They alert for serious burns in children by imitating one of the challenges of El Game del Calamar

They alert for serious burns in children by imitating one of the challenges of El Game del Calamar

The Netflix record series "The squid game" continues to talk about as many of the challenges that participants have to overcome and that are based on popular South Korean children's games have become viral trends on platforms such as Tiktok and Instagram.

Una de esas tendencias es recrear el desafío ‘Dalgona Candy’ que alienta a las personas a hacer una galleta de miel y azúcar y tallar una forma en el dulce sin romperla.

Por inocente que parezca el juego, el desafío ha provocado una advertencia urgente de los cirujanos de quemaduras en el Children’s Hospital en Westmead (Australia).

Three children have been treated for serious burns only in the last month for trying to make one of these cookies, and other burns services in Australia are seeing similar trends.

Dr. Erik the Hei, interim director of the burned unit, warned the parents about the important risk of burns that represents the manufacture of sugar cookies, and urged parents and adolescents equally to remain more attentive to avoid injuries.

"The sugar melts at a temperature higher than the necessary to boil the water, so the mixture of toffee in the form of a honeycomb is hotter and‘ sticky ’. Si la mezcla se derrama o se manipula mientras aún está caliente, el mayor calor y el mayor tiempo de contacto provocan quemaduras más profundas y graves “, dijo.

Alertan por quemaduras graves en niños al imitar uno de los desafíos de El Juego del Calamar

“Es absolutamente vital que si ocurre un accidente como este, los padres y los adolescentes sepan los pasos correctos de primeros auxilios para tomar y ejecutar el área quemada bajo agua corriente fría durante al menos 20 minutos tan pronto como sea posible”, agregó.

One of the burned children was identified by the Australian media as Aiden, fourteen, who suffered deep burns in the hand and leg while handling the hot cookie.

While AIDEN burns are healing well, it will require continuous treatment and will pass next year in a pressure balance to ensure that adequate healing occurs.

“Han sido unas semanas difíciles con visitas regulares al hospital para cambiar los vendajes y controlar las quemaduras de Aiden”, dijo La Hei.

“Afortunadamente, sus quemaduras se están curando bien por sí solas, pero queda un largo viaje por delante”, agregó.

According to the doctor, young people should always cook these cookies with supervision, as handling hot liquids requires a certain level of expertise that when it is not available can cause serious injuries.

“We do not want to deter cooking teenagers, it is a fun activity.But we want to make sure they do it safely, especially when manipulating hot liquids. Esto significa cocinar con la supervisión o la ayuda de un adulto”, dijo.

If a child burns, immediate first aid is important to reduce the seriousness of the lesion, this includes: place the burning under cold running for 20 minutes for 20 minutes.This will cool the burn and reduce swelling.

Remove clothes or jewelry when possible, and seek medical help if the burn is larger than a coin.


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