With white candles and papers, they put memorial dead by Covid in Basilica de Guadalupe

With white candles and papers, they put memorial dead by Covid in Basilica de Guadalupe

With the legend "Give them, Lord, eternal rest and perpetual light shine for them", the multiple candles that simulate the souls of the deceased and a wall upholstered with more than A thousand white pieces of paper with the names of the deceased and patients with covid-19 who raise a memorial.

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From Monday to Friday, at noon, a priest comes to this area to bless the prayers accompanied by photographs, clothing, candles and flowers. The tour begins with a prayer, followed by holy water and finally prayers.

Faithful leave messages to those killed by covid-19 at the Basilica of Guadalupe memorial

In a tent set up at the feet of the Pope and behind the Expiatory Temple of Christ the King, Josefina buys a 15-peso candle so that later they will be given the piece of paper that will be filled with her deepest regrets. She says her husband passed away on April 5 from a complication of diabetes. Taking care that the flame does not go out, covering the wick with his right hand, he raises a prayer to the virgin. Silence invades her.

With candles and white papers, they place a memorial to those killed by covid in the Basilica of Guadalupe

In a corner of the memorial, there is a gerber body (baby clothes) that has the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe printed on it, it was her mother who left her a candle and the healing prayer in almost 10 verses.

Although the wall of pain, as it has been named by some devotees, houses other petitions, obituaries about the coronavirus began to accumulate two months ago. However, others claim to mourn internally.

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In the following days, the papers that are drying under the sun today will be placed on the main altar of the Basilica of Guadalupe to ask for her eternal rest, thus starting a devotional day once a year month.

Meanwhile, a few steps away, people continue lining up behind the Mariana door to enter mass. They hope they will not be part of that memorial, but they assure that their prayers are also for the more than 200,000 deaths who lost the battle during the pandemic in Mexico.

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