Learn questions at home II of October 1, high school

Learn questions at home II of October 1, high school

¿Te perdiste tus clases de este jueves? ¡No te preocupes! Aquí te contamos todo lo que ocurrió durante la jornada para que puedas repasar.Preguntas de Aprende en Casa II del 1 de octubre de secundaria Preguntas de Aprende en Casa II del 1 de octubre de secundaria

Seventh grade


>Fíjate en el modo

Expected learning: Write a school regulation.

Emphasis: Review verbal modes in the regulations.

What are we going to learn?

You will learn verbal modes, a very important concept for all language creation, but particularly for the creation of regulations.

What do we do?

In a regulation we write how we understand the world and how we want it to be, and this, we do it in order to improve as a society.But where should we start to build the regulations?

Most of our actions and behaviors are regulated, that is, they have to follow certain rules.These rules are changing and that is why regulations have to be updated and rewritten, and verbs are essential elements for it.

Before continuing, we review the characteristics and possibilities of verbs, so that it is easier to write and specify aspects of the session.

Verbs are words that express: actions, states, processes, emotions, attitudes;such as: Run, love, think, walk, sing, laugh, and so on.Verbs are crucial to create sentences and statements;With them, not only the simplest phrases we use every day are built, but the various texts we use, such as poems, stories and trials and of course, also regulations.

It is very important to learn to identify them in the different prayers.

1) arrives promptly to the room.

2) Read quietly inside the library.

3) Take care of school furniture.

How did you realize:

1) In the first case the action is to arrive.

2) In the second we identify that reading is the action we do.

3) And finally, taking care of is the action done to take care of the furniture.

It's easy to identify them, don't you think?Verbs define processes and actions.That is why they are so important when writing a regulation.Because precisely the regulation serves to tell us what we can and cannot do.

Verbs can change meaning to a prayer.Seeing a verb, you have to fix how it is written, to whom the action refers, that is, if it is done who speaks as in "I go to the library", for example, or if that person or element is done to whomIt is spoken, as in "You go to the library".

That person who identifies, I, you, she, he, we know as a grammatical person.You also have to set the grammatical time in which the verb is occupied, if it is passed or present, for example, and the number, that is, if the action is carried out by a single element or person (that is, if it is in singular, asIn I go to the library), or if several people or elements are carried out (in plural, "they go to the library").

Another example, in an indication it would be: students must address security indications.

They must indicate an action that someone who speaks of (which we call third person) performs;plural (because we refer to students) and indicates an action that will be carried out after a text is broadcast, so the grammatical time used is future).However, there are forms of verbs that do not refer to these categories.We refer to the forms in Gerund, for example: studying, running.

The gerunds, such as participles, for example: written, said, authorized.

Participle and gerund, do not indicate for themselves the person or the grammatical number."Written," he doesn't tell us who wrote it, or when.

The same goes for the verbs ending in -ar, -er or -ir, which we call infinitive, such as walking, running or opening.Since in their form they do not specify the grammatical person, it is said that infinitive, gerund and participle are non -personal forms of the verb.

Infinitive verbs are widely used in regulations and other normative texts.

Infinitive verbs are not conjugated at any time and do not indicate a specific grammatical person.So it implies that all people must comply with the rules at all times.In a nutshell, it can be said that they are indications that are directed to an indeterminate audience.

Infinitive verbs can be used to mention rights and obligations.For example in a school regulation:

They are students' obligations:

I.acat all the obligations of the authorities.

II.Concur with strict punctuality to your classes.

III.Attend classes every day

In this regulation the verbs are to comply, attend and attend.As they saw, they end up in ar and go, and it is very easy to identify them.When using the infinitive, the action is considered that it does not have a beginning or an end, and can be applied to all the recipients, since there is no specification of a grammatical person.All this gives the verb in infinitive.Infinitive verbs in a few words are unconnected.One more example in student rights would be:

ARTICLE 1 are students' rights:

I) Receive teaching according to your study plans and programs.

I) Use the facilities, equipment and furniture of the institution

Iii) Establish and promote dialogue with the educational authorities of the campus.

In order to write a school regulation we must use other elements, to do so in the best possible way.Well, at the time of writing we can establish in different ways.

For example:

Is different to

In these examples.The writing has similarity, however, attention, the verb is the difference, because it is not the same, they improve to improve.

So in the first example we can see that the verb is in infinitive, that I can identify by the termination -ar.But in the second form of writing is different, the verb is conjugated in the present.

An example in present would be "children improve school coexistence"

What happens is that we have more than one present.Conjugated verbs, in addition to indicating time, indicate mode.Verbal modes serve to reveal the attitudes and opinions of the speaker at what is said.Just as it happens with the different present, conjugate verbs include this assessment when we use them.

In Spanish there are three verbal, indicative, subjunctive and imperative modes.

To make it clearer, we will say that verbal modes are usually occupied for the construction of rules and laws.And one or the other is chosen to clearly establish the way individuals must behave in a certain context, this in order to make their actions not harm others.They also point out which behaviors are not adequate, as they cause conflicts.

Let's look at the following case, which will help us to understand the verbal modes.

Detected behavior:

We detect that some students due to different circumstances are not punctual to take their classes, and many of the occasions are repeated actions.


This attitude identifies a problem, which are not taking advantage of learning schedules.

A rule is proposed so that he can support the community to avoid this negative behavior.To do this, it is required to respect the schedule.Consequently, a rule will be proposed that facilitates ending the problem.

Rule to be written:

Here the writing can raise different options, according to the verbal mode we choose.

Analyze carefully how each of the following rules are written.

The rule or rule:

We can note that they are similar, however, the use of the different verbal modes causes certain adjustments in the writing, and those changes allow to clarify the way in which we understand the rule.

1) Let's see in the first case.

The indicative verbal mode expresses the action of the verb as a real event or that will surely be carried out.We can observe that the verb is respect and is in the future. And the writing takes for granted that the action will be carried out ... "The student will respect the designated schedule ..."

2) In the imperative mode, the verb is respect and the writing makes known a mandate, an obligation, an order.This order arrives directly.

3) Finally, the subjunctive verb indicates a hypothetical situation.That is, it is proposed that in the event that negative behavior is given, a mechanism to correct it is already planned.This is because for those who write the norm it is important to anticipate that undue behavior can occur, in this case, the unpunctuality of the students.That is why we read: "Students who do not respect class schedule and break will be sanctioned ...".

We can see similarities between the writing, however, the verbal modes allow to focus different elements in the drafting of the norm and thereby clarify or adapt what is intended to communicate in it.

That is: there are similarities, but each verbal, indicative, subjunctive and imperative mode generates an intention different from capturing it as a rule.

We have all used verbal modes, but we have not necessarily reflected on their use and the nuances of meaning they generate.

To reinforce the above, we invite you to perform another exercise, and can we differentiate the indicative mode of the subjunctive and the imperative?This will help us at the time of drafting our regulations

Let's see: The verb is to study (infinitive):

The verb in all three cases is to study.In the first example is conjugated and in future time, it will study, which establishes that the action is considered as real and that it will really happen at a time after the point where the statement is said.

The second statement also refers to something that is not yet done, and therefore transmits an idea of a later time.However, a subjunctive present is used here.This mode transmits the idea of something possible.

Finally, the verb of the third sentence is in imperative, it is an order.Juan, study!The imperative always refers to the current moment in which the indication is received and indicates that this moment should be attended.

It is very important that in the writing and in your reading you remember to locate the verbal mode (indicative, imperative and subjunctive).

Let us consolidate some of the elements seen, in the infinitive verbs so that the termination is clear, er and go and that is in impersonal.

Read and complete the following sentences, using infinitive verbs

to respect

b) Run

c) Arrive

d) Take care

These verbs are infinitive, that is, they are not conjugated.

The ways of writing depend then on what we are looking for in the rule, and to write we help ourselves with verbal modes and infinitive verbs.

To expand information on the social practice of language, locate in your textbooks the expected learning "participate in the writing of a regulation" to enrich more what you learned here about its characteristics.

We also suggest you carry a learning log, in which you identify your advances and opportunities to enrich your learning more.

Finally, we ask you to complete the following sentences.

Pay close attention to your answers, that these are as sincere as possible, and help you reflect on the issues you need to work more.

To expand your knowledge about verbal modes we propose to analyze how we use them in the drafting of the norms that regulate our behaviors.

The choice of verbal modes will give precision in your way of writing and will allow you to have a clearer notion to make sense and coherence to the rule.

That is why it is of great importance to rely on verbal modes, following steps like those that are raised here.

First, identify the behavior or problem you want to address.

Then, see what are the possible solutions so that the entire group or social group can live in harmony.

Finally, it writes taking into account which is the best choice of verbal modes.(Indicative, subjunctive or imperative)

1) The first option gives us a situation that arises in the future.It is not a fact or has been done at the time of writing the norm, so its meaning is hypothetical, and corresponds to the subjunctive verbal mode.

2) The second wording shows us an obligation, a direct order, therefore it is imperative.

3) Again, the indicative verbal mode is that fact that is carried out, and in this example it takes for granted in the future, therefore corresponds to the indicative mode.

Last challenge, now that you already understood the correct use of verbal modes, perform the following:

Choose some problem that you want to improve for social coexistence, it can be in your school, in some sport or in your family, and then write them in a regulation.

Write the rules using the different verbal modes, indicative, subjunctive, imperative.You can also use the infinitive shape.

Share them and enrich your writing.

You can rely on the following table to do the activity and always remember to give yourself the opportunity to enjoy your learning.


>Juntos por la promoción de la dignidad y el respeto

Expected learning: Recognize that he is a person with dignity and human rights and organizes with other people to promote respectful treatment.

Emphasis: Analyze organizational experiences that promote dignity and respect.

What are we going to learn?

You will analyze various organizational experiences to promote respectful treatment.

What do we do?

No nation, no person expected to live a health crisis such as that caused by COVID-19.Following it, changes in the daily life of people and nations have been presented.

Since the beginning of Pandemia, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed strategies to counteract the expansion of COVID-19 throughout the world.The governments of the different countries have been responsible for informing their citizens about the disease, the care they must have and how the pandemic has developed in their nation.

You have witnessed how civil society has been active during these moments.For example, Amnesty International, a global movement that works for the recognition and respect of human rights, spread a decalogue so that they are contemplated and guide "the efforts of prevention, preparation, containment and treatment, in order to better protect healthpublic and support groups and people who are at greater risk. "

The measures proposed in him are:

The concern of knowing may arise, because, if everyone has the right to health protection, then why organizations such as Amnesty International or other organizations, publish a document like this decalogue?Should you only seek this attention in times of crisis?

As you know, human rights are the guarantees that are for the simple fact of being human and must be asserted throughout the world.Its foundation is human dignity, which is the value that each person has, for which they must be respected at all times.Organizations, such as Amnesty International, promote actions for respect for dignity and human rights, especially in situations such as what is lived today and that can be violated.

Look at the following video, pay attention and take notes with information to answer the following questions:

  1. ¿Las personas, a lo largo de la historia, han podido ejercer sus derechos humanos como ahora lo haces tú?
  2. ¿Qué ha posibilitado las mejorías en esta situación?
  3. Actualmente, ¿qué instituciones promueven la protección de los derechos?
  4. ¿Qué otras formas conoces que existen para promover los derechos humanos?

What did you think of the story they told in the video? What would you have done if you will observe the situation of the child who did not let the movies enter?

As stated in the video, you should not lose sight that we must all give and receive respectful treatment.Identifying it commits you to act in favor of respect and dignity.But what does the word respect mean?

It refers to having "consideration or deference" towards the other.Someone is respected when he is seen carefully and he is empathic with him or her, their needs and her situation are considered.We respect it all and all with daily actions.It is also promoted by international organizations, the governments of the nation-states, private organizations, you, each and every one of us.

So, thinking and acting based on respect makes you better person, but what does that mean?

Being better people means, in this context, learning to live in the company of another or others is to share, collaborate and accept the differences of others, because they also accept yours.If you learn to live with others, you can generate relationships that promote a harmonious environment and the decrease in conflicts.

Knowing how to live is to accept the other with their differences, but it is also to comply with rules or rules that guide your actions and behaviors.It is to take into account that everyone deserves dignified and equal treatment.

Reflect on coexistence in your family and school.


First.He knows the answer of a boy named Miguel:

In my house we promised not to make noise that bothers others after 10 at night;Also wait for the word before speaking and that if we need something we do not have to shout, but to say it in an adequate tone.

Second.The teacher Alejandra at her school, jointly between her and her students decided to prepare a regulation to seek dialogue at moments of joint work and conflict.

Despite promoting dignified and respectful treatment, it is still common for conflicts or situations to be lived in which human dignity is not respected.Unfortunately, in the world that happens, in the news there are many stories that let you see it, but working together you can make the change.

All actions tell.Government are essential, but also those of those who organize to promote dignity and respect, in different ways.

An example of this is the work carried out by Jesús Villalobos, in his Utopia organization in which the decent treatment of people is promoted.

His organization works with communities that live in conditions of poverty and extreme poverty, where there are girls, boys and adolescents who do not have their rights guaranteed for different reasons, one of them is poverty;In this way, a group of professionals from different fields of knowledge, decidedonce the perception of the world and of themselves has changed with the intervention of their organization.

To promote respectful coexistence between girls, boys and adolescents in the Utopia community, they generate a process of empathy and solidarity between the communities where they intervene, and all activities are designed and oriented to the procurement and safeguard of the rights of girls, childrenand adolescents.

They also have child protection policies, which indicate that the personnel who work with them have the responsibility of knowing, respecting and disseminating the applicable law for Mexico corresponding to the rights of girls, boys and adolescents, where the decent treatment is contemplatedand respectful between the parties.

In addition to education and sports, in their association they promote the youth councils, where the same people of the community are the one who drives the processes of change and pacification, that way the youth council is the sign that this is possible and they work for the Following way:

All that with the objective that they can be trained theoretically and practically so that they and they can assume the change in their communities.

Young people who are part of the Council throughout their history have lived unpleasant things such as poverty, violence, lack of opportunities, lack of educational spaces, however, they have been given the possibility of feeling strong and triumphant,If they were champions, to succeed and opportunities in schools that would never have thought, in this way they know both sides of the currency and it is easier to be empathic with their equal, because they know deeply what the other feels and needs, for thatFor Utopia it is important that they are and they begin to assume that role, because they become referents of their communities, models to be followed by the little ones.

The actions suggested by this organization to adolescents and young people to promote the respectful treatment of people among their communities are that they are empathic and that they put themselves at the scene of the other, which can understand that Mexico is a beautiful country and with a great history, but that is currently going through a very strong crisis and that only together can things be reversed.

It is important that you consider this not only can the people who govern, but that you can contribute from what you have to do, from your home with your family or from school with your classmates, that the organization is a sample ofWhat they propose, because they started only with the idea in a community that nobody knew and today is a program that has been visited, recognized and awarded by people and organizations around the world.

Throughout this session you knew various organizational experiences to promote the respectful and worthy treatment of people.You reviewed the initiatives of organizations such as Amnesty International, and those of other organizations such as "Utopia".Also, it was reiterated on several occasions, that the action of all is essential to achieve respectful coexistence.

You can answer if only care for decent and respectful treatment must be procured in times of crisis.

As you will see, the promotion of respectful treatment and the guarantee of human rights must be permanent and not only in times of crisis.

Do not forget to be a promoter of respect for decent treatment.

Think of a proposal to achieve an environment of respect among your family members, what rules could they promote coexistence with respect.At the moment we live, it is recommended that you take into account the measures that foster health care, to include them in your proposal.

An example for you to develop your work and have an idea is the following decalogue.


>El Liberalismo, un asunto de ayer y hoy

Expected learning: Recognize how in the second half of the 18th century the way of seeing, thinking and conceiving the world from the ideas of liberalism and illustration and identifies the influence of the bourgeoisie in its diffusion was transformed.

Emphasis: Assess the importance of liberalism and its current influence in the political, economic and social spheres.

What are we going to learn?

You will continue working with the changes recorded during the second half of the 18th century, when the way of thinking and conceiving the world was transformed from the ideas of liberalism and illustration.

The purpose of today, will be that values of the importance of the ideas of liberalism and their current influence in the political, economic and social fields.

What do we do?

Before identifying if liberalism is a matter of yesterday and today, remember some of its characteristics.

  1. ¿Qué es el liberalismo?
  2. ¿A qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de libertades?
  3. ¿Cuáles son las características del liberalismo político?
  4. ¿Qué clase de gobierno plantea el liberalismo político?
  5. ¿Qué tipode libertades busca el liberalismo económico?

Liberalism arises at the end of the 17th century and becomes more relevant in the 18th century, also called the Century of Lights.It develops in Europe, mainly in France with thinkers like Charles Louis de Secondat, Barón de Montesquieu, and in Great Britain, with John Locke.

According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, liberalism is defined as a "political doctrine that postulates individual and social freedom in the political and private initiative in the economic and cultural, limiting in these areas the intervention of the State and ofPublic powers "

Therefore, we can identify three key areas of liberalism: the social, political and economic sphere.

In the social field, liberalism postulates freedom as a right, because according to enlightened thinkers, freedom is a natural state of the human being that allows it to make decisions without depending on others.

Some examples of the freedoms posed by liberal and enlightened thinkers are freedom of the press, expression, association and freedom of worship, which is linked to secularism and the separation of the Church and the State.

In the political sphere, its characteristics are equality before the law and the right of citizenship, which gives people individual rights and freedoms.In opposition to absolutism they postulated popular sovereignty.

This means the creation of a state organized in a representative republic, where there is a government with division of powers and, both this and the laws, are submitted to the will of free citizens.In addition, this state is obliged to safeguard the well -being of its citizens.

Within the economic field, thanks to liberalism, the transition from an economy totally regulated by the State, one of free trade, its main characteristics are: the promotion of private property, freedom of commerce and the reduction of regulationsimposed by governments which would lay the foundations of capitalism

Muchos de estos aspectos, se parecen a situaciones que están presentes en nuestras sociedades actuales. For example: la concepción de estado y la sociedad moderna que idearon los pensadores liberales en el siglo XVIII, siguen vigentes hoy en día.

To identify the importance of liberalism in the past and its influence on the present, we are going to give you some examples of how they are reflected in the social, economic and political aspects in today's Mexico.

To identify the importance of liberalism in the social sphere, you will make a small trip to France from the late eighteenth century.

Through the following text you will know a bit of the history of the French Revolution and the history of a very interesting woman.

During the century of lights, the great enlightened thinkers began to raise criticism of the established system of the absolute monarchy suggesting the change of this model towards democracy and the Republic, a system where everyone enjoyed natural rights and were able to share powerof decision of the State that, until then, only the king had.

The enlightened thinkers, and the consequent bourgeois revolutions raised very liberal ideas, however, they were not sufficiently liberal so that their postulates equal rights included women, poor and people of other ethnicities.

After the French Revolution, the bourgeois in the National Assembly wrote the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", which contemplated the natural rights of French citizens, however, women did not grant citizens.

In response to this situation Marie Olympe de Gouces, a French playwright, pamphletist and literature, wrote the declaration of the "rights of women and citizen."

In his work Olympe talked about natural rights such as freedom, the right to property, freedom of opinion and printing, the right to security, resistance to oppression and participation in the creation of the law, which so much so muchWomen as men had to enjoy being natural to the human being.

"If a woman has the right to climb to the scan, she must also have to climb to the gallery," Olympe wrote that women should also, just like men, have the right to occupy public positions.

The French revolutionaries intended that the people be creditor to freedoms and rights.And Olympe de Gouces sought that those same rights were granted to women, so that they, like men, could express and publish their opinions, in addition to having the right to participate in the political life of their country, somethingthat until then had been denied by the simple fact of being women.

How did the French Revolution influence the social activist Olympe de Gouces, in the present?

In Mexico, for example, we today enjoy freedoms such as being able to say and publish what we think, regardless of our genre.These rights are guaranteed in documents such as the Mexican Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In addition, men and women of legal age, can exercise the right to free and secret vote in our country, the right for which Olympe de Gouges and other women fought since the end of the 18th century.So, based on this example, we can say that the importance and influence of liberalism in the social sphere could be summarized as the following table shows us.

The ideas of liberalism that we resume are the natural rights of man, such as freedom and equality.Both rights constitute the cornerstone on which liberalism and illustration rest.Its importance in the past, was the creation of the statements of men and citizen and women and citizen, as well as the creation of the National Assembly where for the first time, the bourgeois could exercise their right to vote.

In the present, we can refer to the freedom we have to comment and write our ideas;that we have the right to equal vote, and for all our rights to be guaranteed by our Constitution and by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

For the political sphere, let's read some fragments of the "Declaration of Independence of the United States of America", tries to identify liberal ideas according to reading.

"In Congress, July 4, 1776

When in the course of human events, it is necessary for a people to dissolve the political ties that have linked it to another, and take among the nations of the earth the separate position and just like the laws of nature and the god of thatNature entitles him, a fair respect for humanity's judgment requires that he declare the causes that drive him to separation.

We support how obvious truths: that all men are created the same;that are endowed by their creator of certain inalienable rights;that among these are life, freedom and the search for happiness;that to guarantee these rights, governments are instituted among men, which derive their legitimate powers from the consent of the governed ... the people have the right to reform or abolish it and institute a new government that is based on these principles, and to organize their powers inthe way that in his opinion will offer the greatest possibilities of achieving security and happiness….

Therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, summoned in the General Congress, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the righteousness of our intentions, in the name and by the authority of the good town of these colonies, solemnly we make public and declare: we declare:That these united colonies are, and must be by law, free and independent states;that are free of all loyalty to the British crown and that all political link between them and the state of Great Britain remains and must be totally dissolved;And that, as free or independent states, they have full power to make war, arrange peace, arrange alliances, establish trade to carry out the acts and orders that are entitled to independent states ... "

The text mentions that all men are created the same, that is, there is no idea that there are people chosen by divine decree, as thought of the kings;that all are endowed with certain inalienable rights;Among those who find life, freedom and the search for happiness.It also tells us about the government founded from the authority of the people, refers to the division of powers and that no people must be subject to another, hence the thirteen colonies of America, declare their independence from England.

This has influence on the present, because the Government of Mexico and many other countries in the world, today are constituted as a free and sovereign republic.That is, we have a democratic and liberal government, where all citizens have the right to participate in their government's decisions and vote and be voted.

In addition, the Republican system establishes the division of powers, which is present in the government of our country.

The executive, legislative and judicial powers, in which the government is organized, are responsible for ensuring the interests of the people and of monitoring that there is a balance between those powers, so that none imposes itself on the other.And, most importantly, today in Mexico, all Mexican citizens from our birth enjoy the same rights and freedoms.

In fact, the Constitution of, was based on some of the principles of the declaration of independence of the United States of America to which you read.

"Political Constitution of the Mexican Republic on the indestructible base of its legitimate independence proclaimed on September 16, 1810 and consummated on September 27, 1824.

Title Iº, Section I. of the rights of man.

Art.1.The Mexican people recognize that the rights of man are the basis and object of social institutions ...

Art. 2.In the Republic all are born free.Slaves who step on the national territory recover their freedom for that only and have the right to the protection of laws ...

Preguntas de Aprende en Casa II del 1 de octubre de secundaria

Art.3.Teaching is free ...

Art. 4. Every man is free to embrace the profession, industry or work that accommodates him, being useful and honest ...

Art. 5. No one can be forced to provide personal work, without the fair compensation and without its full consent ...

Art. 6.The manifestation of ideas cannot be the object of any judicial or administrative inquisition, but in the event that morality, the rights of third, causes crime or crime, or disturbs public order ...

Art. 7. The freedom to write and publish writings on any subject is inviolable.No law or authority can establish prior censorship, or demand bond to the authors or printers, nor to restore freedom of printing, which has no more limits than respect for private life, morality and public peace ...

Art.12.There is, nor are they recognized in the Republic, titles of nobility, or prerogatives, or hereditary honors ...

Art. 16. No one can be bothered in his person, family, domicile, papers and possessions, but by virtue of written commandment of the competent authority ... "

For the influence of political liberalism, we can synthesize information in the following table:

In this case, the idea would be through the Republican government and the division of powers.Its importance in the past, consisted of encouraging the ideas of freedom and independence from the English and Spanish colonies in America.

While its influence in the present is that Mexico is a republican country, governed by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers, where citizens can participate in the political sphere when voting and be voted.

So, without liberal ideas, today in Mexico people would not enjoy rights and freedoms that allow us to participate in the organization of the country and freely express our ideas.

What could be the importance and influence of liberalism in the economic field?

Economic liberalism arose from the book "The wealth of nations", written by English Adam Smith.

Since, in the 18th century, the European monarchies, exercised excessive economic intervention on trade, and those measures affected the bourgeois, who had to pay more taxes to their governments and could not trade with other countries.

It was precisely the bourgeois who encouraged the expansion of liberalism, throughout Europe and then, in America.Especially they disseminated economic liberalism, which postulated the right to private property, free trade and the reduction of regulations and intervention of governments in the economy.

To find out if these measures benefited the bourgeoisie, observe some images of the bourgeois over time.

In each of them, observe very well the clothes they carry, in the activities they carry out, in the objects around them and, in general, to the situations in which they are.All this with the purpose of identifying what his life was and is, and if the liberalism implemented from the 18th century benefited or not.

The first image is a painting of 1514, of the Flamenco Renaissance, before the era of liberalism, it is called "the Cambista and his wife."

The second image is called "the deputy of the Convention Michel Gérard and his family", is a painting made in France, in the second half of the 18th century, the century of liberalism.

In the mid -nineteenth century, there were already photographs, therefore, the third image, which belongs to that century, shows the photos of the Pereire brothers, members of a French family who owned banks, railways and newspapers among other businesses.

In the fourth image, we can observe Henry Ford II, the grandson of the founder of the Ford car company.The photo is from the second half of the twentieth century.

Governments began to adopt the economic policy of liberalism from the 18th century, and this allowed the bourgeois to trade more easily, without having to pay so many taxes and carrying the goods inside and outside their countries.

For example, Spain, at that time, began to allow countries such as England and France to trade its products in their colonies in America, including New Spain, that is, there began to exist free trade.

And a few years later, at the time of the industrial revolution, these measures would be consolidated, when the bourgeoisThe bourgeois making them the most favored social class.

It is very interesting, to see how an idea of the past is related to so many historical facts and influences situations of our present.In the case of economic liberalism, we can notice how it has influenced the capitalist economy to this day.

We see it in the treaties and agreements that different countries or regions of the world have taken to allow free trade, so that the purchase and sale of raw materials and goods is easier to grant concessions such as lower tax payments, which fostersGlobalization, not only economic, but also cultural.

As you can see on the map, some of these current free trade agreements are the Asia and Pacific Trade Agreement, the European Economic Space, the African Economic Community, Mercosur and the closest to us, the Free Trade Agreement betweenMexico, the United States and Canada, although it is not the only one in which our country participates.

In the economic field there is also a great influence and relationship of liberalism with today.We can summarize it with the following table:

We observe that in the economic field, the idea of liberalism we resume is free trade.Its importance in the past is that it benefited the consolidation of the bourgeoisie as a ruling social class.It also helped reduce import and export taxes which allowed to foster trade and get Spain to accept the trade of its colonies with other countries.Its importance in the present lies in free trade agreements between different countries or regions of the world, which has contributed to economic and cultural globalization.

Although liberalism is a movement that emerged in the last decade of the 17th century, it is still important in the societies of the 21st century, since we notice its influence on the rights that we enjoy, in the political organization of many countries and in the form in the formthat the world economy is conducted.

You will complete the challenge of the week.You will remember the challenge was the elaboration of a comic.In it the information of what you reviewed during the week must be concentrated, that is:

The characteristics of the absolute monarchy and the state society.

The origin of liberalism and its main ideas.

The influence of the bourgeoisie in the dissemination of liberalism.

With the issue of today, you will add to your comic, the notes you took on the social, political and economic importance of liberalism in the past.As well as an example of each area that reflects the influence of liberalism today.

To make a very good job, take into account that the comics are built from the issues reviewed for the week, which must be related to each other.

As you know, illustrations, snacks or text balloons, with the dialogues of the characters, and can carry onomatopoeia, which are the sounds of the story are observed.

Remember that you can rely on your textbook to complete this work, as well as in the materials available on the Learn at home.


>Fraccionando las cosas

Expected learning: converts decimal fractions to decimal notation and vice versa.Approximate some non -decimal fractions using decimal notation.Order fractions and decimal numbers.

Emphasis: Locate fractions in the numerical line, compare fractions and study the density property of the rational ones.

What are we going to learn?

In some cases, we use the number line or segments of it to locate fractions and compare them visibly.A clear example of the above are sports disciplines, in particular the triple length of length;which we can see every 4 years at the Olympic Games.When we witness that discipline we cannot see precisely the results of each athlete, but we know when one overcomes the other when looking at the brand they leave in the sand;And it is until the moment when the measurements that we can know the subway fractions that surpass a competitor of another are made.For example, in El Salto we observe when an athlete jumps two thirds in the sand and when another reaches half of the sand;Then we consider that the first surpassed the second.

What do we do?

Locating fractions in the number line makes it easier for us to see their position and relate them to some magnitudes.Another example, where we observe the application of the above are the circuits in the races, where we can see part of the tours made.But how to locate on the number line, fractions?To know, observe the following video:

How we place fractions in the numerical line

To locate fractions in a number line, the unit is divided according to the parts indicated by the denominator of the fraction that is required to be located.

We will see two cases.Let's start with the first.We will locate our own fractions, which are those where the numerator is less than the denominator;and are located between 0 and 1.

Look at another example in the following video:

3 Between 7 on the numerical line

Observe another example:

42 Between 5 on the number line

First we must divide each unit by 5, now it is only enough to count 42 portions from 0 to reach 42.

What would happen if we want to know which athlete ran more than another in a career?We would have to make a comparison between the data represented as fractions, to know how to compare fractions, observe the following video:

Greater than and less than

The fraction is a number, and its components are the numerator and the denominator.Now we will compare fractions that have the same denominator or the same numerator and compare which one has a greater order of magnitude, with respect to the same reference unit.

We are going to start with the first couple, where we have four sevenths (4/7) and three sevenths (3/7), that is, each bar is fractional in 7 equal parts according to the denominator, which will help us will be to highlight 4of them in the first and 3 in the second.

To continue, watch the following video:

Comparison of fractions

We have three tenths and three twenty -five, we want to know which of the two fractions is the greatest order of magnitude?Let's support the graphic representations.Look at the colored surfaces in each case.

Let's continue with the issue of competencies between athletes, and think that, if a famous athlete improved his record in the race of the hundred flat meters, for 9.6 seconds, and that he runs again and now 9.5 seconds ago.He continues to practice and decreases his time between 9.5 and 9.6 seconds, is that possible?Yes, because there are decimal numbers between these figures.But are there fractions between a medium and three quarters?

Of course, this is due to the density property of fractional and decimal numbers.To understand a little better look at the following video from minute 0:25 to 4:53.

Density property fractions and decimals 2

There will always be an infinite number of rational numbers between any couple of different numbers from each other.

Now, let's observe the density between fractions:

Rational density

Why do rational numbers have density property?

To verify it, we will rely from a numerical line segment, we will choose two numbers, for this example we will use zero and one.

What is the number that is exactly halfway, between zero and one?A medium.If we would divide the line segment, exactly in half, between 0 and a medium, and a medium and 1. We would get rooms: a quarter, two rooms, three quarters and our integer.

If we divide every room exactly halfway.We obtain eighths: an eighth, two eighth, three eighths, four eighths, five eighths, six eighths, seven eighths and our integer.

If we divide each eighth exactly in half we would get sixteen: a sixteenth, two sixteen, three seventeenisavos ... and so on until we reach our integer.

If we divide every sixteenth exactly halfway we would get a thirty -way.

Now, we take a fraction for example nine sixteenisavos (9/16).What would be a fraction with a lower value of magnitude than this fraction?

A fraction with less value, it can be: seventeen thirty -5/32.And a smaller nineteen thirties (19/32).

Is it possible to continue dividing every thirty exactly in half?Yes it is possible and we would get sixty -four.

So why are rationals dense?According to the divisions we made, to each line segment, we identify that given two fractional numbers we will always find a fractional number between them. This property is present in fractional and decimal numbers.


To identify the numerator and denominator of a fraction, you can see the first as the figure that numbers the fraction and the second as the figure that calls the parts in which a unit is composed.

To use the signs greater than and minor than, remember that: The opening of the sign will always be placed towards the highest number.

You can locate these topics in your first degree mathematics high school book.

Today's challenge:

As a challenge, you could answer the activities corresponding to this topic in your first -degree high school book.


>Los procesos artesanales

Expected learning: Identify strategic, instrumental and control actions as components of the technique.

Emphasis: The technical organization of artisanal processes.

What are we going to learn?

You will learn what is the technical organization in "Artisanal processes".

What do we do?

You will remember that the technique is the process of creating products, processes and services in which different types of actions are applied.In this session you will see the artisanal processes and the strategic, instrumental and control actions that are put into play in the process of preparing a product or service.

Do you know what are the characteristics of artisanal work?

The process of making artisanal products is characterized because most of the work is done manually.Generally, knowledge and techniques are transmitted from generation to generation and are carried out in small workshops, in houses or in communities;In addition, each piece that is made is unique.

Did you know that, in the elaboration of artisanal products, the knowledge of the whole process is a person?

Check the following scheme so you can take note and organize the contents.

Here you can see what the technical organization of these processes is like, where each person involved in the elaboration of the products knows the entire process from their conception to their termination, in this way it is possible that in a certain phase of the process people can intervene to improve.

For example, in pottery, each person knows the design of what they are going to do;He knows what inputs he will need;prepares the raw material;Know the techniques to be used;Performs the composition or molding;Drying and polishing;He knows when taking the piece to the oven;And she decides how to decorate her creation.

A craftsman elaborates a product from beginning to end with the help of hand tools and some simple machines such as: wheel, pulley, lathe and wedge, among others.Product elaboration is based on manual skill and the ability to manipulate tools.Usually the artisan has direct contact with the person who will use the product, which allows him to know his needs and work according to the times defined by it.

The artisanal process does not refer to the elaboration of crafts from the different communities of our country, but to the total knowledge and intervention of the production process of a product or service.At present, many of this knowledge are being lost.

Would you like to learn to do work in an artisanal way?What would?

Look at the following video.

Good night

You just observed the artisanal process of Christmas Eve.

Why is this process artisanal?Maybe you are wondering?

Why do they only use a shovel to mix the land and fertilizer, everything else do it with the hands and its production lasts 6 months?

Can you imagine having to wait 6 months to recover your investment money and get profits?

There are currently few families in Mexico City, particularly in the Mayor's Office of Xochimilco, which maintain the tradition of growing the Christmas Eve.

What do you think of this presentation?

Human work is a lot, compared to the price paid by commercial chain distributors

It is necessary to know that in most artisanal processes simple tools and machines are used, observe this difference.Next, tools are shown tools that fulfill the same function.

Interaction on objects

Did you realize, that a machine needs an energy source to work, while a tool is usually used only with your hands?

In the artisanal technical organization, the entire process is generally executed manually, some machines for preparatory tasks of raw materials are used, as well as in the process of developing technical creations.

Look at the following video

Crystallized sweets

There are many teachings behind an artisanal process and how important is the transmission of knowledge for the development of products through generation to generation, what typical sweets do you know?

Maybe you know the famous joys with nuts, peanut palanquetas, cocadas, pumpkin candy and wafers, to mention some.

On this occasion you are recommended to read: "Basket of Mexican Tales" by Author B. Traven.This author, who was also an actor, was born in Germany, although he lived many years of his life here in Mexico.And the encounter with the typical sweets and the wonder of discovering those flavors, textures, everything that is needed for its elaboration, were the detonators of this text that is recommended today.

It is a story that tells the story of a tourist who arrives at the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.On this visit he meets a craftsman, who manufactures very particular baskets, handmade in very striking colors with natural materials and fibers such as roots and insects.

The craftsman had trouble selling his baskets, since no one valued his job.It occurred to the tourist that in his country he could earn a lot of money with those baskets.

When he returned to his city, he came up with a big business with the baskets.So he goes to a confectionery, where they sell different products including chocolates and he saw that Mexican baskets could be used as an envelope.

The tourist returns to Mexico to close the great business with the artisan and be in common agreement with the cost of each basket

Do you want to know what happened?Find the book "Basket of Mexican Tales" of the author.Bruno Traven and finishes reading this great story.


You learned that an artisanal process is the elaboration of a product manually in which advanced technology is not used.Simple machines and tools are generally used for their development.They are usually prepared in family or communities workshops, but they can also be prepared at home personally.

And most importantly, the technical organization of artisanal work is prepared by one or more people, but they all know each of the phases of the process.

The actions of the artisanal process that were shown were the following:

Strategic actions: These actions refer mainly to the planning of the entire elaboration process.The knowledge of the elaboration technique, as well as the complete process of the final product, is of the utmost importance.

Instrumental Actions: They refer mainly to the knowledge and actions that are carried out with machines and tools, as well as the raw material during the elaboration of an artisanal product.

Control and regulation actions: They imply the knowledge that the operator of the tools and materials that it uses to achieve an end has, it has to do with the skill and skill of the artisan.

Today's challenge:

Reflect and answer the following questions.

Do you have any handmade product at home?

Do you know how it was elaborated?

It is suggested to share your answers with your teacher or teacher, with your friends and family about the characteristics of artisanal processes.We also invite you to think about any personal need or your home, what would you like to solve by hand from your field emphasis?

Second of high school


>¿Cómo puedo ejercer las libertades en la escuela?

Expected learning: argues about the validity of fundamental freedoms as guarantees of every citizen and recognizes their challenges.

Emphasis: argue how students participate in the exercise of fundamental freedoms in schools.

What are we going to learn?

You will reflect on how to exercise fundamental freedoms in the school context.

The purpose is that you are aware of the possibilities you have when exercising fundamental freedoms with actions that allow you the participation.

Participation can be developed in different aspects or areas of school life, for example, in student committees or campaigns that allow expressing points of view on topics that interest you, you can also get involved in the elaboration of school standards, in social or cultural projectsand foster them from the school community

In the adolescence stage, there is the possibility of exercising fundamental freedoms that allow some decisions related to life.

What do we do?

You will perform the following activity.

Write in a prayer or text: What does the right to freedom in school mean for you?

Your answer should not be very elaborate, since you will work with this idea throughout the session.

Now, observe in the following video if your answer coincides with some of the ideas that the young people who also answered this question also have, identify how these ideas relate to fundamental freedoms.

Let's evaluate our freedom.

Adolescents in the previous video focused on diverse aspects, but they all relate to freedom and of course to the exercise of fundamental freedoms to which everyone is entitled.

In the school context this has relevance because they face them to participate actively.

Next, carry out the following reflection activity.

Write in your notebook or on a sheet, simple answers to the next question:

In what actions of your school have you participated or collaborated?

Now, depending on the above, reflect on the following:

The examples you written down from participation in the school, are related to the exercise of fundamental freedoms?Why?

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is a ratified treaty in the world, highlights that:

"... every boy and girl and adolescent is a person subject to law ..." and says they have the right to:

freedom of expression in articles 12 and 13;

freedom of thought, conscience and religion, in article 14 and,

freedom of association and to hold peaceful meetings, in article 15.

These freedoms are also established in the General Law of Girls, Children and Adolescents, in article 13.

According to what you answered, you surely realized that you have exercised some fundamental freedoms in your school, or you have different ideas about how you could exercise them.

But what does it mean to exercise freedom, in this case, at school?Is freedom to do what everyone wants?To do this, she reflects on respect to the information of the following video.

The right to freedom in school.

For the exercise of freedom with respect to other people, there are the following criteria:

Human dignity

Respect for human rights

The common good

Therefore, freedom in the school environment must include freedom of thought, the freedom to comment or express, the freedom to associate and freedom of decision and action.

In this way, what the students expressed in the first video is valid;But, for this, the ideas that are manifested, the management of the rules and the forms of participation in the school, must take as a starting point the criteria mentioned above.

Thus, the exercise of fundamental freedoms in school translates into a wide range of possibilities, in which you can participate.

To know in what aspects or areas of your school you can participate from the aforementioned criteria, or how you could apply these criteria in the forms of participation in your school, take the first video.

Let's evaluate our freedom.


Surely, you have other concerns in relation to the exercise of freedoms in school.Possibly, because you feel limited or limited in some decisions or actions that are taken there and have an impact on you.

This is very important, because precisely, from these concerns, ideas arise regarding the actions that can be undertaken or on activities in which to participate.

Next, observe an example, from which you can analyze how you can exercise freedom and participate:

Mara is 13 years old and has just entered another high school.

From preschool he got used to attending school with the huipil used by the women and girls of their community.

In the new school, since it arrived, everyone looked at her weird and began to make jokes.A group of teenagers approached her in the bathroom and assaulted her for wearing that clothing.

When he could leave the bathroom, he told a teacher and sent his mother to call.

The director clarified that the sanction corresponding to the students who assaulted it, in accordance with the school regulations, would also indicate that Mara should attend to the use of the uniform.

Based on the case that was presented, write down short answers or main ideas regarding the following questions:

What situations related to the exercise of freedoms identified in the school attended by Mara?

All these situations take into consideration the criteria that must prevail for the exercise of freedoms?

For example, Mara opted for freedom of conscience by having the conviction that she could go with the clothing of her community of origin to school.

The director oriented it so that, as far as possible, the school regulations are attached to what is established.In relation to the latter, it must be remembered that in some schools there is a regulation and, in addition, each group also agrees their own.

The reason is that, the exercise of freedom, in addition to sticking to human dignity and respect for human rights, must be done responsible.

This derives that there are certain limits, so that freedom allows decisions and acting, that is, doing what each person decides or wants.This does not mean that it is allowed to go against the dignity of people and transgress their rights.

In the case of Mara, he reflects on the following:

Did your partners respect their right to carry the clothing that is part of their identity?

She, did you attend to the indications established in the school regulations, regarding the use of the uniform?

The idea of these questions is to highlight the importance of responsible exercise of freedoms, through participation in school.

This participation can occur in many different ways, precisely to respond to situations that worry them or that are of interest.

For example, one of these forms of participation is that you get involved in the elaboration of the school regulations, so that, together with teachers, managers, mothers and fathers, they dialogue and define, whether or not the use of the use of the use of the use ofschool uniform;What will be the sanctions, so to speak, for those students who fail to comply with the agreements established in the regulation, among other situations.

Taking the case of Mara, in the agreements it could be contemplated if every day the uniform must be carried, or that one day they can wear the clothing with which they feel more comfortable, so that Mara would have the option of carrying the clothingThat is part of your identity.

The purpose of the school regulations should not be to limit their freedoms as students, on the contrary, they must accommodate their participation, where they can contribute their views, concerns and reach consensus among the members of the school community.

Therefore, in the exercise of freedom in the school environment, you must:

Consider that the exercise of freedoms should be based on the dignity of people and respect for rights.

Assume the rules and agreements as your own and commit to comply with them.They are established, in the group or in the school community, to know what is needed to improve and live better.

Assume the consequences of breach of the rules or norms, which also leads to the repair of the damage.

Correct the error.When the agreements are violated, in addition to repairing the damage, it must be corrected and prevent it from happening again, to honor the agreements to which they committed, previously those involved.

It is worth mentioning that to achieve the above, it is necessary to analyze the situations that are lived in school, as well as the concerns that students have.

It is important to make a self -evaluation of how freedom is exercised in school, through communication.This allows identifying the situation that exists in the school context, the achievements and aspects to improve, and thus coordinate the participation of the members, among them, you as a student.

There are other forms of participation in which you can exercise fundamental freedoms and that allows the communication and involvement of students, teachers, mothers and parents, as well as other people in the town where they live, such as authorities, organizations and other more actors.

Among these forms of participation stand out:

School committees, cultural, scientific and productive projects.School campaigns on topics of interest or situations that affect.Programs that promote nonviolence and conflict resolution.School AssembliesStudent organizations.Integration of the Student Society ...

More specifically, you can express your views through works of theater and other artistic expressions, debates and forums for discussion, exhibitions, youth competitions, consultations.

To learn about other strategies in which you can participate in your school environment, watch the following video.

Environmental care: reduce, recycle, reuse.

The possibilities to exercise freedoms in the school environment are many.In the case you observed in the video, in addition to human dignity and respect for rights, it is considered the common good, as another of the criteria for the exercise of freedoms in the school environment.

Recapitulating what was discussed in this session, the importance of the exercise of freedoms in school can be highlighted, which allow you to participate decidedly in activities that pursue the benefit of all people in the school environment.

The criteria for the exercise of freedoms in the school environment were also mentioned: human dignity, respect for human rights and the common good.

There are many ways in which you can participate in your school environment, for example: in the review of the school regulations, in campaigns to raise awareness of equality or respect for the environment, in projects of various kinds, such as consultations, assemblies and other options plus.

Freedom is a right that nobody can take away, but is subject to a series of agreements that force you to take into account the other people with whom you live.There is a limit to freedom and this appears when the rights and freedom of those who integrate the communities of which you are part are understood.

The freedom of a person should not be above that of a group of people.To avoid conflicts, or to resolve them, there is always the possibility of dialogue to hold agreements.

Today's challenge:

Make a graphic organizer or other resource where your ideas on the subject of this session reflect.

Check your textbook so that you know other examples on the exercise responsible for freedom in the school and analyze them.


>¿Cuál es la relación entre fuerza, masa y aceleración?

Expected learning: identifies and describes the presence of forces in everyday interactions (friction, flotation, forces in balance).

Emphasis: Explain movements in your environment.Second law of Newton.

What are we going to learn?

You will reflect on how the acceleration of an object depends directly on the force that is applied, and is inversely proportional to the mass of this.

In previous sessions, you know how an object can be in two states: in motion or at rest, and when an external force is applied, this state of movement changes.Inertia is a property that objects have to remain in their state of movement and depend on the mass of the object.Newton's first law explains the concept of inertia, that is why, it is also known as the law of inertia.

On this occasion, you will deepen in Newton's second law.

Newton's second law establishes that this type of force modifies the speed of an object because the speed and/or direction changes.These changes in speed are called acceleration.

Newton's second law defines the exact relationship between strength and acceleration mathematically.The more mass the object has, the more difficult it is for the object to change its direction or its speed, whether it is at rest or in a straight way and a constant step.That is why, so it is much harder to move a car or a truck than a bicycle.The truck has more dough, therefore, more inertia.Inertia and mass are two different ways of referring to the same concept.

What do we do?

To begin to understand Newton's second law, observe the relationship between strength, mass and acceleration in a single equation.

The force is given in Newtons, the mass in kilograms and the acceleration in meters above the square.

In conclusion, in any situation that involves mass and acceleration a force is applied.

Look at the following video sobre la segunda ley de Newton o Ley Fundamental de la Dinámica, para aclarar un poco más la relación entre masa, fuerza y aceleración.

Newton's laws.

A body accelerates when a force is applied whose value is the product of its mass due to its acceleration.In this way, the acceleration of a body with small dough will be large.

To make it clearer, observe the following example.

Example 1.

A force of 300 N acts on a 60 kg box.

What acceleration does force provide to the box?

Also, two forces can be applied at the same time on an object.This is called a vector system.In previous sessions it was explained that a vector system occurs when two or more forces are applied on the same object.

One of the examples presented above was that of the colineal forces system, which are those that apply on the same object, with the same direction and in the same direction in a straight line.

Example.Colineal forces system.

On a 60 kg box, two forces act in the same sense and direction.

F1 = 200 N and F2 = 100 N

What resulting force is obtained?

What acceleration does the resulting force provide to the box?

Next, if you are in your possibilities, perform the following experiment to check the relationship between mass, strength and acceleration.


The material you will need is as follows:

3 balloons

1 funnel

kg of earth, sand or flour

1 meter or flexometer

1 balance or scale

In case you do not have a scale or balance, you can wear meter cups or cream plastic cups or yogurt, so that they serve you to measure how much flour, earth or sand you put your balloons.


With the funnel fill the balloons of earth, sand or flour so that the mass of each balloon is different.For example, 250gr of sand in a balloon, 500 gr in the second globe and 750gr in the third globe.Or, a glass of flour in the first globe, two in the second and three in the third globe.Record the mass of each of the balloons in a table.

Then, it paints a horizontal line on the floor (soil) from which the balloons will be launched.

Finally, he launches each of the balloons with the greatest possible force and measures the distance to which each one reaches.Record this distance in the table.Then, another person performs the same activity and records the distance he reached.

If the experiment is not yet clear to you, see the following video for you to know how to do it.

Experiment Segunda Ley de Newton.

Considering the releases that were made in the experiment.

Make a table in which you measure the mass of sand that was placed to each balloon, calculates the acceleration according to the time it took to travel the distance that was marked, and finally calculated the force that was applied using the formula of f = ma

Look at an example to make your table in this way.

Finally, with the values you have in the table, answer the following questions:

What balloon reached the greatest distance? Why?

Which of the pitchers exercised greater force to the balloons? How can you know?

The above exemplifies Newton's second law.

If possible, carefully perform this home experiment.You can repeat the releases several times, with more balloons or with more pitchers.When you fill the data in your table, be sure to place the correct units: kilograms for the dough, meters per second to the acceleration and Newtons for force.

After the exercises, examples and experiments you have seen, it can be concluded that:

The net force that acts on a body is the product of body mass due to the acceleration it acquires, and this law is expressed with the formula: F = m.a

Share with your family the knowledge you have acquired in this session.

Today's challenge:

Make a mental map or a small summary about Newton's second law.To do this, it underlines the main ideas of your textbook on the corresponding subject, in addition, it tries to identify some problematic situations in which Newton's second law is applied.

Investigate about the concepts of mass, acceleration and strength.


>Tones para los preguntones: Elaboración de preguntas sobre un tema

Expected learning: Compare a variety of texts on a topic.

Emphasis: Prepare questions on a subject.

What are we going to learn?

You will know the steps to elaborate questions that help you know more about a specific topic and explore the world of information contained in the texts.At the end, you will realize that it is more interesting than you imagined.

What do we do?

At some point in your life, you have heard or read several points of view about the same fact.

But how could you choose between the diversity of information you receive?

To start, reflect and analyze the following:

Have you played a broken telephone?

Have you been wanting to know more about something?

Have you lived any fact that changes the course of history?

Have you heard several versions about the same event?

Surely, at some point, at least two of these questions can answer them affirmatively ... What have you done to such situations? Have you been curious or have you investigated?

Everything that is said in the body of a handwritten or printed work is called text.There are several types of texts, which for a long time you have reviewed, studied and sometimes you have generated your own texts.To remember these types of text, watch the following video.

How continuous, discontinuous and mixed texts are read: Legal and administrative documents.

Every day you live with all kinds of texts, because they are not only part of your daily and academic life, but enrich your knowledge and help you see the world in another way.

Remember a text that you have read for pleasure or obligation about an issue or a relevant issue in your community, even for a task that will be requested.For example, investigate about changes in adolescence, a historical fact or when you are looking for information from a subject of public interest, and thinks about the following:

What kind of texts would you look for information about that source?

How many different texts could exist about a topic?

For each topic, there is an unlimited amount of information, and this can be of different and multiple authors, sources of consultation, and each with different treatments.

To know how to find the information within the texts clearly and precisely, perform the following activity.

Imagine that you are a detective, willing to solve a mystery and it is necessary to have the materials for research.

Then, you will use interrogative adverbs as your tools.

Think about the type of questions you should ask to find information and observe the different interrogative adverbs that will help you.Write at least the first five in your notebook or notebook:

Direct interrogative sentences

What?Describe the action or event.

How?Says the way or form.

Who?Who is it?To know the subjects of the action.

Where?Provides the place.

When?It brings time.

Which?Which?It is used when there are options.

Why?Describe the causes.

How many?How much?Many?How many?It raises quantities.

In general, these are the questions that are asked when you want to know or have more information about a certain topic.

First of all, you must have a defined topic to investigate and then think how to organize information.

Look at the following table to better understand, and don't forget to point it out.

This table is an effective way to find the necessary research data.In the first column, there are interrogative adverbs, better known as questions, and in the second and third column are the spaces to contrast the data found in different sources of consultation, so you can have the information obtained from several texts condensed in a condensed wayon the same subject and identify each sector by author.

To practice, perform the following exercise.

Look at the following image and mentally tries to respond to the interrogative adverbs of the table.

This exercise serves to refine your senses and get alert to find the requested information.Not all aspects were easy to locate or understand.

In some texts you can find all the answers for the questions, however, sometimes data will be missing to solve all questions.

What kind of text would you trust more to conduct research?

In an incomplete text or in one that has a lot of information to be able to select the data that is useful to you?

There are many texts on social networks and the Internet that handle false information, you have to know how to find reliable sources.

Perform the following exercise to deepen the subject.

Read the next two texts on the same topic.Then, she observes and uses the table provided above.Finally, she answers the most questions in the table.

Now, reflect on the following questions:

Did you find certain variations between the texts?

Which were?

Which of the two, even if you have read very little, do you think it brings better information or if they somehow complement each other?

Did you realize that, if you meet all the answers of the questions, a text that contains all the condensed information on a subject can be built?

Throughout your academic life you will have to do some research papers, there are even some professions that are based on the constant search for new knowledge.This is very important because you have to know how to select information from different texts.

There are different sources of consultation, printed and digital publications, documentaries, interviews, biographies and autobiographies, scientific dissemination texts, newspapers, magazines, audio recordings, essays, videos, among many more.

But the most important thing about any source of consultation is: that it is signed by an author, which may well be a person or an institution, that your career or prestige supports said information, since this will give a clear responsibility for the information consulted, andYou can also look for more texts by the same author to deepen the selected topic.

Before reading or studying a source of consultation, verify that it contains the author's name, especially to make your selection of information from the beginning with clear and real data.

Next, you will perform another activity with an example of everyday life, to know how to apply what you have seen so far.

In the passing of your life, you have surely had many favorite themes, for example: a film, musical, literary genre, a singer, an actress or a sports team, among others.

It evokes that topic that is very interested in you and thinks where you have looked for information and if it really answered all your doubts.Then observe the box and add the answers to the questions that arise.

According to the above, you have already investigated on topics that you like, but sometimes you do not realize it, since most of the time, they are not written, only the desired information is kept in memory.

With this exercise, the process that must be carried out to find information in various texts that address the same topic has been explained.

Now, perform the following.

Read the two extracts from the following information sources.Then, she answers the questions about the subject.While she reads the fragment of the text, she tries to look for the answer to the questions in the previous table.

Now, answer the following questions:

What topic addresses the text?

Who is the author?

Did you find similarities and differences in texts?

What was the position of each author?

What text did you like the most? And why?

After knowing two points of view on the same topic, it is easier to be able to comment on it.

It is important to take into account the time in which the texts that were consulted were written, to compare them with our reality and thus make a written contrast about the texts and our contemporaneity.

In this session, you have learned about the characteristics of Spanish interrogative adverbs to generate questions within texts of the same topic and obtain specific data.

If you have your free textbook, you can review this topic freely.

There is no limit, and with imagination everything is possible.

Today's challenge:

Write a reinforcement comment on how you can ask questions in several texts of the same topic.

Write down at least two questions that have generated these texts, from your experiences today.

Finally, the following responds: What do you think of the pros and cons of the use of the cell phone?


>Proporcionalidad Inversa

Expected Learning: Solve problems of direct and inverse proportionality and proportional distribution.

Emphasis: Understand the concept of proportional inverse variation to make sense of its algebraic representation.

What are we going to learn?

You will investigate the characteristics of the inverse proportional variation.

In previous sessions, you know how to identify when a situation is of direct proportionality through the recognition of its properties.

Proportionality is the relationship between two magnitudes when a correspondence relationship between two reasons that are equivalent is established.

The proportionality constant is a number, always the same, both in relations of direct proportionality and in relations of inverse proportionality;In the first case it is a ratio between the variables and in the second case, a product.

In this session, you will deepen and solve inverse proportionality problems.

What do we do?

Start by reflecting on the following question:

What data or characteristics can help identify when a situation is of reverse proportionality?

To answer the previous question and know some of the characteristics of an inverse proportion, observe the following example.

Example 1.

A group of 3 people lift in 10 days the harvest of a sowing, how long would it take 15 people to lift the harvest?Taking into account that people work at the same rate.

You have the relationship: "A" is A "B", as "C" is A "X".

The relationship is written, in this case, three people raise the harvest in 10 days.And fifteen (15) people, how long will the harvest raise?

Having the relationship, it is known that it is an inverse proportion, because by increasing the number of people, work days decrease.For this reason, the cross product is not carried out as in a direct proportion.

Then, a horizontal multiplication is performed and subsequently a division.

To determine the value of "X", the value of the first column (3 people) is multiplied by its corresponding column (10 days), and is divided between the number of the first column of the following row (15 people).

At the end of the operation, you will get the result of 2 days.

So, it can be said that: 15 people will raise the harvest in 2 days.

Now, check that the problem is of reverse proportionality.Remember that the reverse proportionality constant is represented with the letter "K".


K is equal to the product of the first column for its corresponding to the second column.

Therefore, if the data of the first row are taken into account, it remains as follows:

Then, it can be affirmed that the problem belongs to a reverse proportionality.

Characteristics of an inverse proportion.

By multiplying each number of the first column by its corresponding in the second column, the same number is always obtained, that is, the products are constant.

Two magnitudes are inversely proportional, if by increasing one, the other decreases, in the same proportion.

Next, analyze a second problem and distinguish the characteristics of an inverse proportion.

Example 2.

A group of 3 friends decide to get out of camp, wear food for 20 days, considering that everyone will consume the same amount.Upon reaching the camp the group is extended to 12 friends.

How many days will the food with 12 friends last?

He considers that everyone is granted the same amount of food.

The data of this problem correspond to the relationship: "A" ESA "B", as "C" is A "X", as shown in the previous problem.

Then, the relationship with the data is written:

Where "A" represents the 3 friends, "B" represents 20 days, "C" represents the 12 friends and "X" is the unknown data in days.

Since there is the relationship established between the magnitudes, and you identified that they are in a relationship of reverse proportionality: because by increasing the number of friends, the number of the days that will last the food will last, considering that it is the same ration per dayFor each of them.

How do you think an inverse proportion is resolved?

To solve this inverse proportion, a multiplication is carried out and subsequently a division.As shown in the previous case.

To determine the value of X, which represents the number of days to be calculated, the values of "A" and "B" that are in the front row in the horizontal position have to be multiplied, and that correspond to the 3 friends and the20 days, the product obtained is divided between the value of "C", that is, between 12 friends.

The inverse proportion is written as follows:

Then, the corresponding multiplication of (20 × 3) is carried out being product 60;And it is divided by 12, obtaining as a result: 5 days.

The answer to this problem is:

The available food will only reach for 5 days, since the group is 12 friends.

Now, as you learned previously, it is verified that it is a reverse proportionality.

If multiplied (3 × 20) is obtained as a product 60. Likewise, the product of (12 × 5) is 60.

Then it can be affirmed that it is a problem of reverse proportionality, because the products are constant, that is, in this case, 60 represents the constant of reverse proportionality.

Based on this example, it can be affirmed that:

Two magnitudes are inversely proportional, if by increasing one, the other decreases, in the same proportion.

Now, observe another example that will help you better understand, what is the constant of reverse proportionality.

Example 3.

A 6 painters team varnish a wooden fence in 30 hours.

How long would they occupy to varnish the same fence with 9, 12 and 20 painters?

Consider that all painters work with the same rhythm, that is, at a constant pace.

Again, you have the relationship: "A" that "B", as "C" is A "X".In addition, this time you have an information table.

First, as you know, the relationship is written.The problem says: Six painters varnish a fence in 30 days.Therefore, 9 painters, how long will they need?

Having the relationship, it is known that it is an inverse proportion, because by increasing the number of painters, work hours decrease.For this reason, the cross product is not carried out as in a direct proportion.

Then, a horizontal multiplication is performed and subsequently a division.

Start completing the table, calculating the time that 9 painters will need to varnish a wooden fence.Remember that an inverse proportion is the product of the first column for its corresponding of the second column between the first number of the following row.

Therefore, six painters multiply the 30 hours of work and divide by 9.

At the end of the operation, you will get the result of 20 hours.

So it can be said that: 20 hours will be the time that 9 painters will need to varnish a fence.

Now continue with the next row of the table.First, write the relationship, in this case, 9 painters need 20 hours to varnish a wooden fence.

What time will 12 painters need to varnish the wood?

At the end of the operation, you will get the result of 15 hours.

So it can be said that: 15 hours will be the time that 12 painters will need to varnish a fence.

Continue with the last row of the table.First, write the relationship, in this case, 12 painters need 15 hours to varnish a wooden fence.

What time will 20 painters need to varnish the wood?

At the end of the operation, you will get the 9 -hour result.

So it can be said that: 9 hours will be the time that 20 painters will need to varnish a fence.

To conclude, check that the problem you solved is in reverse proportionality.Do not forget that the constant of reverse proportionality is the product of the first column for its corresponding one of the second.

The products are constant.It is a characteristic of reverse proportionality.

After observing and analyzing the previous examples, where the solutions of some inverse proportionality variation problems were reviewed, you can already identify some of the characteristics that distinguish an inverse proportion and how to calculate the proportionality constant.

Remember to consult your second degree Mathematics textbook, you will surely find other activities to deepen the subject.

Today's challenge:

Solve the following inverse proportionality problems.

Challenge 1.

A group of friends wants to rent a house that costs $ 6000.00 per month and has the possibility of staying to rent from 2 to 6 friends.

How much would they pay for rent depending on the number of friends who stay in it?

What would be the algebraic expression that would be used to solve the problem?

He considers that all pay the same amount, and that the constant of reverse proportionality "k" is the monthly income.

Challenge 2.

In a hardware store they sell water filling pumps, (they rise water from a tinker to a tinaco).An important characteristic of these is the dimension of the tubes that are used, since, depending on the measurement of its diameter, the time also depends on filling a tinaco.Each pump has a constant speed of water outlet.Complete the following table, using reverse proportionality.

Third of high school


>Problemas cotidianos de congruencia y semejanza de triángulos

Expected Learning: Solve congruence and similarity problems that involve using these properties in triangles or in any figure.

Emphasis: Explain the criteria of congruence and similarity of triangles from constructions with determined information.

What are we going to learn?

With the explanation of the criteria of congruence and similarity of triangles from constructions with determined information, you can get to work in the use of these tools and solve congruence and similarity problems.

Make your own summary by writing down the important or new data that you identify during the session.

Record the doubts, concerns or difficulties that arise when resolving the approaches.You can solve them when checking your textbook.

The triangles are the polygons with the lowest number of sides that exist in flat geometry.

Humanity has had documents of its study for approximately 4000 years.Just observe some of the most amazing buildings in the ancient world:

The pyramids of Egypt, built as real crypts, for pharaohs since 2700 before our era.

The triangles are present in many areas of our daily lives, in simple toys or the way in which the virtual scenarios and complete worlds of your favorite video games and movies are generated.

You can also find them in the different urban symbology around you where a risk is noticed.

And just as the Egyptians, modern architecture and art continue to use this figure as the basis of its construction, not only for its great properties, also because of its versatility and resistance.Surely you know the Mexican sculptor, originally from the state of Chihuahua, Enrique Carbajal González, better known as Sebastián for one of his most iconic works.Horse head, exterior steel sculpture 28 meters high, installed in Paseo de la Reforma, center of Mexico City.You can note that triangles form most of the structure.

With a height of 128 meters it was the second highest skyscraper in Mexico for almost two decades.Its frontal face, the form isosceles and the side faces of this prism are divided into three triangles, two of them congruent.

Inside the support columns made of steel also form a triangular framework that can be observed by its windows and to the top of the tower.

Like this star Icosaedro, which is formed with 60 isosceles conguente triangles with each other.

The formal study of the triangles has allowed its use in ways as varied as the ones you just observed and there are many more to describe or perhaps of inventing, if you learn to study it correctly.

What do we do?

To achieve this, you will begin by identifying a bit of the way you have been using in mathematics to refer to them and their components.

In this triangle

You identify each vertex with a capital letter, and you will name this the ABC triangle.

You can use any alphabet letter and we will use a ', B' and C 'if you want to associate them with another figure, indicating that there is some type of correlation between these vertices.

If you want to refer to the value of the angles as an unknown, it is customary to use the tiny letters of the Greek alphabet.

It is very important in the language of mathematics, as in any other language, knowing how to express yourself correctly and thus, people and yourself will have a better understanding of what is done, studied and understood.

Analyze the following diagram to exemplify what you just learned:

Inside the BCDE ring are formed

The first is the one formed by the EACD vertices and the second quadrilateral is the one formed by the ABCD vertices.

Now, the angles, and to identify them correctly you will use two ways to refer to them.

If you refer to the angle in the vertex A, and the ongoing analysis is from the inside of the ring, then the BAE angle is this and measures 180 °

When referring to this angle bae you must be careful to locate in the middle the letter of the vertex where the angle is located.In this case the vertex A.

Identify other angles in this way in the previous image.

That is the Dae angle;That is the DAC angle and this is the cod angle

The three angles have vertex A and in all three is written in the middle of the three letters.

We also denote the value of an angle by the Greek letters you just observed and use them as follows:

The value of the ADC angle is equal to beta and the value of Alfa is 40 °

Note that Alfa and Beta represent the values of the angle measurement, not their position in the diagram.

Finally, it indicates some other angles with random values.

DAC angle is equal to 90 °, the DAB angle is equal to 130 °.Start with the ABCD rectangle.

When you read "ABCD rectangle" you must keep in mind all the properties of that figure, for example, it is important that you remember that all internal angles measure 90 °, which is a parallelogram, that is, its opposite sides are parallel to each other, in addition theStraight AB segment is equal to the DC line segment and the line segment BC is equal to the AD segment.

The following indication is that P is the midpoint of the DC segment, indicating the appearance of new segments, the DP segment and the PC segment, which because P is a midpoint, then DP and PC have the same measure and do not needof a value that affirms it.

and its classification on its sides:

Equilateral with three angles and equal sides

Isosceles with two angles and equal sides

Scalene with 3 different angles and sides

You can make different statements of the following figure.

Identify 4 triangles inside the rectangle, the adg rectangle triangle, GAF triangle, the rectangle triangle ABE.It also identifies the ABCD quadrilaterals that is rectangle, and AECF quadrilaterals, and ABCG, among others.

Trace the abcd rectangle.Brand P which is a midpoint of BC and draws the AP and DP segments.Identify the triangles that were formed along with some characteristics.

APD triangle is isosceles because the AP = DP segment and you can affirm this because P is a midpoint of the BC segment.

The ABP triangle is a right triangle because it has an angle of 90 ° inherited from the initial rectangle.Its bp side measures a BC medium.The CDP triangle is a rectangle triangle because it has an angle of 90 ° inherited from the initial rectangle.Its CP side measures a BC medium.

Did you notice that the ABP triangle and the CDP share the same characteristics?

You can use the LLL criteria to verify the congruence of both triangles.

AB = CD because they are opposite sides of a rectangle.

AP = DP because they are sides of an isosceles triangle

Check the corresponding sides equalities ensure that the ABP triangle is congruent with the CDP triangle

The congruence of these same triangles can be verified from the LAL congruence criteria, reaching the same conclusion.

The LAL criterion assures us that two triangles are congruent if they have two corresponding sides and the angle between them is the same.

First find the corresponding sides equal to the information you have.

The AB segment is equal to the DC segment because the ABCD figure is a rectangle.

The CP segment is the same BP segment because P is a midpoint of the DC segment.

And the angle between these two sides is equal to 90 degrees, in both cases PBA angle is equal to the DCP angle equal to 90 °.

You already have all the components of the LAL criteria to be able to affirm that the ABP triangles is consistent with the CDP triangle.

Do you know why we chose this figure for analysis?

It turns out that it is similar to one of the faces of the triangular prism of the flagship tower.

Did the architect think of this congruence when he made the design of the building?

To talk about similarity, such as the previous diagram and the building, remember what are the characteristics of the similar figures and how they are built.

In a timely manner the similarity of geometric figures lies in conserving angles and proportion between their sides, which ensures that the figures are equal, but of different size.

Actually, most of the times that this knowledge is used is in the area of construction, engineering, architecture, art, computer science, and so on.

Imagine the following situation:

This diagram shows a house, a building and the patio that separates them, which is owned by the house.

A solar water heater is going to be installed, but since the house has 2 waters, it must be mounted on another structure.The owner of the house requires that the structure to install the heater is of the lowest possible height.To achieve this, the facilities technician draws a diagram of how the sun's rays affect in the morning.

If you observe that the height is at the point where the shadows are intersect, you can meet the owners' demands and ensure that the water heater will have the greatest amount of sun exposure with the lowest possible height.

Transfer the diagram to your notebook and occupying the previous data you can do the geometric and numerical analysis of the situation.

In this situation, you will use the fact that similar triangles were formed to be able to analyze with algebraic expressions the proposed by the installation technician.

Today's challenge:

We propose that you analyze with your family and colleagues, if there is another point where the solar heater would receive as much light, maintaining the height of the structure to a minimum.

Check your textbooks to affirm, rectify or consult your possible doubts, as well as solve the exercises proposed in the subject of similarity and congruence of triangles.


Theme: What is the importance of knowing the concentration of the components of a mixture?

Expected learning: Identify the relationship between the variation of the concentration of a mixture (mass and volume percentage) and its properties.Identify the functionality of expressing the concentration of a mixture in percentage units (%) or in parts per million (PPM).

Emphasis: Identify the relationship between the concentration of a mixture and its properties, as well as the expression of the concentration in percentage (mass and volume) and parts per million.

What are we going to learn?

You will identify the relationship between the variation of the concentration of a mixture and its properties, as well as the functionality of expressing the concentration in mass, volume and parts per million.

Before starting read the appointment of a paracels phrase:

Answer the following questions:

-What do you need to know the concentration of a mixture?

-What are the percentages and parties per million in a concentration?

In the time of Coronavirus, the population has been forced to reinforce their cleaning habits to avoid the propagation of the pandemic.Washing your hands for more than 20 seconds or not entering home with shoes are some of the rules that have become strict lately, just like disinfecting surfaces.

Consult at the following league: https://www.puec.unam.mx/images/covid-19/recomendaciones_sanitarias/Clororo.jpg

Reflect the following questions:

-Do you have the labels of the products you buy?

-What disinfectants have you used during the pandemic?

-Do you know the components and concentration of these products?

You will investigate some solutions to disinfect surfaces in your home.Always supervised by an adult.

Write the following questions in the notebook to answer them later.

What do we do?

You will identify some properties of aqueous solutions.

Look at the following video que te guiará en el conocimiento de la concentración de las disoluciones. Recuerda que las disoluciones son mezclas homogéneas.

-Citose discussions

By reaffirming your knowledge you can identify what is the concentration of a solution.Look at the following:

It is known that the coronavirus in general are able to survive on inanimate surfaces up to 9 days, therefore, the health authority recommends a very simple technique of cleaning and disinfection consisting of three simple steps and you will know them experimenting.

To elaborate a disinfectant of sodium hypochlorite, observe the following recommendations:

If you observed carefully, you realized that the concentration changes according to its application.

To disinfection of surfaces you will prepare a 20% concentration disinfectant.

In the preparation of solutions, capacity flask is used, which only has a measurement line.

It is worth mentioning that the meniscal corresponds to the concave line that generates the surface of the liquid by being in contact with the walls of the measurement material.


With the help of a funnel pours 20 ml of sodium hypochlorite, and is completed with drinking water until it reaches 100 ml, slowly mix until homogenized and then you have prepared the 20%solution.

Step 3: Disinfect

Prest your skill and scientific knowledge about concentration, prepare mixtures that will serve as a disinfectant of surfaces, to a certain concentration of the active substance, in this case the disinfectant is the sodium hypochlorite.

Pour the disinfectant into an atomizer, put it on the name of the substance and concentration, guide it in a safe place, out of reach of young children.

In the scientific log it describes and illustrates the procedure you followed to elaborate the disinfectant of surfaces.

After observing how some substances can generate negative effects on the body, you must be very careful.

-Will pollutants?

-Can you trust only in view to know if the water is contaminated?

-Can you say which or which of these vessels no longer has coffee?

Check the answers:

To experiment you will need:

-6 small and transparent glasses

-1 g of dye

-60 milliliters of water

Start: you have a mixture of dye that for our experiment we will call solute.

Water is the solvent, now we will mix the solute and solvent to form a homogeneous mixture called dissolution.

In this first glass we have 10 milliliters of solution, the proportion in which the dye is found in the solution is a coloring gamo in 10 ml of solution.

That is, a tenth gram for every milliliter.

In the second glass a milliliter of the solution of vessel 1 in 9 of water is placed, now the proportion of the dye is one hundredth of gram per milliliter.

Vaso 6: The coloring proportion is one million or a millionth of gram per milliliter.That is, for every million parts of solution only one part is coloring, one part per million!

In this way you have very concentrated and less concentrated solutions.

You can say that concentration is the proportion of the solute in the solution.At first glance it seems that the solutions no longer have a dye, but, although all samples are not noticeable.

The same happens with the water of the bottles, it may be that the water contains a pollutant amount so small that you cannot see it, however, it could be contaminated.

It is not enough to look good to know if something is contaminated, however, what is the usefulness of knowing parts per million?

In the following table record your results.

Now you know that concentration refers to the amount of solute in a solution, it is of the utmost importance for the preparation and consumption of food, medicines, in air or water pollution, in the application of pesticides, nutrients forPlants or animals, in the development of beauty and hygiene or jewelry products.

Percentage and parts per million, are expressions of the concentration that indicate the amount of a substance dissolved in another.

Parts per million, it is used when very diluted solutions are had;where the expression of concentration in percentage becomes uncomfortable due to the large number of zeros after the point or the decimal comma, which indicates very small amounts of solute in the solution.

Today's challenge:

You already have the tools to correctly perform the solution of sodium hypochlorite for disinfectant purposes and with the recommended concentrations, just remember using protective equipment and be in the company of an adult.

In the free textbook, you can also consult the topic to clarify any questions.

If you want to know how to disinfect your mobile phone or other home surfaces using solutions in various concentrations, check the following Internet sites:



Topic: Influence of the historical context in poetry.

Expected learning: recognizes the historical and social context of poetry within a literary movement.

Emphasis: Recognize the historical context of poems.

What are we going to learn?

Everything that happens in society and at the time when the authors and authors live, influences their literary production.And that influence sometimes can be recognized when you approach their works, in this way, you can know what they felt and how they saw the world of their time.

Remember that everything you learn in this session is to reinforce your knowledge, so we suggest you keep a record of the doubts, concerns or difficulties that arise when solving the approaches.Many of these, you can solve them when consulting your textbook and review your notes, so it is so important to take note.

Make a drawing, remember that it is not necessary for you to be an expert in the elaboration of strokes, what matters is that you try.

The French philosopher Merleau Ponty explains in his book "The Eye and Spirit", how our visual perception along with the sensory experiences that lead us to touch or walk to identify how far or near the objects are, it allows us to understand whatThat surrounds you, that is, your perspective helps to represent objects in that way, as they appear in sight.

That is why this drawing you will elaborate in a different way.

Think of a person, it can be someone you know, imagine doing a habitual activity, something that that person likes to do.Imagine also, how is dressed, what elements do you need to do your activity.

You need to follow the instructions "to the letter".

First, place your notebook on your head, now, place the pencil on the leaf at the posterior end.

That curiosity does not win, it is not valid to lower the notebook and see what you are drawing.What is intended is to make that drawing with a different perspective, since in that way the link that, according to the philosopher Ponty, has our eye with what you know and surround you.

Place your notebook on the head, the pencil on the back of the leaf and start drawing that person you imagined.

Draw his head, ears, hair, eyebrows, nose, mouth, neck, clothing, arms, hands, fingers, legs with their clothing, feet with their footwear and now to end, theaccessories you use to know what activity you do.

When you finish, lower your notebook and see your drawing.

Do not think it is weird, remember that it is only a matter of perspective.

Look at one of the works of Mexican mural Diego Rivera:

Imagine that you could place your image, the one you just drawed, in a gallery along with works by famous painters, like this one from Diego Rivera.

Visitors to the gallery, when passing in front of your drawing, each one could give their very particular description of what it is, surely there would be many differences in their opinions, since, from their perspective, they want to find a sense according to whatThey know.

What sense do you find this picture of Diego Rivera entitled "Shipping Shipping"?

In 1915 after the analysis of the perspective and geometric observation, Diego Rivera ventured into the Cubist avant -garde movement, creating some of his most emblematic paintings of that period.Diego Rivera, followed this influence of the great teachers in France, where he lived at least ten years.But what was the European historical context that influenced artists of the time like him?So you see the influence of the social context in creation.

What do we do?

To deepen, observe the following video and pay attention on how social movements impact art generation.

-Generation of 27

What relationship can be between historical events and literary movements?

Remember that authors and authors are people, citizens, who live, grow and suffer from all social changes, like you.

For example, the First World War that unleashed from 1914 to 1918, and which was given that name to involve three continents in one way or another, its high number of participants, the improvement of the armament, its numerous front fronts by air,by land or sea;It was a tragic event that left behind many dead, devastation, injustices, frustration and the origin of a war culture.

All these political, cultural, economic, social processes in which the historical fact is inserted is part of the context that will give the perspective to the artists of the time.

Consequently, this emotional exhaustion is also reflected in artistic expressions, such as sculpture, painting and literature;New trends are born that sought to change from the root the manifestations of art as a reflection of that irrational world they were living.

Is there any way to recognize literary movements, depending on the time in which they arose?

One way to recognize the literary movements of the time when they emerged is, for example, the literary movement that fights for a renewal, is called avant -garde.There are many avant -garde styles: futurism, dadaism, creationism, ultraism, surrealism, as well as cubism, which manifests itself in literature, managing its geometric perspective through calligrams.That are nothing other than the graphic representation of words.

Look at the following example:

In this calligram, the author Apollinaire, who is the maximum exponent of literary Cubism, reflects that historical context of the war he lived.

In his poetic work calligrams, he refers to the obuses, which are a piece of artillery with a cannon.Apollinaire, tries to visually represent the obuses in the trenches, which were ditches excavated on the ground within which the soldiers protected themselves from the enemy fire and were partially covered to be able to shoot.

Another example is, by the Italian writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, which expresses in the following fragment:

And, for example, with this game of letters, what tries to say the author?

It is the way in which Tommaso Marinetti tries to make, from the use of language, the impact of the revolution, of the war, the repetition of the letter "R" seems an onomatopoeia of the sound of a machine gun, of the bombs, of the noisestrident of weapons.

Living a war, and difficult times, can be transmitted in creation and not only explaining it, but in other ways.

The artists, they are milky, painters, sculptors or writers, when they travel through the different artistic, literary movements, have a perspective of their environment since they lived different social and human facts, which make up their historical context.This, influences his inspiration, his ideas, in his feelings, when in the creative process Loplasman in his various works.

It's like with you, what happens in the world at the time that you have to live, affects you, and if you were an artist, you would reflect it in your creation.Return for a few centuries, to the baroque movement that develops during the seventeenth century.

The Baroque had begun in Europe, being a style loaded with ornaments in his poetry and educated words, making him scholarly and searching.

In the New World, and especially in New Spain, this movement had a deep and lasting influence.The Baroque tried a synthesis of opposite conditions and experiences.

Novohispana or colonial culture, from the historical point of view, is one of the pillars of Mexican culture;His peculiarity consists in the existence of a metropolis that dominated;The central power was in Spain and from there the destinations of the colony were directed;where religion played a decisive role.

Look at the following capsule that will provide you with more information to learn more about the context of New Spain in the seventeenth century.

-The political and economic life of New Spain in the seventeenth century

In the work of the Mexican poet of the Baroque Novohispano, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the atmosphere of the viceroyalty era in New Spain is reflected.

Sr. Juana Inés de la Cruz, was a woman who found in the religious votes a solution to her ideals and needs, as a nun had to follow all the norms, but she was an extremely intelligent and analytical woman, who had conflicts for not respecting 100% the canons of the time.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz needed space for the study and liked to write his ideas, arguments and feelings, but they were not always with a religious issue, a situation that brought him conflicts that prevented him from continuing to have some considerations and can be said that she was punishedremoving him, the place he had of work and his books that were the most estimated possessions by the writer.

Look how social and historical events in the life of an author, helps us understand what are the feelings and values that can be reflected in its artistic and literary creation.

Know a little more from the Mexican writer Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz:

In the seventeenth century, education was not thought of as you understand it today, nor in the right that girls and boys have to learn, therefore, Sor Juana can be considered as a precursor to that claim of the education of the education of the education ofThe woman, who even her who had demonstrated her abilities and full conscience, were judged, denied.

As you can realize, the historical or social context of an era, is important to understand the literature of a place in a certain time and circumstances.Through the information that the interpretation of a text can provide, such as the case of poems, it is possible to know about the vision of a group and culture.

On the other hand, the social context refers to all those circumstances that involve the historical events, the thoughts of the people and the geographical space, in such a way that all these aspects influenced the creation of the artists of each era.

Today's challenge:

It takes up the time of the twentieth century to this day, analyzes its history, research, chooses a particular historical event.

Write some main ideas, and then look for some verses of poets that reflect that historical context you have chosen.

Finally, prepare a montage in which you combine all the elements.

I suggest that you do it in your notebook to be the evidence of what has been learned in this session.


Theme: The game of self -knowledge.

Expected learning: values your aspirations, potentialities and personal abilities (for study, work and recreation) and strategies are proposed to develop them.

Emphasis: identify personal abilities and how they relate to study, work and recreation.

What are we going to learn?

The purpose of this activity is that you participate in actions that contribute to strengthening your dignity, as well as identifying and developing your abilities.

Remember that it is very important that you participate with commitment in suggested activities.

Prepare the following materials to perform the activity:

These materials will help you carry out activities in the 4 stages.

You will start with two extremely important concepts, which will help you identify the abilities you have and those that you can develop.

The concepts you will review are: self -knowledge and capacity.

Did you know what many people have a hard time defining themselves, knowing their abilities, knowledge and talents?

Therefore, it is occasionally necessary to explore your interior, to reflect on what you know how to do, what do you like to do, or, why are you good.

What do we do?

Look at a video about self -knowledge:

-Definition of self -knowledge.CT4-FIB

Self -knowledge allows you to recognize the talents you have, which helps to consider personal goals and direct your learning experiences to a future life plan.

According to what you observed or listened, answer in your notebook or on a sheet, the following questions.

The capacities are part of your identity because if, for example, you have developed the reading ability, you can develop and live with other people who share the same taste, through circles or reading workshops.

As for the question, do you know how to recognize your abilities, knowledge and talents? You can say that you have managed to recognize some of your abilities through the activities you like, such as reading, dancing, playing basketball, among others.

We will give you some strategies to recognize the capacities, knowledge and talents that define your identity.

Discovering your identity will allow you to identify your abilities towards study, work and recreation, and then channel them towards the choice of a trade or profession.

That is the definition of capacity in physics;But in this subject, when talking about capacity, meaning changes, because people cannot be treated as containers that can be filled.The human being should not accumulate knowledge without reflection and an analysis.

Throughout life, you acquire and perfect capabilities, and then return to skills and, finally, consolidate them as competencies.In this case, talking about competition is not related to the need to compare with others, but with the performance we have when performing a task, that is, being competent, being qualified.

That is, since you are born and receives education in the family and at school, and during the activities you do in your daily life, you learn and develop knowledge and skills.

You have observed that from all the knowledge and skills you have learned throughout your life, some are facilitated more than others.Well, these are called capabilities.

Capabilities can develop because they are related to intellect and the ability to learn.

Therefore, the challenge is to identify those that are facilitated and part of your abilities.

Read the following two examples, the first is from a character named Euriel:

Throughout my education from a very young age, I learned to read and write, but over the years I have been facilitated by reading, so one of my abilities is to quickly read and understand the ideas of a text.

The second example is that of Vero:

During my stay at school I learned mathematics and learned to write various texts.Of this knowledge and skills, what is most facilitated is to write texts, so one of my abilities is to write.

In simple terms, a capacity is everything that you are facilitated to learn and, once learned, with practice you can turn it into a skill.And perfect it, to make it a competition.

Make the following game:

In the "self -knowledge game", the only winner is you, because the goal to be achieved is to start the adventure of meeting yourself and identify your abilities.

For the first stage you will have to identify the greatest amount of capabilities you recognize in you.

This seems an easy task, however, at the time of writing, you will realize that identifying your abilities requires some effort.

In the following image you can observe some capabilities, so that you can select those that you consider that you practice more easily.

We suggest that at the end of verifiacs if you managed to write down five capabilities.In case it has not been so, look for a moment of introspection to finish the activity.

It is likely that you have thought of more specific abilities, for example, the ability to draw geometric figures;Organize your teammates or school events;rebuild objects, or paint landscapes.

What you have thought, or the options you have selected from the list are valid, because they are what each and one of you considers as your abilities.

The second stage is called "making the invisible visible", and consists in making visible the positive attributes you identified.But how?Making them visible, refers to finding an action in your past or present life in which you have used those capacities.

For example: una capacidad es el dibujo, y se pone en práctica al dibujar murales.

Identify five capabilities you will read and mention below.

Then answer: How do you put your abilities in daily life in practice?

From the abilities of the previous image, what skills would you select?

If you consider that some of your abilities were not mentioned, you can add all the necessary ones.

In the third stage, called "The parts that build my identity", you will have to take a white leaf or a sheet of your notebook and divide it into five columns.Analyze your identity taking into account five parts, which are cognitive, psychomotor, affective abilities, interaction with other people and the expression of ideas.

For example: una capacidad es el dibujo, y se pone en práctica al dibujar murales.

How you can observe in the image, in the first column place as title "Cognitive / Knowledge": Cognitive abilities are those that allow you to process information to solve problems of daily life.Sometimes it is about knowledge, such as knowing that two plus two are four;And sometimes, it is the knowledge of a process, as knowing that the paint is first mixed and then the brush is used.

In the second column place "psychomotor/skills".They are those that allow you to manipulate the objects of your environment through fine and thick movements, that is, those that you do with your hands and those that you exercise with the whole body, such as when you play football or "run" and when you draw.In the first case, you can know your distance with the people you play, and in the other, make more or less thick strokes.

In the third column, "affective/emotions".These are those that allow you to have control of the emotions and feelings that are generated by internal and external stimuli.Case one, like when someone makes us smile;Case two, when we have emotional conflicts, such as feelings of guilt.

In the fourth column, "interaction with others."This refers to the capacities that will allow you to effectively relate to the people around you, such as empathy, solidarity or the establishment of limits.

And, in the fifth column, "expression of your ideas", we talk about those capacities that allow you to expressly express thoughts, feelings and desires, with the intention that another person understands you.

This stage is the most important of the game, because it allows you to identify the different features of your identity and classify your abilities.

During this stage, you must classify your positive attributes, and if you like, add others that you identify.

Choose in each column the capacities that are facilitated and choose the capacities you consider, to complete the activity.

The examples of cognitive abilities are:

In the first column you have: understand, relate, plan, classify, systematically observe, inductive reasoning and logical reasoning.

Subsequently, in the second column some psychomotor abilities or skills, which are: spatial location/ orientation, creativity, body expression, space-time organization, coordination and manipulation.

In the third stage, called "The parts that build my identity", you will have to take a white leaf or a sheet of your notebook and divide it into five columns.Analyze your identity taking into account five parts, which are cognitive, psychomotor, affective abilities, interaction with other people and the expression of ideas.

And, in the fifth column, "expression of your ideas", we talk about those capacities that allow you to expressly express thoughts, feelings and desires, with the intention that another person understands you.

This stage is the most important of the game, because it allows you to identify the different features of your identity and classify your abilities.

It is important to mention that these capabilities are related, either to study, work or recreation.

For example, logical reasoning is used for study, to solve mathematics problems, to understand a theory or to analyze a family problem and find a way to solve it.

At work, the ability to collaborate is used, when forming part of a team that aims to achieve an objective, in favor of the company or institution where it is worked.The same as in coexistence with the family or with the people of the community, when faced with a collective problem.

In recreation, artistic expression capacity can be applied through music or performance, for example, in plays.

So, it means that you have capacities for each area, that is, for study, work and recreation.

Although, of course, your abilities are not exclusive for a single area, but that the same capacity can be used in different areas.

For example, organizational capacity can apply it both in the study and at work, because this capacity helps us take better advantage of time and be more productive.

The abilities you have and you can develop, can be applied at the different moments and stages of our life.

To end the game, we have stage 4, "the work of art of my life: it is me."We suggest that you make a mental map in which you draw the center and draw lines, at the end of which they represent everything you identified in the previous activity.

You can rely on your creativity and make your map using other materials you have available.

The map that arose from the game will allow you to clearly identify the capacities with high chances of becoming competencies, if you strengthen them throughout your life.

In addition, this map will serve as a guide for the choice of the profession you want to dedicate, so when you perceive as a sculpture that is perfected its abilities, you will generate a vision that in the future can be specified satisfactorily.Imagine your life as a work of art, you can create it, shape it.It's in your hands.

Today's challenge:

We suggest that you share this experience with your family, and if possible, with your teacher, teacher and classmates.The socialization of learning is part of the communication capacity of the human being.

Remember that, as time passes, your identity is transformed and reinvented to yourself, so, sometimes, it is important that you identify all those features that make them unique, in a constant change process.
