The school that removes girls' skirt "because they are very short" defends itself: "We adapt"

The school that removes girls' skirt "because they are very short" defends itself: "We adapt"

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Never a cloth span lifted so much controversy.The elimination of the skirt in the uniform of the Mother Albert.Some applaud the decision because they agree that "some girls carry the skirt too short".Others criticize it because they understand that teaching more leg is the only way to express themselves when you should dress uniform.And there are even parents who deny the greatest and blame the decision to a pure economic issue: "Thus they force all those who have girls to buy the pants and spend a money".

Meanwhile, the school refused on Tuesday to give more explanations and referred to a statement hung on its website in which “the main reason for the change in the center's uniform is subject to an institutional decision of all the purity centers ofMaria "and that the suppression of the skirt for girls aims to adapt" both to the new times and to the current pedagogical methodologies ".

“Already last January 2021, the Madre Alberta school informed all their families, through an internal circular, of this decision.Both of the change in the garments that make up the uniform, and of its process of gradual implementation to the long three courses.In fact, there are already other purity centers of María that have implemented this new model from previous courses, ”adds the Palmesan Center statement.

"The debate on the skirt has always been a controversial issue in Madre AlbertFather of three children in the Palmesan -concerted center.The regulations on clothing have always been very strict because "it is a fairly traditional school" and "the sisters have been insisting years that the regulations must be met".“It seems good to me, but when I saw it, I thought they had‘ sold ’very badly the change of uniformity.I don't know what the real reasons for modifying the regulation have been, but surely there are other reasons apart from the length of the skirt ”.Sandra, another mother with children in the center, also denies that short skirts have motivated the change.“It is a religious but liberal school, with uniformity code that parents share and that we must comply with.The short skirts is sensationalist, it has changed because all the centers of the congregation have done so ”.

Other parents consider that Mother Alberta's decision limits the "already scarce" freedom that students have to express themselves.“When you have to dress uniform at school, as you also limit the accessories you can carry, the only way you have to express yourself in a personal reaffirmation time such as adolescence is to raise your skirt.You can't do anything else! ”Says Angela, mother of two girls in the Palmesan center.

El colegio que quita la falda a las niñas

In fact, according to another parent consulted by the Spanish, there is more discomfort among girls for not being ableBe pants ".Of course, other mothers recognize that the skirt is a good way to save because it is "more suffered": "the fabric is usually better, it lasts more courses taking advantage of the hem and adjusting the waist button with each stretch of the girl".

It is for money

In addition to the ethical and aesthetic debate, other parents point to economic issues at the origin of Madre Alberta's decision.“It seems to me a‘ pasta ’theme, not equality or anything like that.The nuns seek new income from all sides and thus force to buy pants from all girls, ”says Miquel àngel, father of three girls in the religious school.

"It's like the issue of books, where they require you not to take them underlined or even with erased pencil marks to get the brothers or modify the editorial to force you to buy them new".To reaffirm his opinion, Miquel àngel remembers that there is an exclusive Facebook profile for the purchase and sale of Mother Albert."Few new uniforms are bought.My daughters, for example, have uniforms of daughters of my cousins that are already in college because each skirt costs more than 40 euros ”.

And, as always, there are parents who neither fu nor fa."I do not care to.I think it would be best for the option to put a skirt or pants, whatever they wanted, ”says Montse, who emphasizes that the discomfort comes from the changes in the uniform“ that make you throw those who have and buy some new ones ”."What bothers me is the white pole because I had many blue that, in addition, were many more suffered for spots.".

The decision of Madre Albert.The commitment to the neutral uniform has put the ball on the roof of other centers, where the debate on the female uniform is also open for years.“This of getting the skirt has done a lifetime: socks to the knees and fold everything you can the waist.And if you see a nun, you get it down and then start again, ”recalls Maria, whose daughter goes to another center in uniform."Girls can choose between skirt or pants and, in many cases, opt for the second or even to put a mesh under the skirt".

In Mallorca, as in other places in Spain, the other 29 concerted and private schools have a mandatory uniform for their students, always differentiated between boys and girls, although in many of them the students can choose between the skirt and the pants.It is not so frequent in public schools, where the usual thing can wear street clothes, which brings with it other problems."A friend professor, who was previously in Madre Alberta and now works in a public center, expelled a student for class for carrying an excessive neckline and had problems because nobody at school supported her," says Miguel.

The debate around the uniforms has been in the candlestick for years.In 2017, Unidas Podemos claimed in the Congress of Deputies to modify the uniforms differentiated by sex.Purple formation argued before the Equality Commission that uniforms helped maintain gender stereotypes and limited the physical action of minors, in addition to sexually objectifying women in a process that started at school and continued in the workplace.

A year later, Galicia became the first region to end the mandatory skirt in the uniforms, by approving a proposal of the group in Marea.In 2019, the Valencian Community was joined with a similar proposition supported by the PSOE, Compromís and Podemos.

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