Babies need to burp several times a day and experts explain how to help them

Babies need to burp several times a day and experts explain how to help them

baby and mom
By:: Karla Martinez,
Posted Dec 13, 2019 – 01:34 PM EST | Updated 13 Dec 2019 – 01:34 PM EST
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From the first time you see your little one, concerns are on the surface, because you do not know all the care and you want him to have a good development, without complications. Of course, you do everything possible to ensure his well-being.

Being a new mother, the anguish and worry are doubled and with these emotions several doubts appear, among which are how to feed him correctly.

Feeding your little one is an exciting experience for any new parent, but it can also be intimidating, especially if you don't quite know what to expect.

In addition to the importance of him consuming breast milk or an age-appropriate formula, there is also another aspect to consider: burping him.

babies burp too

Although you see them as small and defenseless, babies also burp. According to KidsHealth, burping helps expel some of the air that babies swallow while feeding.

If a baby swallows a lot of air and doesn't burp afterward, it can cause spitting up (throwing up), upset, and discomfort.

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Every time you feed your baby, he swallows air along with the food and it accumulates in the stomach in the form of gases, which can cause colic.

By burping he will be able to release that extra air and feel more comfortable. Even after doing so, he is likely to demand more food.


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How often to make him burp?

KidsHealth experts indicate that if your baby drinks milk from both breasts at the time of breastfeeding, you should try to make him burp when she changes from one breast to another, and repeat at the end of the feeding.

The very movement of changing the baby from one breast to the other can cause him to burp. You can try the procedure as often as you feel necessary, as some little ones need to do it more often than others.

If you notice that your baby expels food from it, it is advisable to burp it more often. It is normal for little ones to regurgitate small amounts of milk, but if they vomit it is important that you consult a specialist.

For bottle-fed babies, the Cigna Health Portal recommends burping them every time they drink between 1 ounce (30 ml) and 2 ounces (60 ml) of milk.

When finished feeding, all babies should be burped to prevent future discomfort.

According to information from Cigna, most babies burp on their own after two months of age, but it doesn't hurt to help them do it.

How to make him burp?

Repeated gentle pats on the back will help your baby burp. You can also try different positions to find the one that best suits you and your little one.

You can support the baby against your chest. The chin should rest on your shoulder, while you support your little one with one hand and gently pat the back with the other.

You have to keep in mind that sometimes when the baby burps, the milk can come up and expel a little. A cloth or washcloth over your shoulder will keep you clean.

Another way to burp him is to sit your little one on your lap and support his head with one hand while he rests his chin on your palm. Use the other hand to gently pat the baby's back.

Do you know another effective way to burp them? Share it.

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