10 steps not to recover the lost weight

10 steps not to recover the lost weight

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Once you have been going to lose kilos, do not neglect and learn to maintain what you have lost with so much sacrifice.Become a loser or loser for life.

1.Learn to know carbohydrates

Now there is a wide variety of weight loss diets that are based on eliminating or minimizing the proportion of carbohydrates.Surely you know many people have thinned with protein -rich diets, or fat, but how many of them have not regained weight?

These diets are easy to follow for one or two months, but eliminating carbohydrates not only makes you miss the pasta, it also causes a nutritional imbalance because you cannot live eternally with tuna or chicken base so as not to win kilos.In the RNCP study, no "losers" were found that followed low hydrates diets, the people who lost more kilos followed a diet that corresponded to 49% carbohydrates, two9% fat and twotwo% protein.This proportion is very suitable for athletes, since hydrates are the best source of energy for exercise, although not all are adequate, so it is important to check the second point.

How to get it?

Anticipate battle.Plan the menuFrench fried potatoes and caps to replace food.

Divide and beat

The main meals must have two dishes and dessert, it is easier to get ¾ parts of your meals to correspond to carbohydrates and the rest to proteins.Forget about eating a simple salad or a chicken breast or a tuna can not gain weight.Curra a little more in the kitchen to make cooked vegetables or legumes or first salads, and grilled seconds.

two.Control what hydrates you eat

Although to keep the weight you need carbohydrates, not everyone suits you, you have to learn to feed yourself with the hydrates that help you keep the weight.Many sweets are only simple sugar or carbohydrates, but eating these foods you are very likely to gain weight.The carbohydrates that suit you are the "slow -release" carbohydrates that appear in fiber -rich foodThey digest slowly.

How to get it?

Print the "IG List".Points food according to their glycemic index and organized by colors as you see in the table by colors.Leave red food with high IG for occasional whims.The orange with a medium IG for a couple of times a week and the low Ig -green color to eat every day.At first you will have to have the list in front to organize the menus, but in a short time you will know perfectly what foods it should be taken to not gain weight.

Look for fiber in the ingredients.The greater the amount of fiber, the lower the glycemic index of a food, the fiber satisfies more because it takes longer to digest, either because it swells in the intestine (soluble fiber) or because it is not digested and eliminated in the feces (fiberinsoluble).

Always choose integral.Comprehensive foods such as cereals and derivatives have not gone through a refining process that causes them to lose the shell and envelopes rich in vegetable fibers and fats and have a minor IG.The typical example is rice, a food rich in carbohydrates whose varieties can have a very varied IG from a 50 value for integral rice to a 1two5 value for rice for sushi, more amylose, minor IG and minorIG also minor IG.Here you can see the IG table for each type of rice.

3.Eat everything

Restrictive diets are incompatible with normal life.It is clear that you can lose weight with a low carbohydrates diet, but you cannot survive with chicken and tuna all your life and without trying fruits or vegetables.Neither with the opposite diet can be survived based on grapefruit, chard and skim milk.The varied diet allows you to have control of your kilos and your appetite, it is a "life for life" that guarantees that you will never recover the lost kilos because you do not have to make special meals or take vitamin supplements or eat aloneNot to see what others eat.A diet that allows you to eat everything allows you to live without thinking about diet, you just have to follow guidelines to keep weight without weight.

How to get it?

Moder with the whims.Having had a weight problem does not make you ex -alcoholic, you can eat chocolate ice cream, hamburgers or cheese cake without being tempted again in temptation.The whims have a place in your life, you can afford them when you have time to burn them with aerobic exercise, you know "If you freckles, double training".

10 pasos para no recuperar el peso perdido

Fill the new food dish.Do not stay in lettuce, in the market there are more variety of low -calorie plant foods, especially now that you can find foods around the world.Try exotic fruits, mix new vegetables to make soups and first dishes, combine vegetables with protein to create new salads, etc..Use your imagination to cook and enjoy the table without gaining.Peck every 3 hours.To get a varied diet you should not eat everything in a single meal, it is better that you distribute the different food groups throughout the day, so you will not go hungry but you will also have the feeling of eating at all hours without gaining.

Do not cut yourself with healthy fats.Many people who have thinned they have fat phobia and make the mistake of eliminating them from the diet.Fat is an essential nutrient for life, although fat -rich food.

4.Get "Pesa-Adict"

Weight surveillance seems the key to not recovering the weight lost in the study participants.75% of the people studied were weighed at least once a week after having followed a diet to lose weight.The kilos do not appear overnight, but if you watch your enemies (the kilos), you are prepared to eliminate them as they appear again.

How to get it?

Invest in a "new generation" scale.The new scales not only speak, they are able to analyze your body fat percentage, the lean mass and have several memories to compare the results of the last time you weighed.There are several prices according to their functions but even the simplest will help you control your weight.

Take a newspaper with a graph of your kilos every week.Return to the millimeter leaves of the "school" (now it is easier with the computer) and points the weight every week to see your evolution.If the graph remains stable or down, continue with your normal diet, if you upload some grams you already know that you return to the diet plan and sweat more in the gymnasium.

Visit to the nutritionist regularly.Just as you should make an appointment with the dentist every 6 months, it doesn't hurt to visit the specialist who helped you lose weight to control you, weigh and measure and even ask for a blood and blood and urine analytics.You can also update you with the latest discoveries in dietary.

5.Start with a good breakfast

78% of people who did not recover weight had breakfast daily.There are several studies that show that people who take a full breakfast not only do not have weight problems, they also have a more balanced diet and pay more in their life, they are even more optimistic.Distributing meals throughout the day will make you not feel hungry and eat less at the main meals, it will also help you improve the performance in the gym, especially if you train at lunchtime, a small lunch for a couple of hoursBefore you will not arrive in the afternoon without energy and devores the fridge when you get home.

How to get it?

Breakfast at table.Whoever gets early, God helps him lose weight.A few minutes in bed allow you to enjoy a full breakfast with fruits, whole grains, eggs, etc..

Prepare breakfast the night before.If you get up so early that you can't afford breakfast you can try to make yogurt smoothies with fruits, nuts and oats to wear in the car and go breakfast.You can also make smoked salmon or serrano ham snacks for the road.

"Proteinize" breakfast.Proteins have a satiating effect and also some amino acids awaken the mind.Includes foods such as egg or dairy, salmon or chicken at breakfast, do not meet with milk cereals and a fruit.

Always carry something at hand.A piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, cereal bars, etc.., they occupy little space and can be at hand to eat among the main meals and thus not miss more than 3 hours of fasting between main meals.

6.Visualize yourself as a thin person for a lifetime

Your mind is your ally when keeping the weight, it is a powerful weapon that helps you advise the body you imagine.Without falling into "small saltamontes" philosophy, the image we have of ourselves does not always coincide with what the mirror reflects.Do not resign to think that you are an obese person by genetics, any human being can lose weight and mold his body to get a slender figure and in shape.To get it you have to love you a little more, stop thinking that you are a head attached to a belly or an ass, simply accept and think that a body in your weight is a healthy body and that once you have managed to lose weight you do not have becausePencitate again.Only 30% of obesities have genetic cause, the rest are the fault of poor diet and inactivity.

How to get it?

Give clothes of your previous size.Forget about having the closet busy with clothes that look big, it is better to have little clothes but that feels good and makes you feel good, that the closet full of unusable clothes.There are many people who need your clothes, if it is also like new to donate it is a pleasure.

Buy a tight garment.You can already wear an attractive body;Motivate yourself not to gain more fat with a garment that you would never have allowed yourself in your "fat" stage, bikinis, setbacks, competition swims, lycra t -shirts, etc..And don't forget to buy gym clothes, well fitted to look muscle.

Forget the black color as the only option.Black is always elegant and thinns, but leave it for special occasions.The colors influence your mood, fill your clothing closet of all colors to change your life and not see everything in black.

Take about your jeans.A cowboy has become an essential garment in our closet, even for special occasions, so we can spend hours until we find the cowboy that looks good.The cowboy is the best "chivato" of your diet, the excesses are noticed as soon as you put them.

7.Do exercise every day

In the study of the RNCP it was counted that the average calorie average per person a week was two.800 calories.It corresponds to burning about 400 calories a day, more or less what is achieved in an hour of aerobic exercise (run, swim, bike, gym classes) or 90 minutes walk.Athletes eat much more than those who are sedentary, it is as simple as if you move more calories and you can eat more, if you also have more muscle mass your metabolism is more active and get to work in your favor until when you do notYou move.

How to get it?

Move more.Do not limit physical exercise to your gym or training, throughout the day you can be a more active person: go up and down stairs, leave the car at home, walk the dog, stop watching television, make an abdominal table orof 5 -minute funds when you get up, play with the children in the park, etc..Even clean the house when "melting" calories.

Give the luxury of personal training.Look for a person with a degree and experience to train and motivate you: it will make you a personalized plan, you will correct the mistakes, it will be your friend, your father, your mother and your boss, but will not stop until you get the marked objectives.And if the budget does not arrive in www.Sportlife.This is the training plans and the free diets of Sportlife.They help you lose weight.

Change the exercises.The muscles that are used are more effective and consume less glucose so it is easy to stagnate and not lose weight during exercise.Try new activities, change intensity, work in circuits, increase training time, etc.., it is necessary to continue burning calories.

8.Get strong before special meals

Christmas, birthdays, celebrations are bad time to maintain weight, it's two weeks in which everyone wants to meet with others and enjoy eating.Do not fear special parties and meals, not all foods are high in calories and fats, there are always more options.Maintaining weight is easy if you propose it.

How to get it?

Become a strategist.You can enjoy your mother's special turkey without getting angry, just not adding the sauce.You are not going to offend your cousin if you eat your specialty of double chocolate cake sharing the dish with your sister who doesn't want to gain weight either.

Forget the glasses.An easy way to save calories is to limit alcohol to two copies of red wine.The glasses are a danger to your kilos and for your health, especially if you have to drive, save them without explanations.

Get in the menu.If you cook or if you take care of reserving the food in advance in the restaurant, you can choose the lighter dishes of Christmas such as salads, carpaccios, baked fish or sorbets and fruits of fruits.It serves many small and varied dishes with fruits skewers, exotic salads, vegetable raws and fills the table with fruslerías.

9.If you win kilos, it's your penance

Do not be afraid.Simply control them and don't let them go from there.If the kilos want to return to your waist, put on diet again and change your exercise plan to burn more calories.You already know what it is to win a battle, now that the enemy is weak and little numerous, attack and eliminate that pair of kilos before they become 5 more.

How to get it?

keep it real.Do not determine to weigh the same as when you were 15 years old because it is impossible, each person has an "ideal" weight to be healthy, although most we want to weigh less to feel thin.Do not try if you leave your health on it.

Analyze sin in "CSI" plan.Only you know what you have done wrong when you have gained kilos.Examine what you have done during the week, it may be a special dinner, a week without training for an injury or a hormonal problem that makes you retain liquids.If you know the cause it is easier to eliminate the won kilos.

Don't forget that the muscle weighs.If you follow a training plan that makes you gain muscle mass, it is common for you to also win a kilo in the form of muscle.You will know because you have lost volume even if you gain weight.Don't be scared, this extra muscle is helping you lose weight.

Has the age.The years also weigh and make it more difficult to lose weight, especially if you do not have muscle mass or have dedicated yourself to aerobic exercise exclusively.If you have more time to lose weight even though you train more than before, change training to gain muscle and burn more calories.

10.Recovery social life

You do not have to follow an isolated life and to shy away the moment of meals or snacks so as not.We can lose weight and keep it going to dinner with friends, taking snacks and allowing you whims in social meetings.It is enough to have control over the most caloric meals or fat -rich foods.

How to get it?

Follow the rule of "1 time a week".Enjoy a luxury like ice cream, your mother's cake or lasagna dish on the holidays, but remember that you have to follow "physical penance" to burn extra calories doing a little more exercise that day or the day after.

Don't stay just to eat.It is a very Latin defect, we always meet around the food, but there are many more things to enjoy in company: film, theater, shopping, walks, games, etc..In addition your sports life can be your social moment, either in the gym, in dance class, running through the park or touring mountains on your bicycle.You can even do family sports to prevent your children from giving weight and giving them a good healthy education.
