Benefits of wrapping your baby as tamalito: we explain the correct technique

Benefits of wrapping your baby as tamalito: we explain the correct technique

CAZAPOR :: Laura Alarcón, published 13 AUG 2021 - 04:29 PM EDT |Updated 13 AUG 2021 - 04:29 PM EDTREACTION ACCOMPARTE

Seeing your baby wrapped as tamalito can be one of the most beautiful moments of your day.Best of all, this has several benefits for the newborn, but you must learn to do it in the right way.

In the Intermountain Healthcare portal they explain that this practice, also called 'swaddling', can help your child to sleep better, in addition to presenting other advantages:

In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that the sleep -related child death rate decreased since it was recommended to place baby mouth to sleep.

How to wrap the newborn baby correctly?

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On the YouTube channel https: //">Ebrefisio, Cinta Mestre te enseñan paso a paso cómo acomodar a tu bebé en la manta para envolverlo como un tamalito.There are 11 simple steps:

  1. Extiende la manta sobre una superficie suave y plana
  2. Mueve una punta hacia adentro
  3. Acomoda al pequeño con los pies apuntando hacia ti
  4. Su cuello debe quedar en el límite de la manta
  5. Su hombro debe estar justo debajo del pliegue de la misma
  6. Coloca su brazo derecho junto a su cuerpo
  7. Jala el mismo lado de la manta hacia arriba y sobre el brazo y el cuerpo de tu bebé
  8. Luego métala debajo de él
  9. Repite el proceso ahora con el lado izquierdo
  10. Comprueba que pueda flexionar sus piernas sin dificultad
  11. Acomoda el resto de la tela detrás de su espalda, cuidando que no pierda esa libertad de movimiento

Some tips to wrap your baby

Beneficios de envolver a tu bebé como tamalito: te explicamos la técnica correcta

To make sure you wrap your baby in the right way, follow these tips:

Now that you know the benefits of wrapping your baby, do not hesitate to follow these tips, but always supervising that you stay upside down.Over time you will be able to improve the technique.Are you looking for content for your kids?All the chapters of the painting chicken are in Vix Cine and TV Free!Click on the image to see this pretty cartoon.

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