Surprise in motherhood: 7 kilos and 61 centimeters was born

Surprise in motherhood: 7 kilos and 61 centimeters was born

Little Mesfany, daughter of Francilene do Espírito Santo Araújo and Paul.

The newborn became the favorite of the entire sanatorium team for a peculiar fact: it reached the world weighing 7.038 kilograms and measuring about 61 centimeters, characteristics that made them qualify as a "superbebé".

"He is a very, big and beautiful baby, she is everyone's beloved," said Olívia Mota, a neonatologist pediatrician who works in Santa Casa, in statements to the G1 portal.The Dr..

Sorpresa en la maternidad: nació beba de 7 kilos y 61 centímetros

The girl was born a porcerea on November 15.The mother recovered immediately and the girl of good health.The main concern of both parents is now the trousseau of Estefany.

We do not succeed with the sizes.Now we do not have the ideal clothes for our daughter, we have to make a new trousseau that fits her size, "said Paulo César.

The couple resides a farm in Mocoonzinho Igarapé, a rural region in the northeast of the Paraá Stat.Now they await the time to return home, so that the two little brothers of children of a previous marriage of man-and the grandparents receive the newborn.

Montevideo Portal
