Afghan women report that they forced them to marry to flee the country after the taking of power of the Taliban

Afghan women report that they forced them to marry to flee the country after the taking of power of the Taliban

(CNN) - American officials who register Afghan refugees abroad recently alerted the State Department about cases in which women and girls were forced to marry or arrived with male couples who passed their husbands to be eligible for theevacuation and escape from the Taliban, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

The facts described by sources to CNN were revealed when Afghans were in a traffic center abroad.The sources underlined despair among Afghas for fleeing the country after the inauguration of the Taliban and the fear of what their government could mean for women and girls.

It is not clear how widespread the problem is, but it generated enough concern for US diplomats in the United Arab Emirates to send a cable.

The sources said that some Afghan women and girls housed in one of the evacuation centers in the United Arab Emirates reported that their families had forced them to marry outside the Kabul airport so that they could escape from the country when the Taliban took power.In some cases reported, families paid thousands of dollars to the eligible men for evacuation to marry or make them pass by husbands and get women to flee.

The position of the Taliban

One of the sources said that American diplomats in the United Arab Emirates would provide guidance to those who work in the center on how to identify the possible victims of human trafficking.Another said that the State Department had indicated that it would be coordinated with the Department of National Security and the Department of Defense.


Mujeres afganas reportan que las forzaron a casarse para huir del país tras la toma de poder de los talibanes, dicen fuentes

CNN has communicated with the State Department to obtain comments.

The United States depends on third countries so that Afghan.Once they are in those third countries, they are processed and investigated before continuing their trips.Some travel to the United States, where officials are using a series of military bases to house the evacuees.

When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan for the last time, between 1996 and 2001, girls closed girls and prohibited women from working.After the invasion led by the United States in 2001, women restrictions softened.

This time, the Taliban promise to form an "inclusive Islamic Afghan government", although it is not clear what form will take and if the new leadership will include women.

CNN previously reported about the concern shared by Afghan women who saw advances in recent years and now fear that they will be lost.

Pashtana Durrani, founder and executive director of Learn, a non -profit agency focused on women's education and rights, said last month that he had already run out of tears in his country: "We have been crying the fall of the fall inAfghanistan.So I don't feel very good.On the contrary, I feel very hopeless ".

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