Seeing Piriápolis without sunglasses: the experience of Soledad Stasienuk and Father Paco

Seeing Piriápolis without sunglasses: the experience of Soledad Stasienuk and Father Paco

The first moments I saw him, sitting behind the table without the clerical collar, before hearing him speak, I don't know if because of his gestures or my mere prejudice, he had seemed somewhat distant, hard, or perhaps introverted. However, then I saw him laugh, tell me between laughs "that's not going" after making a joke and I also saw him cry. They call him father Paco and his secular name is Francisco Gordalina. “In 2008 I came to Piriápolis. Actually they sent me, ”he corrects between laughs. "I accepted the proposal", he clarifies and says that his way of living religion is through ...

Ver a Piriápolis sin lentes de sol: la experiencia de Soledad Stasienuk y del padre Paco
