8 proposals ‘Slow’ that you should know before the end of the year

8 proposals ‘Slow’ that you should know before the end of the year

The thunderous sound of the alarm clock, the race to school, the thrusts to catch the endless subway or tail to take that coffee that feels so well before climbing to the office.Noise and more noise.And so we have reached a point where we seem that we came to this world to run and in which, we do not fool ourselves, no matter how much we insist, we never find that moment alone and exclusively for ourselves.Maybe this is why, one day, some sage sat for a moment and after two sighs he said: "And what if we put the Slow Life fashionable?".

The term, although new, has become the best bet we can do with the same.It is that star ingredient that seals as a slowdown of our lives and that has ceased to be a simple tendency to become a philosophy of life.Thanks to this philosophy, many have stopped to dust off those hobbies that had forgotten and are already dedicating their time to a quality moment.

A quality investment that has meant, for many entrepreneurs, a commitment to new sustainable methods in some of the most powerful commercial fields of today: fashion, accessories, gastronomy or leisure.All of them, with the ultimate and main purpose of following his passion for the life of Slow, Sustainability and in Tuneing of the Environment and Health of the Planet.

8 propuestas ‘slow’ que deberías conocer antes de que acabe el año

Thus, for some years, thousands of initiatives created by small dream entrepreneurs have been born. Desde propuestas tan originales como el Club de Ganchillo Bluü, donde poder crear tus propias prendas de ganchillo, pasando por nuevas firmas con sello sostenible como Thais Amich, Aisy Dance o Twin&Chic, para los más peques, hasta llegar al mundo de complementos con Marabara, a la lencería más delicada con Talk Under Light o al mundo gastro más ecológico y sostenible con Pacari.Do you want to know a little more in depth some of these sustainable proposals before 2021?We tell you much more about them and some others, always, below.
