remember, in the previous topics we have worked with the phases to develop a project, the last session allowed us to know and identify software that is used for the design and creation of technical products of different field emphases. Today you will continue developing this innovation project.

It is very important that you remember and have all your information at hand to continue working on the project.

Do you remember what are the technological fields, and what are the computer equipment, machine controllers and modeling?

You've probably already researched and practiced with some of them.

What do you think if you select the software that best suits you to develop your next phase, which is to design the prototype of the solar heater you have been working on? After having selected your best alternative on the use of renewable energy to solve the problem.

The problem that was raised was the deterioration of the environment. Remember that it is only a simulator and that it is subject to change according to your needs and interests.

All the products that are within your reach today went through a design process, from a chair to an airplane.

Indeed, but returning to the subject of interest, the development of models, prototypes and simulators of products and technical processes helps you to specify your idea to later carry it out and, in this way, anticipate possible difficulties that you may encounter. face in your design.

In your case, to continue developing your prototype, you will use a free program to design the solar heater.

What is a prototype? And what should you consider to carry out your design?

A prototype can be anything from simple drawings to a complex product simulator; It is your first model of the product or service in real size and with final materials proposed for its manufacture, which has as its main objective:

The technical-constructive, functional, ergonomic, distribution and/or market validation of the proposal.

Adjust it, if necessary, to improve it.

What do we do?

To give you a clearer idea, watch the following video where the design of a printed circuit is shown

In the video you observed that design programs are an invaluable tool that allows to be more efficient in design processes, in addition to reducing the use of natural resources such as paper, replaced with the digital design of prototypes and minimizing the use of these.

Design through the use of ICT is a great help in replacing paper with the advantages you already know.

Now is the time to shape your product, capturing your thoughts through drawings, sketches, sketches or computer programs like the one you are going to use next.

Start with the design of your prototype using a free-use program from the sketch prepared for your innovation proposal on the solar heater.

You will remember that your design uses PET bottles, and for this it will be essential to create said object in your virtual environment. You will use one of the PET bottles for the project.

Take into account the basic shapes that form it. You will start drawing from these forms, you must also observe and record the measurements of the bottles to be used, since it will be of the utmost importance to create your digital design.

It can be of great help to use the resources that the programs themselves recommend; We suggest you use the one that suits you best and of which you have the most knowledge.

Consult your teacher or technology teacher, who will guide you to make the best decision with the 3D design program.

Remember that the design will only give you an idea of ​​the elaboration of your project, so it is not so rigorous that it has the exact shape of your bottles, but it is recommended that it be as similar as possible.

To change the texture, select the entire object and color it with a translucent material, finishing with the opacity of the material and its texture.

Now that you have the shape of the bottle, how about looking at the process of making the other components?

With all the contributions made in the session, the idea of ​​the importance of digital representation using the 3D design program on your computer is clearer and that, despite having possible difficulties, with practice and indications of the teachers and teachers, will be solved.

When you finish your design, remember to save it with a copy and also share it with your classmates, teachers, and family so they can observe the prototype and make comments for improvement.

We suggest adding heat sensors to measure the temperature of the water at the inlet and outlet of the storage tank. So you can incorporate more tools and resources, such as free programming microcontrollers.

With microcontrollers and some sensors for water current flow, temperature and dampers, you can even determine when the water pressure is low at the inlet and even send information to people who are in the shower, noticing that they are the water has finished, for example. But if the use of some materials is not feasible due to their high cost or availability, it will be enough to do the simulation on the computer and take readings of the temperature, the flow of the water, its consumption and observe in your research the characteristics of effectiveness and efficiency. to implement the adaptations that favor the final design of the solar heater.

Today's Challenge:

Keep in mind all the observations that your teachers, teachers, classmates and family members make of your design. Take note of them and consider the most appropriate based on your previous research and the availability of material resources, as well as your research, to be able to carry out its design.

We suggest you make different designs of your project, the example is about a solar heater. Consider different types of bottles and containers that you have on hand for its preparation. Records changes from the original design.

Remember that it is valid to make changes to your design in terms of morphology and structure, without interfering with the part of functionality and technical purposes that limit its effectiveness and efficiency.

Share your new design with your teacher, as well as the adjustments made to the original design and comment on your experience.
