Is reflux dangerous in babies? Experts reveal causes, symptoms and treatment

Is reflux dangerous in babies? Experts reveal causes, symptoms and treatment

Babies and children
By:: Laura Alarcón,
Posted 27 Sep 2021 – 10:56 AM EDT | Updated Sep 27, 2021 – 10:55 AM EDT

When you are a new mother, several of the natural behaviors in a baby can alarm you. During the first months all the little ones regurgitate or spit up after being fed, but you need to learn to detect when this has become a problem.

One of the Mayo Clinic articles reveals what happens in your baby's body when he has reflux:

“Infant reflux, when a baby spits up, occurs when food moves back up from the baby's stomach. Reflux in healthy babies occurs several times a day.

When reflux becomes a problem

So should you worry? If your baby is developing properly, it is likely that he will stop regurgitating between 12 and 14 months. For its part, Healthy Children points out that when reflux is accompanied by other complications or continues beyond the expected time, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease

It is important that you see a specialist if your baby has any of the following symptoms published in Healthy Children.

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Why is your baby having this complication?

Is reflux dangerous in babies Experts reveal causes, symptoms and treatment

MedlinePlus explains that the lower esophageal sphincter is a kind of ring that relaxes when a baby is fed. This allows food to reach the stomach. This muscle is not fully developed in children with gastroesophageal reflux, therefore they return food.

Some recommendations for treating gastroesophageal reflux

Although the following recommendations were shared by Mayo Clinic specialists, it is necessary that you consult with your baby's pediatrician; remember that each case is unique.

  1. Feed your baby in an upright position
  2. Keep your baby in an upright position for 30 minutes after feeding
  3. Avoid sudden movements afterwards Baby to Eat
  4. Feed Smaller Amounts, More Frequently
  5. Help Your Baby Burp at Breaks During Feeding
  6. Remember that you should always sleep on your back

Has your baby had complications from reflux? What other ways to treat it do you know? Tell us about your experience in the comments, it could be useful to other moms.

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