PNP captures young man who wore a magnet to steal clothes in shopping centers

PNP captures young man who wore a magnet to steal clothes in shopping centers

Agents of the Terna Group of the National Police arrested a criminal confess who was dedicated to stealing clothing in shopping center in the capital. Para cometer sus delitos, la mujer utilizaba un imán con el que quitaba los broches de seguridad de la ropa que hurtaba.

Las cámaras de seguridad ya habían captado previamente a Brenda Milagros Espinoza Rea (22), alias ‘La magnética del norte’, acudiendo a diferentes locales y logrando su cometido sin que nadie se diera cuenta.It is for this reason that the police believe that it stole garments on request.

However, little by little her behavior began to give her away."This young woman entered and tested clothes, but they noticed her suspicious attitude in which the same clothes were put on and observed that she used this (the magnet)," said PNP Colonel Jorge Castillo Vargas.

PNP captura a joven que usaba un imán para robar ropa en centros comerciales

Finally, the trend fell into a store located in the Plaza Norte de Independencia shopping center with a portfolio inside which was the magnet and the garment that had recently stolen.

Before the police and with the evident evidence, the young woman had no choice but to recognize her crime and even explained her way of operating. “Saco el seguro, lo saco de su gancho que está colgado y lo guardo en mi cartera”, reveló.

"It is an ancient modality that has been perfected over the years and according to technology, but the personnel of Grupo Terna will always be one step forward," said Colonel Castillo.

Espinoza Rea also accepted that in the past, when he was still a minor, he had already had problems with the police for committing similar facts.

The 22 -year -old was transferred to the police station and subsequently made available to the Prosecutor's Office.
