How to eliminate the bad smell of your clothes without wearing chlorine: infallible tricks

How to eliminate the bad smell of your clothes without wearing chlorine: infallible tricks

One of the best sensations is the smell of a freshly washed garment. However, there are very pungent aromas, which the detergent may not remove. We share with you how to remove the bad smell from your clothes without using chlorine: infallible tricks.

Putting on something freshly washed is like a cuddle: the softness, the clean smell... delicious. The problem is when you notice that it smells like cigarettes, sweat or humidity, despite having followed the same wash cycle as your other clothes.

There are different factors that can cause a bad smell in clothes, for example, a dirty washing machine or one that does not dry properly, can give rise to mold, fungi and bacteria that cause a bad smell in our clothes.

How to remove bad smell from your clothes without using chlorine: infallible tricks

Therefore, it is important to maintain your washing machine, also, do not leave clothes inside for a long time. Although if you already notice a constant musty smell inside, it may have mold, here we tell you how to eliminate it.

Likewise, cigarettes are another of the odors that can permeate our clothes and be difficult to remove, especially if we don't wash them immediately. However, cleaning clothing in contact with cigarette smoke is essential.

Why is it important to remove the smell of cigarettes from clothes?

The smell of cigarettes that remains on our clothes, skin and other surfaces is not only that, but residues of nicotine and other chemicals left over from cigarette smoke and is known as third-hand smoke.

According to Mayo Clinic specialists, we are exposed to these chemicals by touching contaminated surfaces or breathing the gases they release.

In this sense, it is considered that, when reacting with other common contaminants, it generates a toxic mixture that can represent a risk for people who do not smoke, especially children.

Since this smoke adheres to clothing and other places, it is essential to remove it by washing clothes or other surfaces, to prevent it from accumulating. Therefore, airing your clothes after being in contact with cigarette smoke is not enough, always wash them to remove this residue.

This is especially important if you live with babies and children, as they could be at risk of tobacco-related health problems by inhaling, ingesting, and touching surfaces that have come into contact with this smoke.

If, no matter how much you wash, the smell of cigarettes or others like your perfume does not go away, CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE TO KNOW HOW TO ELIMINATE THE BAD SMELL FROM YOUR CLOTHES WITHOUT USING CHLORINE.

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