Felicitos Sánchez Aguilón, "La ogresa de la Colonia Roma"

Felicitos Sánchez Aguilón, "La ogresa de la Colonia Roma"

México es un país lleno leyendas, algunas de las cuales son realmente tenebrosas y ponen los pelos de punta. Sin embargo, muchas veces la realidad supera a la ficción, lo que es aún más escalofriante. Este es el caso de la historia de Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón, la también conocida como “la ogresa de la colonia Roma”. Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón, “la ogresa de la colonia Roma” Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón, “la ogresa de la colonia Roma”

Felicitos was born in the last decade of the 19th century in the village of Cerro Azul, Veracruz. It is known that he had a complex relationship with his mother, so he developed aversion to everything related to motherhood. In the same way that many psychopaths, as a child, expressed cruelty and little empathy for the suffering of other beings, they came to torture animals.

In her youth, Felicitas was trained as a nurse. At the end of her studies, she used her knowledge to practice as a midwife. He also married Carlos Conde, a physically and psychologically weak man, which contrasted with his dominant and rude character, as well as his large body.

Carlos and Felicitas had a couple of twins, however, to avoid a life of greater austerity, the couple decided to sell their own daughters. Soon after, the couple went through a marital crisis, as Carlos repented of selling his daughters. Felicitas did not give in to reveal the fate of the girls, so the couple split up.

Felicitas Sánchez Aguilón, from child trafficker to ogresa

After the divorce, Felicitas migrated to Mexico City, approximately in 1910. He decided to rent an apartment at 9 Salamanca Street in the Roma colony. With her landlady's permission, Felicitas set up an office to attend childbirth.

Little by little, Felicitas began to have middle-class and upper-class clients, which was strange, as these women could afford a doctor. However, other strange events would begin to occur, such as constant obstruction of pipes and emission of black smoke with unpleasant odor. The reason: Felicitos performed clandestine abortions regardless of gestational age or whether the product was already being born.

Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón, “la ogresa de la colonia Roma”

Initially, the Ogresa sold to surviving newborns, which allowed her to earn a lot of money. She even got arrested for child trafficking, but she was released after paying a fine. Soon after, however, his cruelty exceeded all limits, and he began to murder the infants.

It should be noted that Sánchez Aguilón did not operate alone, as he had two accomplices: the plumber in charge of uncovering the pipes and his lover, Roberto Covarrubias. As a result, it is known that Felicitas not only killed infants on a pragmatic basis, but actually enjoyed the fact of killing. According to the testimonies of the accomplices, the woman tortured the infants in the most spooky ways, eventually causing them to die by poisoning or asphyxiation. He then dismembered the little ones and threw the remains down the toilet or incinerated them.

In the entrails of the colony Rome

It was just her modus operandi that gave her away, because on April 8, 1941, a neighbor of the Salamanca building called the plumber to uncover the pipe. On that occasion, the obstruction of the tubes was severe, so the plumber had to break the floor. The findings were grotesque, as a stopper made of gauze, limbs and a small human skull came to light.

The police and the press immediately arrived at the scene. There was only one suspect: Felicitas Sánchez Aguilón. With the permission of the landlady, the policemen entered the Ogresa's department, finding an altar made up of candles, children's clothes and baby photos. By then Felicitas and her lover had already fled.

On 11 April 1941, the couple was arrested trying to escape from Mexico City, carrying with them the third daughter of Felicitas, who was only two years old. On the same day, the accomplice plumber was also arrested, who would report the atrocities committed by the woman.

The end of Felicitos Sánchez Aguilón "the Ogresa of the colony Rome"

Once deprived of her liberty, Felicitas had a mental crisis, behaving like a Berrinchuda girl and expressing few words. She even lay on the floor and had to be dragged to be moved. To the surprise of many, the arrest would last only three months, as the serial killer's lawyer threatened to reveal the girl's client list, which involved police commanders.

With strong corruption, Felicitas was prosecuted for minor crimes such as burial and abortion. Also, the most compelling evidence disappeared: the skull and human remains found in the plumbing of the Salamanca building. Under threats and bribes, the judge ended up setting bail on Felicitas and his partner, who were released in June 1941.

However, the mental collapse of the so-called "Ogrea de la Colonia Roma" did not improve after his release from prison. Therefore, on June 16, 1941 Felicitas Sánchez Aguilón took his life with an overdose of nembutal. His daughter was recovered by the government, grew up in an orphanage and led a normal life.

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Rodrigo Osegueda Filósofo por formación. Contempla el alma e imaginación de México.