The LGBT comic
Fragments of unpublished book The impute comic

The LGBT comic Fragments of unpublished book The impute comic

This October 5 is released in the United States the documentary LGBT experience, by Venezuelan filmmaker Tom Monasteries.The film entered the official selection of the Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles.Tom Monasterios - son of the author of this work - is a journalist graduated from the Central University of Venezuela and has film studios at the New York Film Academy, with more than twenty -five years of experience in Venezuelan media.Creator of successful radio formats for the most important youth stations in Venezuela (92.9 FM, Mega 107.3 FM), was producer and host of The Monster of the morning, the Longest Data Morning Show of the Venezuelan FM Radio (92.9 FM).He was also a screenwriter and creative of several Venevisión programs (reality shows protagonists of novels and music stars) and Radio Caracas Televisión, RCTV (dare to dream, Sonoclips) and co -creator of the Late Night Show Dementes Velces, in Globovisión.

Underground is felt in the Latin American universe

El comix1 norteamericano hace su entrada en España a principios de los sesenta, a través de la difusión soterrada de las obras de Crumb y Shelton; una aparición un tanto rezagada, pero no por falta de ganas, viene a lugar advertirlo, por cuanto la sátira literaria y gráfica es componente intrínseco del carácter social hispano al menos desde la Edad Media, sino por la represión reinante en su entorno.

A creation inspired by such a proposal could only be developed in that country from the end of the dictatorship, with the death of Franco (1975)."Tremendismo and traditional Spanish Esperanismo found in the underground a natural channel" (Sampayo), thus configuring an underground to the Spanish;Previously, "some young cartoonists launched, by clandestine channels, certain works" ... that "they prepared the land to emerge, at the end of the decade [of the seventies], the magazine El Víbora" (Coma), whose first cover in 1980 drewPrecisely who would end up being considered by critics as the most notable of that trend in Spain, Nazario Luque, one of the three most relevant artists of drawing consecrated to the Gay theme, next to Tom of Finland and Ralf König.The first work of Nazario focused on the matter is the visit, and dates from 1975.


The Sevillian Nazario Luque Vera (1944) is, in addition to the advance of the Spanish Underground, recognized worldwide as an artist of radical irreverence thanks to works such as Anarcoma (1979) and Salome (1981), the last vaguely inspired by Oscar's theater workWilde;Both appeared originally in the viper.

The author's next dimension referred to Salome is enough to give an idea about the spirit of this work, as with respect to the content of the first: “I decided to make the history of Salome (…) to detoxify a little of so much sex and violence,Mariconeo and transvestite of the first part of anarcoma ”;To what we could add: to also detoxify some excess of drug addiction, murder, exhibitionism, corruption, violation, torture and also ...

However, so many loas, the comment of which we extrapolate the appointment also involves serious objections to the most important serial graphic novel of Nazario;Among other things, a lot of years after his creation, the critic - which masks his identity through such a unique pseudonym - feels repetitive, stagnant and in excess parish.The first two qualifiers may be founded from a joint review of Nazario's work;We do not agree with the last;Very in the opposite we think that his work is one of those cases in which the "parochial" (if we understand the perverse part of Barcelona), as an effect of the creative treatment of the artist, becomes "universal".

The fact is that I salome, in effect, it runs in an atmosphere little less than lyrical;Anarcoma, on the other hand, is the most shameless, cynical and revulsive pornographic farce ever placed in the form of a comic;It is the work that leads to compare its author with Genet and Céline in the literature.

The comic takes its title of the protagonist's name: Anarcoma, a homosexual and transvestite detective who lives with her boyfriend Alejandro in an apartment in the Plaza Real in Barcelona;Nazario characterizes it as a half -Humphrey Bogart guy and half Lauren Bacall.His locus is that fascinating Catalan capital, with some futuristic elements added, including an android, crazy scientists inventors of infernal machines, etc..;In one of its reading levels, anarcoma is a chronicle of the low belly of the city, splendid and perverted, in which the Gothic and Art Nouveau are located;The rogue fauna that walks through the Chinese neighborhood and the port of the port, also wanders unpunished by the pages of the graphic novel, without the author intending to them a pinch of benevolence, compassion or tenderness.The generality of people perceive those submundos or real underground areas, existing in every city, as something "strange", or, ideally, exotic;Nazario makes him see in his cartoon as a normal, obvious and natural fact."This is, rather than the abundant pingas exhibition, which disturbs the readers of the most varied nature," he writes in the presentation of the comic version of English José Miguel Gonzales Marcén, a scriptwriter and habitual commentator of El Víbora Larvora inOnliyu's mistake.

Educational Nazar

One of the "positive" features of Barcelona's social character, or perhaps of Catalan integrity, constitute libertarian attitudes, which lead to the acceptance of the most bizarre proposals and quite unusual facts;They may explain to the astonished tourist why the transvestites, whores and jíbaros walk at their craving through the Rambla del Puerto without being victims of repression from the authorities.It is evidence of such attitudes that the Barcelona City Council assigned precisely to Nazario the commission to carry out a series of educational comics in a AIDS prevention campaign addressed to the homosexual community.Nazario is one of the primordial ones responsible for the pornographic content of El Víbora;Ergo, it is a cartoonist who in many countries of the world would be execrated of all coexistence with the establishment, and in some persecuted parts, imprisoned or something worse: examples are not missing;In Barcelona, no;In the Catalan capital, very opposite, the emblematic artist of El Víbora receives from the City Council an official commission, which is obviously a recognition of his talent and communicational influence in a sector of the social collective worthy of respect and protection.

By the way, some time after Nazario was distinguished with that commission, I had to break in Caracas, from the pages of the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, a couple of spears in favor of the viper.In November 1993, the president of the Teleographic Postal Institute of Venezuela (Ipostel) ordered the burning of a lot of copies of the magazine, legally admitted to the country;His argument was, of course, that it was pornographic material.I granted the reason at that point, but I also made that the drawings in the pages of the magazine were of very high aesthetic quality and many of them full of critical-social content;My articles condemning the inquisitorial action of an official who, as I said, ate cement to strengthen his brain, perhaps served to clarify criteria, but regarding rescuing the magazine's lot were useless: the damage was already done.

Tom of Finland

It is the artistic name of the Finnish cartoonist Touko Laaksonen (1920-1991), indicated as the artist consecrated to the most influential homophilic theme in the world gay community and in the western cultural dynamics of the second half of the twentieth century.In 1957, he sent some of his drawings to the American magazine Physique Pictorial under that pseudonym "to avoid discrimination problems in his country of origin".

El cómic LGBT
Fragmentos del libro inédito El cómic impúdico

His most emblematic comic character is Kake (1968);He is, par excellence, "the man of Tom" (or the "Tom boy" to locate him in the line of the girls, previously commented);An image that has served as a model to millions of homosexuals around the world.Originally he was a blond guy, inspired by the vigorous and very male port workers in his country, and in the work of the precursor of the gay image, the American painter George Quintonce (1902-1957);Subsequently, take the cartoons created by Foster as a model.

From several trials, it finally gives the shape of a white individual with black hair, with a mustache, hypermasculin in its appearance and gay without conflict in its sexual trend, dressed in leather clothes and a tin -adjusted shirt with the legend “Fucker”, who toured the world proclaiming with its behavior the liberation of gay sex, satisfactory and explicit.

This is how Kake appears, the prototype of the leatherons or "men in leather" (in the sense of being dressed in that powerful material sadomasochistic content);Laaksonen's work revived and popularized the aesthetics of the Leather subculture that emerged after World War II, reaching its zenith at the end of the 70s and first 80.The appearance, style and behavior adopted by a large number of homosexuals during that period are directly influenced by their work;The combination of the cap and leather jacket and the mustache has become the popular culture of the West in a stereotype of gay man.Although the prevalence of this aesthetic has declined from the middle of the 80.

His characters are the preferred erotic icons of the gay community;They are woodators, sailors, motorists, police, soldiers, jeans;Its physical enviable men are white and black;He drew inter -ethnic homophile sexual scenes, at a historical moment in which such an interaction looked inadmissible in light of the most retrograde thoughts;So Tom of Finland, in addition to being a pioneer of gay liberation, also was from racial integration.Keep in mind that the homoerotic proposal of the Finnish artist is part of a specific time halfway to recognition of the rights of the various, being their marginalized communities in European societies.The case of Tom is that of a person who without being able to express his feelings freely, through art sublimates his erotic dreams.

Kake international fans made him the model of what would be known as the gay look par excellence of the 1970s.The drawings of the "Tom man" dressed in Nazi uniform originated many criticisms;The author hastened to clarify that they had no political intentionality;Nazi symbology was purely sexual, for its association with the sadistic;Sensitive to this objection, he ruled them in an anthology of his work;However, they appear or not with Nazi uniforms, the truth is that there is much of the fascist spirit in the ambiguous supermachos of their cartoons.

Criticism diverges with respect to Laaksonen's work;There is no doubt that he is a superlative teacher of the pencil;His drawings are a careful study of male human anatomical configuration: volume and form both in the characters and in their surroundings that give a touch of realism with the handling of various planes and escape points.The treatment of shadows and lines that highlight the central elements of the theme make artistic creations.However, his "Tom man" is repeated excessively and, apart from three or four poses and mood provisions, he is poor in expressiveness.From the conceptual point of view, critics wonder if their representation of men with bulky endowments, great muscles and in clearly sexual dispositions, is superficial and morbid, or if a deeper message of a subversive nature can be found in them, by their powerto awaken the astonishment and stimulate the observer to assume a position.It could also be a synthesis of both, why not?

Laaksonen believed prudent to adopt a pseudonym regarding protecting himself from aggressions in his country when he began drawing his homophile cartoons;Today he is one of his symbols;In 2014 the Finnish government pays tribute through stamps with its images.This is thus the historical-social principle that the subversive at some time ends up being integrated into the establishment.


Ralph König (Germany, 1960), is a customary humorous cartoonist;It should also be specified that he is an urban costumbrista, in the underground current;His works of greatest international resonance are the murderous condom, the desired man, Lysistrata.

Releventism analysts point it as "the before and after" the LGBT comic in Europe, and to a large extent responsible for integrating the homophilic comic to the most generalized popular culture, because their comics are tremendously fun and enjoyable for all audiences Adults.

In 1979 he began publishing his first cartoons in the German magazine of the Underground Zomix comic, and in the public -oriented publication gay pink winkel.In 1987 he published his first comic album, Der Bewegte Mann (the desired man), in which the representative characteristics of his work could already be found: some crazy characters that are involved in continuous tangles, the reflection of an open sexuality andWithout any prejudice, the portrait of homosexual relationships, or ironic criticism to traditional society with a heterosexual mockery picket.

Ralf König's work could be defined as light and without taboos.His drawings are clear and fundamentally in black and white, resulting in images that approach the cartoon of a comic and grotesque character.Normally their stories have the rogue air and salaz of the smart vazevil.Beyond humor, König evokes essential issues such as the acceptance of difference, men-women's relationships and homosexual-heterosexual, couple problems, AIDS, etc..

König has confessed that his work was composed of a third of autobiographical elements, a third of elements taken from acquaintances and another third of pure fiction.In its first albums the action occurs in an exclusively homosexual area;The most recent are characters from both trends in friendly interactions;Obviously, it is a synchronous change with sociocultural reality, in which homophobic attitudes have also changed in broad sectors of the population.

Several of König's works have been taken to the cinema.The first one was the desired man (Sönke Wortmann, 1994; Germany), based on two of his comics, the new man and Pretty Baby;In his country it was a box office success, as was the second film adaptation, the murderous condom (Martin Waltz, 1996; Germany);Both the comic and the film tell the story of a condom provided with teeth capable of starting the member to the men who use it.Then came the film based on rabbits, of the same title (Sven Unterwadt, JR., 2002;Germany), with disappointing results for the artist.The last translation to the cinema of one of his comics was Lisstrata (Francesc Bellmunt, 2002; Spain);It is the König version of the theatrical satire due to Aristophanes.

LGBT cartoon is not necessarily impudent

Indeed, in addition to those who explicitly exhibit intimate relationships between people of the same sex, that is, they are intruders, or in which the characters declare to be homosexual, correspond to the category of LGBT comics those who hint subtextually through theGraphic treatment, exhibiting “significant” behaviors within the framework of our cultural context, such as body provisions, put in intimate virile social situations, or highlighting virile genitality under clothing, or guiding the reader's attention towards it through focusing and angles, etc.On the other hand, there are cartoons that, without exposing sexual scenes between same -sex people of any kind, or being very discreet in such exposure, framed in the category that concerns us, is oriented towards the virile or the lesbian, as the effect of its contentsconceptual;They are those of a certain more elaborate intellectual level, in which reflections on being homosexual are made, the experiences that this implies, the intimate and social conflicts due to the condition;Paradigmatic of this type of cartoon is created by Alison Bechdel (United States, 1960).

This work, due to Bechdel, exposes the idea;Without a hint of intrusion, it is a very fine humorous game based on the image and the Smarter term, which in English is multisemic: the same can mean "smarter", "more fortunate" or "of different appearance".

Consequently, they are homophile works, without being of the porn genus that concerns us here;Regarding avoiding ambiguities, it should be clarified that they are different things.

So that a few socially approved cartoons have homophile content.In comics for children and young people appear titles such as Wonder Woman, green arrow, Batman;and even in some Tarzan treatments of the monkeys, because the cartoonists who have made them more or less subtly transfer their own sexual orientations to the character;Hence, in their cartoons we will find both homosexual and conventionally heterosexual elements (Tarzan and Jane as a coupledly married couple), zoophilic (gorillas that are kidding women) and sadomasochists.Nor are speculation about a possible homosexual link between Superman and his friend Jimmy Olsen.Although it has also been proposed that the persistent distancing from the superheroes of a complementary sex partner is due to parsifalism than to homosexuality (Eco, 1968), a psychic condition in which the individual sacrifices their libido for the sake of an altruistic ideal, in whose achievement he concentrates all his vital energy;Parsifalism involves superhero habits, such as coexistence with other men, sex withdrawal, physical actions performed with aggressiveness and delight that supplant the erotic enjoyment.

Wonder Woman is a clear lesbian speech with some sadomasochistic nuance;The Amazon always celibate, in some episodes linked to a young girl, and if necessary to highlight the matter, originally from lesbos;The nuance in question is contributed by Nazi women to whom they fight, when they torture her while expressing her admiration for the beauty of the superheroine, she being circumstantially stripped of her powers.His representation as an Adalid of the struggle for justice, love, peace and sexual equality has led the Wonder Woman to become a feminist icon.

The relationship of the bat man and a boy who is not his relative, Robin, gives what to think;In addition, some archienemigos represent social types associated with the homosexual, such as jocker, image to dragqueen.

But the real advanced in the matter is Northstar (North Star), a mutant fictional character of the Marvel universe created by Chris Claremont (script) and John Byrne (drawing) in 1979.It stands out for being the first, and of the few, of the openly homosexual characters of the American mass comic.

Due to the climate of the time and the regulation of the comic code, it could not be affirmed openly at the beginning, and only insinuations and messages were dropped between lines;The most permissive atmosphere returned, in 2012 she would end up announcing her wedding with the mutant Kyle Jinadu.

A notable antecedent of the gay image is found in the work of the previousgay conscience in the early fifties.His works, finely drawn and painted, reproduce scenes set in times and environments such as the distant west or ancient Greece and Rome, idealized versions in which muscular men, naked or half -naked.Tom's drawings of Finland are not very different from the quintance prints (see interspersed, supra);The Finnish artist has recognized his influence.

The gay comic had its boom in the 70s and 80s as one of the fronts of the countercultural movement;It was a propagator of libertarian thinking.Censorship in the United States was railway;although less radical was also felt in Europe appealing to an alleged protection of youth;The air of freedom in the Old Continent is felt in the 60s, thanks to a new generation of cartoon artists: Brétécher, Mandryka, Gotlib, linked to L'Echo des Savanes, the first comics magazine dedicated to adult audiences, inThe one that had space the sexual issue.The first homosexual comics appear in the Gai-Pied magazine, with authors such as Copi, Raúl Damonte Botana (born in Argentina, 1939-1987).Focused on gay theme, in Spain Pere Olivé stands out, whose most important series is Nacho García, Compañero Chico (1985).Already in the new century, we find the magazine Claro that Comics (Ediciones La Cúpula, 2005-07), Gay TaSauna of understandings.A representative exponent is cúlcul the ass (2006), by Sergi Ferré.The protagonist is a speaker ass endowed with total availability for sex;The theme makes us think of the indiscreet burns (18th century), by Diderot, a novel in which those who speak and tell pornerotic stories are the vulvas (euphemistically charges).

Next to the male gay comic, there is the lesbian;Regarding not incuring extremisms, I will say: almost invariably created by women of such a trend, warning that the adverb is almost superfluous, but necessary, because there is the probability that in the overwhelming number of titles appeared in the world, some of some of some oflesbian bias has been made by a man.

It is considered the first comic with this orientation in the Castilian language emergency departures (2006), by Rosa Navarro and Gema Archero;He tells the adventures of five lesbian girls today, the description of his world, his experiences and his adventures, in the key of ironic and refined humor;The second edition has a prologue due to Nazario.Another artist on the same wave is Paige Braddock with his work El Mundo de Jane (the dome, 2005).In North America Howard Cruse stands out;The culminating work of him is different worlds (Stuck Rubber Baby, 1995), winner of the Eisner and Harvey awards.The cartoon narrates the personal, social and political awakening of a young gay in a southern town in the United States, where the Ku Klux Klan reigns.Cruse poses not only the problem of homophobia, but also that of racism and that of any type of intolerance.

They are worth highlighting the purely lesbian works that do not fit in the framework of impudent comic, that is, they are not porn, because they avoid extreme intrusion and are discreet in the presentation of sexual scenes;Such is the case of those due to the very remarkable Alison Bechdel (United States, 1960), author, among others, of the comic strip Dykes to watch out for (1983), translated as care buns (bun: vulva, inSpanish colloquial language) and more explicitly as lesbians of care;In it, through its alter Ego Mo reflects the complexity of lesbian relationships and stereotypes that are associated with them.Other of his works in graphic novel format are Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic (2006) and Are You My Mother?(Are you my mother?, 2012), literally acclaimed by American literary criticism.

Bechdel's work has been translated into several languages, even Mandarin.As a curiosity, let's review that in the latter the authorities eliminated the drawings of nudes and sexual scenes.Oh, singularities of communist morals!It is ridiculous when taking into account the formidable porn tradition of Chinese painting and literature.

Rubén MonasteriosEscritor y locutor venezolano (La Guaira, Vargas, 1938). Fue marino mercante, dibujante y bailarín. Ha publicado los libros de ensayo La imagen de la comunidad (1970), Cuerpos en el espacio: el baile teatral venezolano de nuestros días (1986), Vergüenza y escándalo o Las delicias de la censura: la mistificación como género literario (1988), Rómulo Gallegos, dramaturgo (1993), y Caraqueñerías (2003), así como los libros de cuentos Tócamelo en registro de laúd (1972), Encanto de la mujer madura y otros relatos obscenos (1987), Rosa luciferina y otra pieza de encaje (con Pedro León Zapata; 1988), El pájaro insaciable (1989), Ramillete de improperios y manojo de extravíos (1990), Marina con Paloma (1991) y El beso (1993), entre otros.Últimas entradas de Rubén Monasterios (ver todo)


  1. Comix, con “x”, recurso ideado por los historietistas del underground norteamericano para diferenciarse del cómic socialmente aprobado.
Coordenadas: Autores de Venezuela • cómic • Letralia 338

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