Garzón prohibits the advertising of sweets and sugary drinks for children
Alberto Garzón, the head of consumption, announced on Thursday the prohibition of advertising aimed at the children's and adolescent public, cookies, ice cream, caloric drinks and other food products rich in sugars and fats considered harmful to health by the organizationWorld Health (WHO).
Garzón explained that the regulation of this advertising of food aimed at children under 16 on television, media in general and social networks will be made by Royal Decree and will begin to be applied next year, in 2022.
Thus, the regulations will affect five categories of products that cannot advertise minors regardless of nutrient content.The first category is that of chocolate and sugar confectionery products, energy bars and sweet and dessert coverage.It is followed by the food group that includes cakes, sweet cookies and other pastry products.Nor can three other categories that make up juices, energy drinks and ice cream be announced.
For the rest of the categories of products, a nutrient content limit is established per 100 grams.In this case, they can be announced as long as the total and saturated fats, the total and added sugar and the salt levels are kept below the established limits each product.
Consumption opts in this way by a regulatory framework that follows the recommendations of international organizations to assimilate Spanish regulations to that of countries such as the United Kingdom, Portugal or Norway."Minors are vulnerable consuming people and we have the obligation to protect them against advertising," said Garzón.
The minister has made this announcement at a press conference in Barcelona, after meeting with Mayor Ada Colau, who has also announced that the City Council will take measures to combat the overexposure of child population to these foods that harm their health.One is an instruction that will limit the presence of the advertising of food and beverages of low nutrition.The other is to strengthen the application of sustainability criteria in the public purchase of food present in municipal equipment and services, such as vending machines, among others.
Consumer Tweets
Child Obesity and Overweight
According to the Aladino 2019 report relative to children between 6 and 9 years old, 40.6% are excess weight, of which 23.3% are at overweight levels and 17.3% suffer obesity.
This study, prepared by the Spanish Agency for Food Nutrition and Security (AESAN), shows that the parents of minors with excess weight do not perceive the problem and frequently consider their weight as normal or only as a slight overweight.88.6% of overweight school parents do not perceive it as such.The figure is 42.7% when it comes to obesity and in 19.1% when the child suffers severe obesity.
Regarding the quality of its food, the report details that 76.2% of schoolchildren have to improve it.Although fruit consumption has increased compared to previous years, only 20.1% of schoolchildren usually consume it at breakfast, while foods that should be occasional such as cookies, cakes, pastries, beaters, nectars and candyThey even consume four or more times a week, in a high percentage of schoolchildren.
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