Live with the foreign wallet, the foundation of Peronist ethics

Live with the foreign wallet, the foundation of Peronist ethics

With total impudence, the "Platita Plan" sought the purchase of votes to turn the lost choice in the step. A pesar de las desastrosas políticas del gobierno, tanto en las áreas de salud como en la economía; y a pesar de la Carta que envió Cristina inmediatamente después de la derrota de septiembre, y a pesar de los nombramientos de nuevos ministros que cayeron muy mal a gran parte de la población, efectivamente el Gobierno logró mejorar en 1.099.038 votes last Sunday.Thus, he managed to reduce the margin of defeat in the province of Buenos Aires and turn the choice in the Chaco and Tierra del Fuego.

Perhaps, if we investigate this issue, we can find the root of the Argentine decline.

Until the arrival of Peronism in the 440s, the moral rule that sustained the economic and social system of the Argentine Constitution was the same that governed in the Anglo -Saxon world: "Everyone owns the fruit of their work".This is simply the right to private property.Based on the moral rules of great religions: "Do not steal", "Do not kill", "Do not covet the assets of others or the wife of your neighbor".

These ideas resulted in remarkable progress for humanity from which we have spoken in previous articles in which it was analyzed how the change of that moral rule was created.

The truth is that today we can clearly see the results of applying the new moral norms. A pesar de la crisis del ’30 y de los cambios provocados por las guerras mundiales, cuando Juan Domingo Perón llegó a la presidencia, en 1946, los salarios seguían estando entre los 10 más altos del mundo, el Banco Central estaba repleto de oro y la Argentina era acreedora de los países centrales.But it is in this presidency where we can find the root of the Argentine decline.Perón and avoided corrupted the country from their foundations recording a new moral rule that replaced the previous one: "The need creates rights".From this fallacy the idea of "social justice" arises as the basis to change the laws according to "the right of those in need";Avita summarized it with the phrase "where there is a need, a right is born".

Now, since the needs are endless and the resources are limited, the problem that is presented to us is: Who pays the account?If we reward those in need, the country becomes a group of people who cry their needs and the State appears as the benefactor covering these needs.The tango already said it "He who does not cry does not mam ... and he who does not Afana is a gil".But since the State does not have its own resources, it is forced to apply successive waves of new taxes that have been shearing the productive population.

Vivir con la billetera ajena, el fundamento de la ética peronista

The new moral rule also served to penetrate a perverse system where entire provinces went on to live on the foreign wallet through the Federal Copartition Law, and even new provinces were created to facilitate their control.In the attached maps we can clearly see how the provinces most dependent on the taxes of others are usually those in which Peronism triumphs more easily even when its management was very bad.The case of Jujuy may be an exception, but the truth is that there the radical government maintains similar policies to the Peronists.We must recognize that the new rule was not only and is applied by Peronism, but also by radicalism, and to tell the truth, it was not altered by "Change".

The problem was aggravated by Law Bignone dictated during the last military government, which increased to five the minimum number of deputies representing each province of poor population.Now there are twelve provinces with less than 750.000 inhabitants that are over-assisted.In this way, the Peronism was provided at the same time by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.If we add to this the sheet lists that are also a means to control from the domes to the deputies, and the lack of ballot-unique, which would avoid a part of the electoral fraud;And let's not forget to add to the conurbano maintained by social plans, we are already having a good panorama of how it manages to control a country with 110.000 pointers paid with state money.Even when the result of the policies implemented wreaked havoc, Peronism always managed to maintain control of the Senate.This was so, until last Sunday.

75 years later the system is totally finished, so failed that neither eaten can survive another decade. Poco más de 6 millones de personas que trabajan en el sector privado formal sostienen a 22 millones que reciben mensualmente cheques del Estado.The country is totally broken, poverty has risen to 40% and that is how we reached the elections with 50% inflation.A worrying number of successful entrepreneurs and talented young people simply leave.

In this context, the recent electoral result is shocking. Mirando los dos mapas, podemos ver que el peronismo perdió en todas las provincias que pagan sus cuentas.But this time the beating was so great that it also lost some of the dependent provinces and for the first time since 1983 it lost absolute control of the Senate.

It is very likely that an opposition coalition triumphs in 2023 and it is also likely to have a majority in both cameras.But the doubt is whether at that time the one who triumphs will have the conviction and courage to restore the rules of the Constitution of 1853. En ese sentido, da cierto optimismo el surgimiento de una tercera fuerza liderada por José Luis Espert, Javier Milei y Ricardo López Murphy, quienes en conjunto obtuvieron más de un millón de votos que son en su mayoría, votos jóvenes.This new force, in my view, is the one that has the correct diagnosis.Without any tapp.

The great challenge for the next two years is that this minority force is able to unite, and after decisively influencing the direction that will take the coalition that triumphs in 2023.

There is a cancer that we have to remove from Argentina, it is the belief that it is lawful to live on the wallet of others.


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