Vascular varicose veins and spiders |Meritxell's blog

Vascular varicose veins and spiders |Meritxell's blog

What are varicose veins?What kind of varicose veins?

Todos sabemos que en el sistema circulatorio tenemos venas y arterias, todo un sistema de riego de todo el organismo, de manera que la sangre circula de forma descendente y ascendente gracias a la bomba sanguínea que tenemos, el corazón.VARICES Y ARAÑAS VASCULARES | El blog de Meritxell VARICES Y ARAÑAS VASCULARES | El blog de Meritxell

When the venous return, or the rise in blood is slower, causes an increase in the amount of blood in the lower extremities, which causes vasodilation.

At the same time there is an alteration of venous valves preventing reflux.

When this problem is chronic, this vasodilation becomes also chronic, causing a deformation of this veins, which causes this varizure.

The problem is a circle, since by increasing the amount of blood in these veins, it causes that this return continues to decrease.

At the same time it causes the veins to be weak to that dilation.

When it is very large, the veins are marked on the outer surface of the skin, giving the antiestics image.

If it is not so large they are only observed without volume, only the shape of the vein of a bluish color is displayed.

On the other hand we know that the veins differ in smaller veins as if it were a tree, watering the outermost parts of the skin.

These Venitas, when they are dilated, form what we call vascular spiders.

Therefore but disseminated of these, these spiders as the outermost part of the skin are irrigated, they are very visual and the color is more red.

Depending on their size the treatment will be different and more important or not.

Depending on the evolution, size and severity of the variz, they are classified into different degrees.

Varices is not only an aesthetic problem, it can also lead to an important health problem, until you refer to thrombus.

They can cause pain and even leg fatigue.

Why do they leave and when?Where do they appear?

The reason why they leave is varied, by vasodilation due to heat.

Circulatory problems, mainly people slow in the venous return.

Lack of strength or tone of the veins, due to age or other problems.

Lack of mobility.

Abusive medication or intake of vasodilators such as alcohol.

Hormonal changes such as pregnancy in which the fetus pressure is also.

And in menopause, also the contraceptives that can cause fluid retention.

Overweight can also cause the appearance of varicose veins.

There are also hereditary factors.

Mainly they appear on the legs, although possible (although more rare) that appear in other areas such as arms or belly.


In the anal region are called hemorrhoids.

And in the testicles, varicoceles.

Above all vascular spiders, such as venitas that deal with skin irrigation, can be found anywhere in the body, even in the face, especially this occurs around the nose and cheeks.

How can we prevent them?

Prevention can only be done once the reasons have been known.

Thus avoiding the reasons we will avoid its appearance.

Regulating blood pressure.

Taking drains and cardiotonic, they will stimulate the movement of liquids.

And the venous return.

Avoiding everything that causes vasodilation, such as being too much in the same sitting posture and also with cross legs.

Likewise, people who are standing for a long time can cause the appearance of these, so the main thing is the movement and keep their legs somewhat high.

The sauna is a heat source that can cause vasodilation, also the bathrooms with too hot water.

Too much exposure to the sun or other heat sources, still still still (when it is on the beach, the ideal is to walk and soak your legs).

Thus the radiant soil heating system is not the most appropriate in people with varicose veins.

Clothing too tight, can decrease venous return and the appearance of varicose veins.

Using progressive compression pantis can help avoid its appearance.

A diet rich in fibers and avoid obesity will improve venous return.

What natural remedies do we have?

Ideal natural remedies are the combination of capsules with natural products, together with creams, applied daily or by professionals with massages.

Thus, oral products are equally important as gels or creams that are used to massage areas with varicose veins.

Recommended products must contain mainly, both oral and topical route.

Ruscus aculeatus

Rusco is a bush with vasoconstrictor, cardiotonic and anti -inflammatory action, thanks to routosides or routine that also contains called vitamin P.

It is used in varicose veins and ulcers, the tannins they contain can contract the blood vessels.

Chestnut from Indies Aesculus hypocastanus

They contain saponins and tannins but also flavonoids that is the action that interests us at this time, acts in a venous and vasoprotective tonic way, acts against venous inflammation.

Among its components are the Aesculine and the Yaescina, these two components have the capacity of edema formation.

It also contains vitamin C, flavonoids, quercetin and routine.

Pine Bark Extract

Maritime pine crust extract, contains picnogagenoles and proantocyanins, which are another type of flavonoids, with vitamin and antihemorragic properties, in turn stimulates capillary resistance.

Specifically, Pycnogenol improves capillary activity and reinforces blood hair walls, also has an important antioxidant activity.

Asiatic spark

Improves flow and strengthens the walls, acts as a venotonic, very useful especially in chronic venous insufficiency.

Improve blood circulation and improve connective tissue around the veins.

Onagra oil or other fish

Avoid constipation, essential fatty acids help reduce inflammation.

Hamamelis Virginiana

One of the most used plants, due to tannin content, has venotonic action, which causes the contraction of vessels, veins and capillaries, stimulates blood flow.

High content of flavonoids, (vitamin P), it also helps reinforce hair vessels.

It also contains gallic acid, miricetin, quercetin and kampferol as an antimicrobial.

It contracts the walls of the veins by activating the passage of the blood, strengthening the walls of the veins and activates the circulation on the skin.

Semillas de uva

Also with high flavonoid and antioxidant content, with great ability to reduce free radicals.

It helps improve blood flow, improving the flexibility and integrity of venous walls, which helps improve blood irrigation.

How can we eliminate them? Naturally with cosmetics, injections, laser, surgery.

Surgical treatments.

Laser endoluminal treatment, for thicker veins, since a catheter is introduced in the vein releasing laser energy causing their coagulation, this intervention has to be performed under local anesthesia.

Flebectomy: varicose veins are eliminated by making a small incision in them, penetrating a small hook and subsequently stretching them.

Safenoctomy, it is when by surgical intervention the vein is completely extracted, in them it is often necessary an graft.

Chiva hemodynamic surgery, in which the blood is diverted towards another vein without removing it, it has to be performed with epidural anesthesia.

Non -surgical treatments

Chemical or foam sclerosis, a substance is injected (sterosante or foam liquid) together with a local anesthetic, coagulating the veins.

Crioesclerosis: A needle called cryjeringilla is used, mixing the low temperature of -40ºC together with the sclerosante.

Superficial laser: the heat caused by the laser light, causes the drying of the veins, collapsing them.

Here we see how Dra.Adriana Ribé eliminates varicose veins with cynnosure laser treatment.

[YouTube] http: //[/Youtube]Termo-coagulación: solo para pequeñas y arañas vasculares, se aplica una fuente de calor que seca las varices, esta fuente de calor se hace por una aplicación de ondas de radiofrecuencia de entre 4 a 10 Mhz.It applies above all on vascular spiders.

Dermabrasion applying small abrasions until the Venitas eliminate.

My recommendations

Many times we cannot prevent varicose veins from appearing, due to genetic factors.

That is why there are hereditary factors, we must try to prevent them, for this the natural supplements are very useful.

Put your legs up whenever you can.

Massages and avoid everything that can cause the appearance of these.

You have to try to treat varicose veins when they are small and vascular spiders, so we will prevent them from becoming larger and the complications that can cause the degeneration of them.

For this it is important to use an ultrasound to see the state of varicose veins internally.

Products that help drain the organism's liquids are also useful to avoid the appearance of them.
