Province will only test more than 60, with risk factors or pregnant women - Nexofin

Province will only test more than 60, with risk factors or pregnant women - Nexofin

News about the Coronavirus: Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak, announced that they will stop testing the entire population and only people with coronavirus symptoms will beose.

On the other hand, the rest of the population will be considered as a positive case confirmed by epidemiological clinical criteria.In the words of the minister, this method "has more sensitivity, the epidemiological clinical criterion is more accurate and reliable than tests, which usually give false negatives".

The minister assured that this testing strategy focused on these population groups is linked to “the possibility of using the treatments that proved efficacy in people of greater risk” timely.

Provincia solo testeará a mayores de 60, con factores de riesgo o embarazadas – Nexofin

Among the arguments for this change, Kreplak said that the massive trials were useful when there was "a much more predictable correlation between the number of cases and the number of internships".

However, for the minister, “there is no such clear connection due to the speed of this variant and because with the vaccinated population the disease is mild, shorter over time and, therefore, the correlation between cases and hospitalizationsis lost ".

“We have 140 and 158 cases killed in the first two weeks of January against 1.900 we had at the worst moment, ”argued the Buenos Aires official.
