Four homemade tricks to get rid of skin blemishes

Four homemade tricks to get rid of skin blemishes

Barcelona. (Drafting).- The skin is one of the most delicate parts of the body and most of society is not aware of it. Day by day, the dermis tends to be exposed to all kinds of external factors that damage and weaken it. In the long term, this can lead to the development of serious diseases, but the main ravages of not taking care of it correctly are of an aesthetic nature, such as spots on the skin.

It is one of the concerns of women since they are difficult to remove and are unsightly. These appear for various reasons, including excessive exposure to the sun, pregnancy, aging or hormonal changes. As a result, from small freckles or moles to large spots are obtained.

Given this, more specialized treatments and specific skin whitening products are emerging every day, although their price is usually excessive. An alternative to this is to resort to natural products to get rid of them and these are the four most recommended home remedies to clear up and even erase them.

Cuatros trucos caseros para acabar con las manchas de la piel

1.- The benefits of Aloe Vera. This plant is famous for its healing properties and is widely used in cosmetics. Its leaves -up to 30cm- contain a gel inside that is used as an ingredient in multiple creams and lotions. To remedy stains, you must take a leaf, open it in half and extract the aforementioned gel. Applying it naturally and directly on the skin will reduce stains.

2.- The onion, beyond the kitchen. Nobody would say it, but this vegetable has great effects on the dermis. A slice should be cut and rubbed on the affected skin for five minutes. Experts point out that it is the best remedy to completely eliminate the spots caused by aging.

3.- Lemon juice. This fruit is an excellent melanin asset and helps regulate its production. In addition, the citric acid in lemon is capable of renewing cells degenerated over time. In addition to drinking it in the form of lemonade, it is also recommended to apply it as if it were a body oil.

4.- The action of milk. They say that Cleopatra bathed in donkey's milk to stay young. At least this product does help remove stains and it's all due to its high lactic acid content. It is a component that is very present in exfoliating products, so nothing better than using it naturally and directly on the skin. First, the affected skin area should be cleaned with a toner and then apply the milk and massage for a few minutes.
