The call of Cáritas Huesca to obtain affordable rental apartments takes effect

The call of Cáritas Huesca to obtain affordable rental apartments takes effect

Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca launched the campaign 'You can be the key' a few months ago, the purpose of which is to mobilize rental housing resources for people accompanied by the NGO who have difficulties accessing housing for not being able to meet the demanding requirements currently set by the real estate market.

This is the case of María, a divorced woman with dependent daughters who found herself with no way out when they announced that she had to leave the foster home where she was staying. She from Cáritas accompanied her in the search process, but no affordable apartment was found within her possibilities. It was then that this idea arose and from Cáritas Diocesana de Huesca they launched the proposal 'You can be the key' to society. The appeal has obtained the first response.

"When I read information about this initiative and testimonials from people who needed a home, I thought about the apartment that they just left me in Huesca, and although it is a bit old, an idea immediately came to my mind," he says the owner who has given the apartment to María. She spoke with her son and explained that she wanted to help someone. "At the moment it is an apartment that I do not want to sell, but I would like to give someone a chance and reach an agreement at a reasonable price," she says.

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After visiting the apartment with the current tenant and the entity, some adjustments were made and the agreement was formalized with a rental contract. "Cáritas is supporting absolutely everything and gives confidence, that nobody thinks about it," commented the owner and her son. “If I can help someone while I live, I will be very calm. The truth is that there are people who are having a hard time and many people to help," he adds.

Cáritas Huesca's call to obtain flats Affordable rental flats take effect

María and her daughters have found a house at a very affordable price, practically symbolic. The 60 square meter apartment, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and terraces "is allowing them to start a life project", they indicate from the NGO.

María, who has been living in this apartment for several months now, shows her gratitude and joy. "I am very happy because I did not expect to get a three-bedroom apartment at such an affordable price. When I got it, I almost did not believe it because I have been looking for a home for a year, I don't know how to say it, it has been like a miracle for me," she says. .

Cáritas wants to raise awareness about this reality, appeal to the co-responsibility of each person in defending the right to housing and denounce the absence of housing alternatives from the public administrations, which are the ones who must guarantee the human right to adequate housing. "Housing, which is a basic right, continues to be the main problem for many individuals and families who are deprived of this fundamental good due to lack of resources.

Cáritas Huesca thanks "from the heart" all the people who have been interested or are participating in 'You can be the key'. As they indicate, this initiative helps not only people who get a home, but also those who give it up. "It has helped me feel more calm and comforted," explains the first owner who launched herself to collaborate with this campaign.
