Pastor defends nuts in El Carmen

Pastor defends nuts in El Carmen

VALENCIA. A drill drills into the ground on High Street and makes the brains of everyone who walks by rumble. But Manuel Pastor, who has the door of his dried fruit store open because of the virus, does not flinch. From time to time there is also a truck that rattles over the cobblestones and it doesn't seem to bother him either. But he has just gotten a pair of glasses, for the first time, and he can't stand that, as soon as he crosses the bridge and enters the old town, his lenses fill with pollen and dust. That, on the other hand, makes him very angry.

The shop is small, at least in appearance -later he will say that it has a mezzanine and a basement-, and it is full of nuts: kikos, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, pipes, pipes pumpkin, chickpeas, pine nuts, dried figs... A woman enters and takes two kilos of pipes. "That, today, is very rare. So many pipes are not consumed anymore. But years ago, when I was a child, I remember that the sacks of pipes flew," warns Manuel, who runs a dried fruit store in Carmen with 47 years of history.

The business was founded by his parents on February 13, 1975. He, Manuel, was from Segorbe and she, Carmen, from Jérica. That man lived in the postwar period looking for shrapnel in the countryside and selling it by weight. It was a risky business, but well paid. "My parents, like almost all of those of that generation, learned to sign, to read something, basic sums and little else. My father was looking for remains from the Civil War: bombs, cartridges, bullets, machine guns... Metal was just a barbaric price. You would go to work one day in the fields and they would pay you, at best, three pesetas for spending the whole day bending your back. And you would find a machine gun nest and only with a machine gun belt, with half a kilo, You already had ten pesetas. But if I smoked Camel in my house when farmers made tobacco with dried potato skins. My father earned money because he was risking his life."

Pastor defends nuts in Carmen
