Alma, the daughter of the volcano: "Someday we will tell her that the day she was born was the most beautiful and the saddest at the same time"

Alma, the daughter of the volcano: "Someday we will tell her that the day she was born was the most beautiful and the saddest at the same time"

Volcán La Palma

La pequeña Alma nació en el Hospital General de La Palma justo cuando el volcán de Cumbre Vieja entraba en erupción. "Le dije a mi familia: no se preocupen que reviento yo antes que el volcán", cuenta la madre.Alma, la hija del volcán: Alma, la hija del volcán:


It is called a soul and has ash eyes.Her accounts said that Alma had to be born on September 26, but here in La Palma almost nothing happens when she has to happen, so Alma advanced a week to be born just at 5

Alma, la hija del volcán:

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